



グラフ構造の余代数がはっきりせず、余再帰やrecursion schemeは使えず。木構造ならシンプルに実装可能。

import Data.Array
import Data.Tree
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import qualified Data.Set as S

bfs :: Ord a => (a -> [a]) -> S.Set a -> [S.Set a]
bfs getNexts vs= evalState (explore vs) S.empty
    explore ts = do
      seen <- get
      let ts' = S.difference ts seen
      if S.null ts' then return [] else do
        put (S.union seen ts')
        (ts':) <$> (explore $ S.fromList $ concatMap getNexts $ S.elems ts')

dfs :: Ord a => (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> [Tree a]
dfs getNexts vs = evalState (explore vs) S.empty
    explore [] = return []
    explore (v:vs) = do
      seen <- get
      if v `S.member` seen then explore vs else do
        put (S.insert v seen)
        (:) <$> (Node v <$> explore (getNexts v)) <*> explore vs




import qualified Data.Heap as H
import Data.Heap (Entry (Entry))
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import Data.Array

dijkstra :: Array Int [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> IM.IntMap Int
dijkstra g n v0 = go (Just (Entry 0 v0, H.empty)) IM.empty (IM.fromList $ (v0, 0) : [(k, maxBound :: Int) | k <- [2 .. n]]) where
  go Nothing _ dist = dist
  go (Just (Entry currentCost i, q)) done dist
    | IM.member i done = go (H.uncons q) done dist
    | otherwise = go (H.uncons q') done' dist' 
        done' = IM.insert i currentCost done
        dist' = foldl (\acc (j, cost) -> IM.insertWith min j (currentCost + cost) acc) dist $ g ! i
        q' = foldl (\acc (j, cost) -> H.insert (Entry (currentCost + cost) j) acc) q $ g ! i

-- 経路復元が必要な時
dijkstra' :: Array Int [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> IM.IntMap (Int,Int)
dijkstra' g n v0 = go (Just (Entry 0 v0, H.empty)) IM.empty (IM.fromList $ (v0, (0,0)) : [(k, ((maxBound :: Int), -1)) | k <- [2 .. n]]) where
  go Nothing _ dist = dist
  go (Just (Entry currentCost i, q)) done dist
    | IM.member i done = go (H.uncons q) done dist
    | otherwise = go (H.uncons q') done' dist' 
        done' = IM.insert i currentCost done
        q' = foldl (\acc (j, cost) -> H.insert (Entry (currentCost + cost) j) acc) q $ g ! i
        dist' = foldl (\acc (j, cost) -> 
          if currentCost + cost < fst (acc IM.! j) then IM.insert j (currentCost + cost, i) acc else acc) dist $ g ! i

let dist  =  dijkstra graph n 1
let ans = unfoldr (\i -> if i == 0 then Nothing else Just ( i, snd (dist IM.! i))) n

動的計画法 (一次元DP)

Stateモナドもdynamorphismもsmall setなら問題ないが、large setだとTLEになりやすい。

B17 - Frog 1 with Restorationを例にする



pair (f, g) x = (f x, g x)
cross (f, g) (x, y) = (f x, g y)

newtype Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }
newtype Cofree f a = Cf { unCf :: (a, f (Cofree f a)) }
extract :: Cofree f t -> t
extract = fst . unCf
sub :: Functor f => Cofree f a -> f (Cofree f a)
sub = snd . unCf

newtype Free f a = Fr { unFr :: Either a (f (Free f a)) }
inject :: a -> Free f a
inject = Fr . Left
cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata phi = phi . fmap (cata phi) . out
ana :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> a -> Fix f
ana psi = In . fmap (ana psi) . psi
hylo :: Functor f => (f b -> b) -> (a -> f a) -> a -> b
hylo phi psi = cata phi . ana psi -- phi . fmap (hylo phi psi) . psi
para :: Functor f => (f (Fix f, t) -> t) -> Fix f -> t
para phi = phi . fmap (pair (id, para phi)) . out
histo :: Functor f => (f (Cofree f t) -> t) -> Fix f -> t
histo phi = extract . cata (Cf . pair (phi, id)) 
futu :: Functor f => (t -> f (Free f t)) -> t -> Fix f
futu psi = ana (uncurry either (psi, id) . unFr) . inject
chrono :: Functor f => (f (Cofree f b) -> b) -> (a -> f (Free f a)) -> a -> b
chrono phi psi = histo phi . futu psi
dyna :: Functor f => (f (Cofree f b) -> b) -> (a -> f a) -> a -> b
dyna f g = chrono f (fmap inject . g) -- histo f . ana g

data NatF r =
  | SuccF r
  deriving (Show, Functor)

type Nat = Fix NatF

intToNat :: Int -> Nat
intToNat = ana phi where
  phi 0 = ZeroF
  phi n = SuccF (n-1)

natToInt :: Nat -> Int
natToInt = cata phi where
  phi ZeroF = 0
  phi (SuccF x) = x + 1

compress :: Num a1 => NatF (Cofree NatF a2) -> a1
compress ZeroF = 0
compress (SuccF x) = 1 + compress y where
  y = sub x

solve :: Array Int Int -> Int -> (Int, [Int])
solve hs = dyna phi psi where
  psi 1 = ZeroF
  psi n = SuccF (n-1)

