出典: Easily Solving Dynamic Programming Problems in Haskell by
Memoization of Hylomorphisms
集合 Xとその上の2つの演算⊕と⊗について、以下の条件を満たす(X,⊕,⊗)を半環(semiring) という.
- (X,⊕,0)が可換モノイド
- (X,⊗,1)がモノイド
- 分配法則
a⊗(b⊕c)=(a⊗b)⊕(a⊗c)=(b⊕c)⊗a- 零化
出典: (半環 - Wikipedia)[https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/半環]
class Semiring s where
(<+>) :: s -> s -> s
(<.>) :: s -> s -> s
zero :: s
one :: s
半環の例: Max-Plus代数・ ブール代数
⊕としてmax, ⊗として+を取ると、これはトロピカル半環やMax-Plus代数と呼ばれる半環となる。
同様に⊕としてminをとっても、半環となる。また、⊕としてor, ⊗としてandをとると、ブール代数と呼ばれる半環となる。
newtype MaxPlus = MaxPlus { unMaxPlus :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype MinPlus = MinPlus { unMinPlus :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Semiring MaxPlus where
t1@(MaxPlus v1) <+> t2@(MaxPlus v2) = MaxPlus (max v1 v2)
t1@(MaxPlus v1) <.> t2@(MaxPlus v2)
| t1 == zero = zero
| t2 == zero = zero
| otherwise = MaxPlus (v1 + v2)
zero = MaxPlus minBound
one = MaxPlus 0
instance Semiring MinPlus where
t1@(MinPlus v1) <+> t2@(MinPlus v2) = MinPlus (min v1 v2)
t1@(MinPlus v1) <.> t2@(MinPlus v2)
| t1 == zero = zero
| t2 == zero = zero
| otherwise = MinPlus (v1 + v2)
zero = MinPlus maxBound
one = MinPlus 0
instance Semiring Boolean where
t1@(Boolean v1) <+> t2@(Boolean v2) = Boolean (v1 || v2)
t1@(Boolean v1) <.> t2@(Boolean v2)
| t1 == zero = zero
| t2 == zero = zero
| otherwise = Boolean (v1 && v2)
zero = Boolean False
one = Boolean True
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad.ST
data DPProblem p sc = DPProblem {
start :: p,
getRange :: (p, p),
isTrivial :: p -> Maybe sc,
subproblems :: p -> [(sc, p)]
dpSolve :: forall i sc s. (Semiring sc, Ix i, Eq sc) => DPProblem i sc -> ST s sc
dpSolve dp = do
memo <- newArray (getRange dp) zero :: ST s (STArray s i sc)
go (start dp) memo where
go p memo
| Just val <- isTrivial dp p = return val
| otherwise = do
res <- readArray memo p
if res /= zero then return res
else do
ret <- foldM (\acc (s, sp) -> (<+>) acc <$> ((<.>) s <$> go sp memo)) zero (subproblems dp p)
writeArray memo p ret
return ret
dungeon :: (Array Int Int,Array Int Int, Int) -> DPProblem Int MinPlus
dungeon (as,bs, n) = DPProblem {
start = n,
getRange = (1,n),
isTrivial = \p -> case p of
1 -> Just $ MinPlus 0
2 -> Just $ MinPlus $ as ! 2
_ -> Nothing,
subproblems = \p -> [(MinPlus $ as ! p, p-1), (MinPlus $ bs ! p, p-2)]
solve arr = runST $ dpSolve $ dungeon (as,bs,n)
subsetSum :: (Array Int Int, Int, Int) -> DPProblem (Int,Int) Boolean
subsetSum (as, n, k) = DPProblem {
start = (n,k),
getRange = ((0,0), (n,k)),
isTrivial = \(i,j) ->
if i == 0 then
if j == 0 then Just (Boolean True)
else Just (Boolean False)
else if j == 0 then Just (Boolean True)
else if j < 0 then Just (Boolean False)
else Nothing,
subproblems = \(i,j) -> [(Boolean True, (i-1,j-as ! i)), (Boolean True, (i-1,j))]
knapsack:: (Array Int (Int,Int), Int, Int) -> DPProblem (Int,Int) MaxPlus
knapsack (wvs, n, w) = DPProblem {
start = (w,1),
getRange = ((0,1), (w,n)),
isTrivial = \(c,i) -> if i > n then MaxPlus 0 then Nothing,
subproblems = \(c,i) ->
let (wi, vi) = wvs ! i
in if c >= wi then [(MaxPlus vi, (c-wi, i+1)),(MaxPlus 0,(c,i+1))] else [(MaxPlus 0, (c, i+1))]
solve arr = runST $ dpSolve $ knapsack arr
lcs :: (Array Int Char, Array Int Char) -> DPProblem (Int,Int) MaxPlus
lcs (s1, s2) = DPProblem {
start = (1,1),
getRange = ((1,1), (n1,n2)),