  phi ZeroF = (0, [1])
  phi (SuccF (Cf (_, ZeroF))) = (abs (hs ! 2 - hs ! 1), [2,1])
  phi cur@(SuccF x) = if d1 < d2 then (d1, i:path1) else (d2, i:path2) where
    i = compress cur + 1
    (f1, path1) = extract x 
    (f2, path2) = case sub x of
      ZeroF   -> (0, [1])
      SuccF y -> extract y 
    d1 = f1 + abs (hs ! i - hs ! (i-1))
    d2 = f2 + abs (hs ! i - hs ! (i-2))


solve ::  Array Int Int -> Int -> Array (Int, Int) Int
solve hs n = runST $ do
  memo <-  newArray ((1,0), (n,1)) 0 :: ST s (STUArray s (Int, Int) Int)
  writeArray memo (2,0) $ abs (hs ! 2 - hs ! 1)
  writeArray memo (2,1) 1
  forM_ [3..n] $ \i -> do
    f1 <- readArray memo ((i-1), 0)
    f2 <- readArray memo ((i-2), 0)
    let d1 = f1 + abs (hs ! i - hs ! (i-1))
    let d2 = f2 + abs (hs ! i - hs ! (i-2))
    if d1 < d2
      then do
        writeArray memo (i,0) (d1)
        writeArray memo (i,1) (i-1)
      else do
        writeArray memo (i,0) (d2)
        writeArray memo (i,1) (i-2)
  freeze memo

solve':: Array Int Int -> Int -> Array Int (Int,Int)
solve' hs n =  memo where
  memo = listArray (1,n)  $  (0,0) : (abs (hs ! 2 - hs ! 1) , 1) : [ if fst d1 < fst d2 then d1 else d2 | i <- [3..n], let d1 = (fst (memo ! (i-1)) + abs (hs ! i - hs ! (i-1)), i-1), let d2 = (fst (memo ! (i-2)) +  abs (hs ! i - hs ! (i-2)), i-2)]

動的計画法 (0-1 ナップサック問題)

1. Accumlation

knapsack :: Int ->  [(Int,Int)] -> (Int,Int) -> [(Int,Int)]
knapsack w dp (wi,vi) = merge (dropWhile ((w<) . fst) $ map (\(w',v') -> (w'+wi, v'+vi)) dp) dp 
  where merge xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) = case compare (fst x) (fst y) of
          LT -> if snd x < snd y then y : merge xxs ys  else merge xxs ys
          EQ -> if snd x > snd y then x : merge xs ys else y : merge xs ys
          GT -> if snd x > snd y then x : merge xs yys else merge xs yys
        merge [] ys = ys
        merge xs [] = xs

let ans = maximum $ map snd  $ foldl (knapsack w) [(0,0)] $ wvs

2.1. STモナド

knapsack :: Array Int (Int,Int) -> Int -> Int -> Array (Int,Int) Int
knapsack wvs n w =  runST $ do
  memo <- newArray ((0,0),(w,n)) (-1)  :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
  writeArray memo (0,0) 0
  forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
    forM_ [0..w] $ \j -> do
      if (j >= fst (wvs!i)) then do
        f1 <- readArray memo (j, (i-1))
        f2 <- readArray memo (( j - fst (wvs!i)), (i-1))
        if f2 == -1 then do
          writeArray memo (j, i) f1
        else do
          writeArray memo (j, i) $ max f1 (f2 + snd (wvs!i))
      else do
        f1 <- readArray memo (j, (i-1))
        writeArray memo (j, i) f1
  freeze memo
let table = knapsack wvs n w
let ans =  maximum $ map (\i -> table!(i,n)) [0..w]

2.2 STモナド(Weightの上限が巨大な場合)

Unboxed Arrayを使わないとMLEになる

knapsack :: Array Int (Int,Int) -> Int -> Int -> Int-> UArray (Int,Int) Int
knapsack wvs n w vmax=  runST $ do
  memo <- newArray ((0,0),(vmax,n)) (10^15)  :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
  writeArray memo (0,0) 0
  forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
    forM_ [0..vmax] $ \v -> do
       f1 <- readArray memo (v, (i-1))
       if (v >= snd (wvs!i)) then do
         f2 <- readArray memo (( v - snd (wvs!i)), (i-1))
         writeArray memo (v, i) $ min f1 (f2 + fst (wvs!i))
       else do
         writeArray memo (v, i) f1
  freeze memo



import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
data ListF a r =
  | ConsF a r
  deriving (Show, Functor)

knapsack'' wvs n w = dyna phi psi n where
  psi 0 = NilF 
  psi i = ConsF (wvs ! i) (i-1) 
  phi (ConsF (cw, cv) (Cf (_, NilF))) =  U.generate (w+1) (bool 0 cv . (cw==))
  phi (ConsF (cw, cv) x) =  U.zipWith max prev vec
      prev = extract x
      vec = U.replicate cw 0 U.++ (+cv) prev


1. STモナド

lcs :: Array Int Char -> Array Int Char -> Int -> Int -> Int
lcs xs ys n m = runST $ do
  memo <- newArray ((0,0),(n,m)) 0 :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
  forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
    forM_ [1..m] $ \j -> do
      if xs!i == ys!j then do
        f1 <- readArray memo (i-1, j-1)
        writeArray memo (i,j) $ f1+1
      else do
        f2 <- readArray memo (i-1, j)
        f3 <- readArray memo (i, j-1)
        writeArray memo (i,j) $ max f2 f3
  readArray memo (n,m)

2. Dynamorphism


lcsDyna :: Eq a => ([a], [a]) -> [a]
lcsDyna (cs, cs') =
  let n = length cs
   in dyna (g n) f (cs, cs')
  f ([],   [])   = F []     []     Nothing
  f ([],   b:bs) = F []     (b:bs) (Just (cs, bs))
  f (a:as, bs)   = F (a:as) bs     (Just (as, bs))
  g _ (F _      _      Nothing)  = []
  g _ (F []     _      _)        = []
  g _ (F _      []     _)        = []
  g n (F (a:as) (b:bs) (Just x)) =
    let x1 = extract x
        x2 = extract $ iterate pi x !! n
        x3 = extract $ iterate pi x !! (n + 1)
    in if a == b then a:x3 else (if length x1 > length x2 then x1 else x2)
  pi (Cf (_ , F _ _ (Just y))) = y

Fantastic Morphisms and Where to Find Them ⋆
A Guide to Recursion Schemesより引用

lcs' s1 s2 = dyna a g (s1, s2) where
  g ([ ], [ ]) = NilF
  g (x , y) = if null y then ConsF (x , y) (tail x , s2) else ConsF (x , y) (x , tail y)

  a NilF = 0
  a (ConsF (x , y) table)
    | null x || null y = 0
    | head x == head y = index table (offset 1 1) + 1
    | otherwise = max (index table (offset 1 0))
    (index table (offset 0 1))
  index t 0 = extract t
  index (Cf (_,ConsF _ t')) n = index t' (n-1)

  offset n m = n * (length s2 + 1) + m - 1

動的計画法(Edit Distance)

editDistance :: Array Int Char -> Array Int Char -> Int -> Int -> Int
editDistance xs ys n m = runST $ do
  memo <- newArray ((0,0),(n,m)) 0 :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
  forM_ [0..n] $ \i -> do
    writeArray memo (i,0) i
  forM_ [0..m] $ \j -> do
    writeArray memo (0,j) j
  forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
    forM_ [1..m] $ \j -> do
      if xs!i == ys!j then do
        f1 <- readArray memo (i-1, j-1)
        writeArray memo (i,j) $ f1
      else do
        f2 <- readArray memo (i-1, j)
        f3 <- readArray memo (i, j-1)
        f4 <- readArray memo (i-1, j-1)
        writeArray memo (i,j) $ 1 + minimum [f2,f3,f4]
  readArray memo (n,m)



knapsack :: (Array Int (Int,Int), Int, Int)  -> Int
knapsack (wvs, n, w) = runST $ do 
  memo <- newArray ((0,1), (w,n)) (-1) :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
  go (w,1) memo where
    go p memo
      | isTrivial p = return 0
      | otherwise = do
        res <- readArray memo p
        if res /= -1 then return res
        else do
          ret <- maximum <$> mapM (\(s, sp) -> (+s) <$> go sp memo) (subproblems p)
          writeArray memo p ret
          return ret

    isTrivial (w,i) = i > n
    subproblems (w,i) 
      | w >= w1 = [(v1, (w-w1, i+1)), (0, (w, i+1))]
      | otherwise = [(0, (w, i+1))]
      where (w1,v1) = wvs!i

lcs:: (Array Int Char,Array Int Char, Int, Int)  -> Int
lcs (xs, ys, n, m) = runST $ do 

  memo <- newArray ((0,0), (n,m)) (-1) :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
  writeArray memo (0,0) 0

  go (1,1) memo where
    go p memo
      | isTrivial p = return 0
      | otherwise = do
        res <- readArray memo p
        if res /= -1 then return res
        else do
          ret <- maximum <$> mapM (\(s, sp) -> (+s) <$> go sp memo) (subproblems p)
          writeArray memo p ret
          return ret

    isTrivial (i,j) = i > n || j > m
    subproblems (i,j) 
      | x == y = [(1, (i+1, j+1))]
      | otherwise = [(0, (i+1, j)), (0, (i, j+1))]
      where x = xs!i
            y = ys!j

blockgame :: (Array Int (Int,Int), Int)  -> Int
blockgame (pas, n) = runST $ do 
  memo <- newArray ((1,1), (n,n)) (-1) :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
  go (1,n) memo where
    go p memo
      | isTrivial p = return 0
      | otherwise = do
        res <- readArray memo p
        if res /= -1 then return res
        else do
          ret <- maximum <$> mapM (\(s, sp) -> (+s) <$> go sp memo) (subproblems p)
          writeArray memo p ret
          return ret

    isTrivial (l,r) = l == r
    subproblems (l, r) = [(v1, (l+1, r)), (v2, (l, r-1))]
        (p1,a1) = pas!l
        (p2,a2) = pas!r
        v1 = if l <= p1 && p1 <= r then a1 else 0
        v2 = if l <= p2 && p2 <= r then a2 else 0