isTrivial = \(i,j) -> if i > n1 || j > n2 then MaxPlus 0 then Nothing,
subproblems = \(i,j) ->
let c1 = s1 ! i
c2 = s2 ! j
in if c1 == c2 then [(MaxPlus 1, (i+1, j+1))] else [(MaxPlus 0, (i+1, j)), (MaxPlus 0, (i, j+1))]
} where
n1 = length s1
n2 = length s2
solve arr = runST $ dpSolve $ lcs arr
editDistance :: (Array Int Char, Array Int Char) -> DPProblem (Int,Int) MinPlus
editDistance (s1, s2) = DPProblem {
start = (1,1),
getRange = ((1,1), (n1+1,n2+1)),
isTrivial = \(i,j) -> if i > n1 && j > n2 then MinPlus 0 then Nothing,
subproblems = \(i,j) ->
let c1 = s1 ! i
c2 = s2 ! j
if i > n1 then [(MinPlus 1, (i, j+1))]
else if j > n2 then [(MinPlus 1, (i+1, j))]
else if c1 == c2 then [(MinPlus 0, (i+1, j+1))]
else [(MinPlus 1, (i+1, j)), (MinPlus 1, (i, j+1)), (MinPlus 1, (i+1, j+1))]
} where
n1 = length s1
n2 = length s2
solve arr = runST $ dpSolve $ editDistance arr
blockgame :: (Array Int (Int,Int), Int) -> DPProblem (Int,Int) MaxPlus
blockgame (pas, n) = DPProblem {
start = (1,n),
getRange = ((1,1), (n,n)),
isTrivial = \(l,r) -> if l == r then MaxPlus 0 then Nothing,
subproblems = \(l, r) ->
let (p1,a1) = pas ! l
(p2,a2) = pas ! r
v1 = if l <= p1 && p1 <= r then a1 else 0
v2 = if l <= p2 && p2 <= r then a2 else 0
in [(MaxPlus v1, (l+1, r)), (MaxPlus v2, (l, r-1))]
solve arr = runST $ dpSolve $ blockgame arr
最長部分回文(Longest Subpalindrome)
palindrome :: Array Int Char -> DPProblem (Int, Int) MaxPlus
palindrome s = DPProblem {
start = (1,n),
getRange = ((1,1), (n,n)),
isTrivial = \(l,r) -> if l > r then MaxPlus 0 then Nothing,
subproblems = \(i,j) ->
let c1 = s ! i
c2 = s ! j
if i == j then [(MaxPlus 1, (i+1, j-1))]
else if c1 == c2 then [(MaxPlus 2, (i+1, j-1)),(MaxPlus 0, (i+1, j)), (MaxPlus 0, (i, j-1))]
else [(MaxPlus 0, (i+1, j)), (MaxPlus 0, (i, j-1))]
} where
n = length s
-- asはクーポン券iを選んだ場合の整数表現vをarrayで表現したもの
allFree :: (Array Int Int, Int, Int) -> DPProblem (Int, Int) MinPlus
allFree (as, m,n) = DPProblem {
start = (1,0),
getRange = ((1,0), (m+1,bit n )),
isTrivial = \(i,s) -> if i > m && s == bit n - 1 then MinPlus 0 then Nothing,
subproblems = \(i,s) ->
if i > m then [] else
let a = as ! i in
if s .|. a /= s then [(MinPlus 1, (i+1, s .|. a)), (MinPlus 0, (i+1, s))] else [(MinPlus 0, (i+1, s))]
travelingSalesman :: (Array (Int, Int) Double, Int) -> DPProblem (Int, Int) MinPlus
travelingSalesman (dists, n) = DPProblem {
start = (bit n-1, 1),
getRange = ((bit 0, 1), (bit n-1, n)),
isTrivial = \(s, i) -> if s == bit 0 && i == 1 then MinPlus 0 then Nothing,
subproblems = \(s, i) ->
if i == 1 then
if s==bit n -1 then [(MinPlus $ dists!(j,1), (s, j)) | j <- [2..n]]
else []
let s' = s .&. complement (bit (i-1)) in
[(MinPlus $ dists!(i,j), (s', j)) | j <- [1..n], s' .&. bit (j-1) /= 0]
-- DoubleにはmaxBoundがないため、別途インスタンス化
instance Semiring MinPlus where
t1@(MinPlusDouble v1) <+> t2@(MinPlusDouble v2) = MinPlusDouble (min v1 v2)
t1@(MinPlusDouble v1) <.> t2@(MinPlusDouble v2)
| t1 == zero = zero
| t2 == zero = zero
| otherwise = MinPlusDouble (v1 + v2)
zero = MinPlusDouble 1e38
one = MinPlusDouble 0
supplement :: (Array Int Int, Int, Int) -> DPProblem Int (ModInt 1000000007)
supplement (as,n,m) = DPProblem {
start = n,
getRange = (-1, n),
isTrivial = \i-> case i of
-1 -> Just (-1)
0 -> Just 0
1 -> Just 1
_ -> Nothing,
subproblems = \i -> [(2, i - 1), (-1, i-as ! i-1)]