editDistance :: (Array Int Char,Array Int Char, Int, Int)  -> Int
editDistance (xs, ys, n, m) = runST $ do 
  memo <- newArray ((1,1), (n+1,m+1)) (-1) :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
  go (1,1) memo where
    go p memo
      | isTrivial p = return 0
      | otherwise = do
        res <- readArray memo p
        if res /= -1 then return res
        else do
          ret <- minimum <$> mapM (\(s, sp) -> (+s) <$> go sp memo) (subproblems p)
          writeArray memo p ret
          return ret

    isTrivial (i,j) = i >n && j>m
    subproblems (i,j) 
      | i > n = [(1, (i, j+1))]
      | j > m = [(1, (i+1, j))]
      | x == y = [(0, (i+1, j+1))]
      | otherwise = [(1, (i+1, j+1)), (1, (i+1, j)), (1, (i, j+1))]
      where x = xs!i 
            y = ys!j 

dungeon1 :: (Array Int Int,Array Int Int, Int) -> Int
dungeon1 (as, bs, n) = runST $ do 
  memo <- newArray (1,n) (-1) :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
  go n memo where
    go p memo
      | isTrivial p = return 0
      | otherwise = do
        res <- readArray memo p
        if res /= -1 then return res
        else do
          ret <- minimum <$> mapM (\(s, sp) -> (+s) <$> go sp memo) (subproblems p)
          writeArray memo p ret
          return ret
    isTrivial p = p <= 1
    subproblems p 
      | p == 2 = [(as ! 2, 1)]
      | otherwise = [(as ! p, p-1), (bs ! p, p-2)]

dungeon2 :: (Array Int Int, Int) -> Int
dungeon2 (hs, n) = runST $ do 
  memo <- newArray (1,n) (-1) :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
  go n memo where
    go p memo
      | isTrivial p = return 0
      | otherwise = do
        res <- readArray memo p
        if res /= -1 then return res
        else do
          ret <- minimum <$> mapM (\(s, sp) -> (+s) <$> go sp memo) (subproblems p)
          writeArray memo p ret
          return ret
    isTrivial p = p <= 1 
    subproblems p 
      | p == 2 = [(abs (hs ! 2 - hs ! 1), 1)]
      | otherwise = [(abs (hs ! p - hs ! (p-1)), p-1), (abs (hs ! p - hs ! (p-2)), p-2)]

Binary Search


search :: (a -> a -> Maybe a) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> (a,a)
search mid p = go
    go l r = case mid l r of
      Nothing -> (l,r)
      Just m
        | p m       -> go l m
        | otherwise -> go m r

binary :: Integral a => a -> a -> Maybe a
binary l r
  | r - l > 1 = Just ( (l + r) `div` 2)
  | otherwise = Nothing

continuous :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> Maybe a
continuous eps l r
  | r - l > eps = Just ( l + (r-l) / 2)
  | otherwise = Nothing



 search binary (\x -> k <= (foldl (\sum cur -> x `div` cur+ sum) 0 as)) 1 (10^9+1)


search (continuous 0.001) (\x -> x**3+x > n ) 0 50


search :: (a -> a -> Maybe a) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> Maybe a
search mid p ok ng = 
  if (not . p) ok then Nothing
  else if p ng then Just ng
    go ok ng
      go ok ng = case mid ok ng of
        Nothing -> Just ok
        Just m
          | p m       -> go m ng
          | otherwise -> go ok m

binary :: Integral a => a -> a -> Maybe a
binary l r
  | abs (r - l) > 1 = Just ( (l + r) `div` 2)
  | otherwise = Nothing

continuous :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> Maybe a
continuous eps l r
  | abs(r - l) > eps = Just ( l + (r-l) / 2)
  | otherwise = Nothing


import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed  as VU
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as VAI

let sorted = VU.modify VAI.sort $ VU.fromList as


import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed  as VU

compressing :: [Int] -> [Int]
compressing xs = map fromJust $ map (\a -> search binary (\i -> sorted VU.! i <= a) 0 (VU.length sorted - 1)) xs
    sorted = VU.fromList $ IS.toAscList $ IS.fromList xs


(+, -, 0), (*, div, 1), (max, 左から除去, minBound), (S.insert, S.delete, S.emptry)などの構造を意識すれば、分かりやすい。

shakutori p op invOp identity as = go as as 0 identity
    go lls@(l:ls) [] len res = len : (go ls [] (len-1) (invOp res l))
    go lls@(l:ls) rrs@(r:rs) len res
      | p l r res = go lls rs (len + 1) (op res r)
      | len == 0 = 0:(go ls rs 0 identity)
      | otherwise =  len : (go ls rrs (len-1) (invOp res l))
    go _ _ _ _ = []


let ans = shakutori (\l r res -> res *r <= k) (*) div 1 as
print $ maximum ans

let ans = shakutori (\l r res -> res + r <= k) (+) (-) 0 as
print $ sum ans

let ans = shakutori (\l r res -> res < r) max (\res l -> if res == l then minBound else res) minBound as
print $ sum ans

let ans = shakutori (\l r res -> r- l <=k ) (+) (-) 0 as
print $ sum $ map (\x-> x-1) ans

let ans = shakutori (\l r res ->not (S.member r res)) (flip S.insert) (flip S.delete) S.empty as
print $ maximum ans

let ans = shakutori (\l r (a,b) -> a+r == b.|.r) (\(a,b) l -> (a+l, b.|.l)) (\(a,b) l -> (a-l ,b.&.complement l)) (0,0) as
print $ sum $ ans


(11, 7)を例に。%は剰余演算。

\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & -1_{(=11\%7)} \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 11\\ 7 \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 7\\ 4\\ \end{pmatrix} \\[3mm] \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & -1_{(=7\%4)} \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 7\\ 4 \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 4\\ 3\\ \end{pmatrix} \\[3mm] \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1_{(=7\%4)} \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1_{(=11\%7)} \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 11\\ 7 \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 4\\ 3\\ \end{pmatrix}


\begin{pmatrix} s_{0} & t_{0} \\ s_{1} & t_{1} \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} a \\ b \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} r_{0}\\ r_{1} \\ \end{pmatrix} \\[3mm] \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & -(r_{0}\%r_{1}) \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} s_{0} & t_{0} \\ s_{1} & t_{1} \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} a \\ b \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} r_{1}\\ r_{2} \\ \end{pmatrix}


s_{2} = s_{0} - (r_{0}/r_{1}) s{1} \\[2mm] t_{2} = t_{0} - (r_{0}/r_{1}) t{1}
exgcd :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a, a)
exgcd a b = f $ go a b 1 0 0 1
    go r0 r1 s0 s1 t0 t1
      | r1 == 0   = (r0, s0, t0)
      | otherwise = go r1 r2 s1 s2 t1 t2
        (q, r2) = r0 `divMod` r1
        s2 = s0 - q*s1
        t2 = t0 - q*t1
    f (g,u,v)
      | g < 0 = (-g, -u, -v)
      | otherwise = (g,u,v)


(\mathbb{Z} / p\mathbb{Z})^{\times}の実装


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds,ScopedTypeVariables,KindSignatures #-}
import GHC.TypeNats ( KnownNat, Nat, natVal )
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import Data.Ratio ( denominator, numerator )

newtype IntMod (m :: Nat) = IntMod Integer deriving (Eq,Show)

instance KnownNat m => Num (IntMod m) where
  IntMod x + IntMod y = fromInteger $ x + y
  IntMod x - IntMod y = fromInteger $ x - y
  IntMod x * IntMod y = fromInteger $ x * y
  negate (IntMod x) =  fromInteger $ negate x
  abs a = a
  signum _ = 1
  fromInteger x =  IntMod $ x `mod` (fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m))

instance KnownNat m => Fractional (IntMod m) where
  recip a@(IntMod x) = fromInteger r where
    (_, r, _) = exgcd x (fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m))
  fromRational x = fromInteger $ numerator x `div` denominator x

instance KnownNat m => Bounded (IntMod m) where
  minBound = IntMod 0
  maxBound = IntMod $ fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m) - 1

instance KnownNat m => Enum (IntMod m) where
  toEnum = fromInteger . toInteger
  fromEnum (IntMod x) = fromInteger x

instance KnownNat m => Ord (IntMod m) where
  IntMod x <= IntMod y = x <= y

power a n = go a n 1
    go _ 0 res = res
    go a n res
      | even n = go (a*a) (n `div` 2) res
      | otherwise = go a (n-1) (res*a)

exgcd :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a, a)
exgcd a b = f $ go a b 1 0 0 1
    go r0 r1 s0 s1 t0 t1
      | r1 == 0   = (r0, s0, t0)
      | otherwise = go r1 r2 s1 s2 t1 t2
        (q, r2) = r0 `divMod` r1
        s2 = s0 - q*s1
        t2 = t0 - q*t1
    f (g,u,v)
      | g < 0 = (-g, -u, -v)
      | otherwise = (g,u,v)

String Hash

z:: (KnownNat p) => IntMod p
z = 26  

toHash :: (KnownNat p) => BS.ByteString -> IntMod p
toHash str = BS.foldl' (\acc c -> acc * z + fromIntegral (fromEnum c - fromEnum 'a')) 0 str

scanHash :: (KnownNat p) => BS.ByteString -> V.Vector (IntMod p)
scanHash str = V.fromList $  scanl (\acc c -> acc * z + fromIntegral (fromEnum c - fromEnum 'a')) 0 $ BS.unpack str

rangeHash :: (KnownNat p) => Int -> Int -> V.Vector (IntMod p) -> IntMod p
rangeHash l r h  = (h V.! r) - (h V.! (l-1)) * (z `power` (r-l+1))



{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds,ScopedTypeVariables,KindSignatures, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

import GHC.TypeNats ( KnownNat, Nat, natVal )
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import Data.Ratio ( denominator, numerator )
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Deriving ( derivingUnbox )

newtype IntMod (m :: Nat) = IntMod { unIntMod :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance KnownNat m => Num (IntMod m) where
  IntMod x + IntMod y = IntMod $ (x+y) `mod` fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m))
  IntMod x - IntMod y = IntMod $ (x-y) `mod` fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m))
  IntMod x * IntMod y = IntMod $ (x*y) `mod` fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m))
  fromInteger x = IntMod $ fromInteger $ x `mod` fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m))
  abs = id
  signum = const 1

instance KnownNat m => Fractional (IntMod m) where
  fromRational x = fromInteger (numerator x) / fromInteger (denominator x)
  recip a@(IntMod x) = IntMod $ fromIntegral r
    (_, r, _) = exgcd x (fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m))

instance KnownNat m => Bounded (IntMod m) where
  minBound = IntMod 0
  maxBound = IntMod $ fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m) - 1

instance KnownNat m => Enum (IntMod m) where
  toEnum = fromIntegral
  fromEnum (IntMod x) = x

instance KnownNat m => Ord (IntMod m) where
  IntMod x <= IntMod y = x <= y

power a n = go a n 1
    go _ 0 res = res
    go a n res
      | even n = go (a*a) (n `div` 2) res
      | otherwise = go a (n-1) (res*a)

exgcd :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a, a)
exgcd a b = f $ go a b 1 0 0 1
    go r0 r1 s0 s1 t0 t1
      | r1 == 0   = (r0, s0, t0)
      | otherwise = go r1 r2 s1 s2 t1 t2
        (q, r2) = r0 `divMod` r1
        s2 = s0 - q*s1
        t2 = t0 - q*t1
    f (g,u,v)
      | g < 0 = (-g, -u, -v)
      | otherwise = (g,u,v)

derivingUnbox "IntMod"
  [t| forall m. (KnownNat m) => IntMod m -> Int|]
  [| \(IntMod x) -> x |]
  [| IntMod |]




The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes


ある素数pを発見した時にそれ以降の全てのpの倍数(無限にある)にバツをつけることはせず、素数pで次にバツをつける数p^2と素数pをセットで、優先度付きキュー(p^2, p)として追加する。そのようにして、これまでに見つかった素数とそれによって消せる最小の倍数の辞書ができる。


  1. 辞書の最小値以下 → その数が素数であることが確定するため、(q^2, q)として辞書に追加する。
  2. 辞書の最小値と等しい → その数は合成数であり、ヒットした辞書の値を素数分インクリメント (q^2+q, q) 。つまり、その素数で次に消す数を更新している。
  3. 辞書の最小値以上 →2の作業が終わっていないので、引き続き、(l*l+l+l+l, l)のように更新していく

では、なぜ下記の実装で(x^2, x)ではなく、(x^2, 2x)となっているかというと、x^2=奇数, 2x=偶数なので、x^2+k*xでインクリメントされる数の中で、すでに偶数は除去されているから。([5,7,9,11,13,...])

もし、自分で手で追う場合は、(q^2, q)を辞書に追加して、[2,3,4...]から始めてみるのが分かりやすい。

import qualified Data.Heap as H

-- @gotoki_no_joe
primes :: [Int]
primes = 2 : 3 : sieve q0 [5,7..]
    q0 = H.insert (H.Entry 9 6) H.empty
    sieve queue xxs@(x:xs) =
      case compare np x of
        LT ->     sieve queue1 xxs
        EQ ->     sieve queue1  xs
        GT -> x : sieve queue2  xs
        H.Entry np p2 = H.minimum queue
        queue1 = H.insert (H.Entry (np+p2) p2) $ H.deleteMin queue
        queue2 = H.insert (H.Entry (x * x) (x * 2)) queue

isPrime :: Int -> Bool
isPrime n = all ((/=0) . (mod n))  $ takeWhile ((<= n) . (^2)) primes



primes = 2 : 3 : minus [5,7..] (unionAll [[p*p, p*p+2*p..] | p <- tail primes]) 

minus (x:xs) (y:ys) = case (compare x y) of 
           LT -> x : minus  xs  (y:ys)
           EQ ->     minus  xs     ys 
           GT ->     minus (x:xs)  ys
minus  xs     _     = xs

union (x:xs) (y:ys) = case (compare x y) of 
           LT -> x : union  xs  (y:ys)
           EQ -> x : union  xs     ys 
           GT -> y : union (x:xs)  ys
union  xs     []    = xs
union  []     ys    = ys

unionAll :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a]
unionAll ((x:xs):t) = x : union xs (unionAll $ pairs t)  where
          pairs ((x:xs):ys:t) = (x : union xs ys) : pairs t


import Data.List.Ordered (minus, unionAll)

primes = 2 : 3 : minus [5,7..] (unionAll [[p*p, p*p+2*p..] | p <- tail primes]) 



import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad.ST

type UnionFind s = STUArray s Int Int

newUnionFind :: Int -> ST s (UnionFind s) 
newUnionFind n = newArray (1,n) (-1)

root :: Int -> UnionFind s -> ST s Int
root x uf = do 
  p <- readArray uf x
  if p < 0 then return x 
  else do
    p' <- root p uf
    writeArray uf x p'
    return p'

isSame :: Int -> Int -> UnionFind s -> ST s Bool
isSame x y uf = (==) <$> root x uf <*> root y uf

unite :: Int -> Int -> UnionFind s -> ST s (UnionFind s)
unite x y uf = do
  rx <- root x uf
  ry <- root y uf
  if rx == ry then return uf else do
    px <- readArray uf rx
    py <- readArray uf ry
    if px <= py then do 
      writeArray uf rx (px + py)
      writeArray uf ry rx
      return uf
    else do
      writeArray uf ry (px + py)
      writeArray uf rx ry
      return uf


kruskal :: Int -> [((Int,Int),Int)] -> [((Int,Int),Int)]
kruskal n edges = runST $ do
  uf <- newUnionFind n
  foldM (\res e@((a,b),c) -> do
    is_same <- isSame a b uf
    if is_same then return res 
    else do
      unite a b uf
      return $ e:res
    ) [] $ sortOn snd edges




  1. List の場合 -> 1 + A × X -> Nill / Cons
  2. Tree の場合 -> A + X x X



data Graph a b = Empty | Context a b & Graph a b

Context a b というのは、ある頂点に着目して、入ってくる辺、出ていく辺をひとまとめにしたものだ。

type Context a b= ([(辺のpayload b, 入ってくる辺の相手の頂点)], 頂点, 頂点のpayload a, [(辺のpayload b, 出ていく辺の相手の頂点)])




dfs [] g = []
dfs (v:vs) (c & g') = v: dfs (scc c ++ vs) g'
dfs (v:vs) g = dfs vs g

二行目は探索すべき頂点のスタックの先頭vを取り出し、その頂点vに着目したcontext cをグラフから取り出している。もとのグラフgから、頂点vと流入出辺を取り除いたグラフがg'である。
sccはContext cからの流出先の頂点リストを表しており、それを探索すべき頂点リストの先頭にスタックしている。





import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS (isConnected)
 let g = mkGraph (zip [1..n] $ repeat ()) $ map (\(x,y) -> (x,y,())) es :: Gr () ()
 let ans = isConnected  g




dfsPath :: Graph gr => gr a b -> Node -> Node -> (Maybe [Node], gr a b)
dfsPath g start goal = go [start] g
    go [] g = (Nothing, g)
    go _ g | isEmpty g = (Nothing, g)
    go (v:vs) g = case match v g of
      (Nothing,g') -> go vs g'
      (Just c,g') -> 
        if v == goal then (pure [v] , g')
        else case (go (neighbors' c ) g') of
          (Nothing, g'') -> go vs g''
          (Just path, g'') -> (pure (v:path) , g'')

let ans = fromJust $ fst $ dfsPath g 1 n



simplePath :: Eq a => a -> Tree a  -> Maybe [a]
simplePath goal (Node v ts) = go v ts
    go v [] = if v == goal then Just [v] else Nothing
    go v (t:ts) = case simplePath goal t of
      Nothing -> go v ts
      Just path -> Just (v:path)

 let ans = fromJust $ simplePath n $ head $ udff [1] g


ulevel :: (Graph gr) => Node -> gr a b -> [(Node,Int)]
ulevel v = uleveln (queuePut (v,0) mkQueue)

uleveln :: (Graph gr, Num b1) => Queue (Node, b1) -> gr a b2 -> [(Node, b1)]
uleveln q g | queueEmpty q || isEmpty g = []
        | otherwise                 =
        case match v g of
          (Just c, g')  -> (v,j):uleveln (queuePutList (zip (neighbors' c) (repeat (j+1))) q') g'
          (Nothing, g') -> uleveln q' g'
          where ((v,j),q') = queueGet q

let ans =  accumArray max (-1) (1,n) $ ulevel 1 g
mapM_ (\i -> putStrLn $ show $ ans ! i ) [1..n]


let ans =  esp ((sy-1)*c + (sx-1)) ((gy-1)*c + (gx-1))  g


  1. (DFSやBFS、ダイクストラ法等の)確定済み配列
  2. 隣接リスト
import qualified Data.Heap as H

udijkstraWith :: (Graph gr, Ord b, Num b) => H.Heap (H.Entry b Edge) -> gr a b -> [(Edge, b)]
udijkstraWith h g | H.size h == 0 || isEmpty g = []
udijkstraWith h g =
    case match v g of
        (Just c@(p,_,_,s), g') -> 
            ((v,pre),currentCost) : udijkstraWith ( H.union h' (H.fromList (map (\(newCost,v') -> H.Entry (currentCost+newCost) (v',v)) $ p++s)) ) g'
        (Nothing, g') -> udijkstraWith h' g'
    where Just (H.Entry currentCost (v,pre), h') = H.uncons h

udijkstra :: (Graph gr, Ord b, Num b) => Node -> gr a b -> [(Edge, b)]
udijkstra v g = udijkstraWith (H.singleton (H.Entry 0 (v,0))) g

let ans  = accumArray max (-1) (1,n) $ map (\((a,b),c)->(a,c)) $ udijkstra 1 g


shortestPath :: Graph gr => Node -> Node -> gr () Int ->Path
shortestPath s t g = (reverse $ unfoldr (\x -> if x == 0 then Nothing else Just (x, dist ! x)) t)
    where es =  udijkstraWith (H.singleton (H.Entry 0 (s,0))) g 
          dist = accumArray (+) 0 (1,noNodes g) $ map (\((a,b),c)->(a,b)) es

let ans = shortestPath 1 n g

計算量としては、プリム法は 𝑂(|𝐸|+|𝑉|log|𝑉|) 、クラスカル法は 𝑂(|𝐸|log|𝐸|)。

import qualified Data.Heap as H

prim :: (Graph gr) => H.Heap (H.Entry Int Edge) -> gr a Int -> [LEdge Int]
prim h g | H.size h == 0 || isEmpty g = []
prim h g =
    case match to g of
         (Just c@(p,_,_,s),g')  -> (to,from,cost): prim (H.union h' (H.fromList (map (\(l,to')->H.Entry l (to',to)) $ p++s))) g'
         (Nothing,g') -> prim h' g'
    where Just (H.Entry cost (to,from), h') = H.uncons h

mst :: Graph gr =>gr a Int -> [LEdge Int]
mst g = prim (H.singleton $ H.Entry 0 (v,0)) g where ((_,v,_,_),_) = matchAny g

let res = mst g

New Algorithms For The Functional Graph Library

let res = maxFlow g 1 n



結局は、疑似ブール関数: {1,0}^n -> R を式変形していくと、最小カットと同様の式で表示できるから、それを元にグラフを構成していけば、脳死でできる。



実装されているものは、DFS/BFS, MST(Prim), Dijkstra, Dinic, 木の直径などなど。

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Array
import Data.List
import Data.Tree
import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Heap as H

type Gr a b = IntMap (IntMap b, a, IntMap b)
type Node = Int
type LNode a = (Node, a)
type Edge = (Node, Node)
type LEdge a = (Node, Node, a)
type Capacity = Int
type Flow = Int
type Residual = Int

dinic :: Gr Int (Capacity, Flow, Residual) -> Node -> Node -> Gr Int (Capacity, Flow, Residual)
dinic graph src sink = 
    let (new_graph, can_continue) = dinicStep graph src sink
    in if can_continue 
           then dinic new_graph src sink
           else graph

dinicStep :: Gr Int (Capacity, Flow, Residual) -> Node -> Node -> (Gr Int (Capacity, Flow, Residual), Bool)
dinicStep graph src sink  = 
    let layered_graph = mkLevelGraph (mkResidualGraph graph) src
      if  getNodeLabel layered_graph sink /= (-1)
      then (dfs_dinic layered_graph src sink, True)
      else (graph, False)

dfs_dinic :: Gr Int (Capacity, Flow, Residual) -> Node -> Node -> Gr Int (Capacity, Flow, Residual)
dfs_dinic graph source sink = 
  if sink_reached then dfs_dinic (update_path graph path flow) source sink else graph
  where (path,flow , sink_reached) = find_augmentPath graph source sink

update_path :: Gr Int (Capacity, Flow, Residual) -> [Edge] -> Flow -> Gr Int (Capacity, Flow, Residual)
update_path graph [] _ = graph
update_path graph ((u, v):path) flow =
    let updatedGraph = IM.adjust (\(p,l,s) -> (p,l,(IM.adjust (\(cap, f, res) -> (cap, f + flow, res )) v s))) u graph
    in update_path updatedGraph path flow

find_augmentPath :: Gr Int (Capacity, Flow, Residual) -> Node ->  Node -> ([Edge], Flow, Bool)
find_augmentPath g node sink =
  let (_, source_level, suc_edges) = g IM.! node
      appropiate_edges = map (\(w,cfr) -> (node,w,cfr)) $ filter (\(w, (_, f, res)) -> f < res && res /= 0 &&  getNodeLabel g w == source_level + 1) $ IM.toList suc_edges
    if null appropiate_edges 
      then ([], 0, False) 
          results = map (dfs_edge g node sink) appropiate_edges
          bestPath = dropWhile (\(_, _, reached) -> not reached) results
          if null bestPath 
          then ([], 0, False)
          else head bestPath

dfs_edge :: Gr Int (Capacity, Flow, Residual) -> Node -> Node -> (Int, Int, (Capacity, Flow, Residual)) -> ([(Int, Int)], Flow, Bool)
dfs_edge graph source sink (u, v, (_, f, r)) =
  if v == sink
    then ([(u, v)], r-f, True)
      let (path, flow, reached) = find_augmentPath graph v sink
       in ((u, v) : path, min (r-f) flow, reached)

mkLevelGraph ::  Gr Int (Capacity,Flow,Residual) -> Int -> Gr Int (Capacity,Flow,Residual)
mkLevelGraph g src = updateLabels g $ IM.fromList $ leveln (pruneGraph g) (Seq.singleton (src, 0))

updateLabels :: Gr Int (Capacity,Flow,Residual) -> IntMap Int -> Gr Int (Capacity,Flow,Residual)
updateLabels g lvMap = IM.mapWithKey updateLabel g
    updateLabel k (p,_, s) = (p,fromMaybe (-1) (IM.lookup k lvMap), s)

augmentGraph :: Gr () Capacity -> Gr Int (Capacity,Flow,Residual) 
augmentGraph g = (\(p, _, s) -> ( (\cap -> (0,0,0)) p,0, (\cap -> (cap,0,cap)) s)) g

pruneGraph :: Gr Int (Capacity,Flow,Residual) -> Gr Int (Capacity,Flow,Residual)
pruneGraph g = ((\(p,l,s) ->(IM.filter (\(_,_,r)-> r/=0) p, l, IM.filter (\(_,_,r)-> r/=0) s))) g

mkResidualGraph :: Gr Int (Capacity,Flow,Residual) -> Gr Int (Capacity,Flow,Residual)
mkResidualGraph g = ((\(p,l,s) ->(p,l,( (\(cap, flow, res) -> (cap, 0, res-flow))s))))
    $ insEdges (concatMap addReverseEdge $ edges g') g'
    g' = reflectReverseEdges $ g
    addReverseEdge (src, dest, (cap, flow, res)) = if flow > 0 then [(dest, src, (0, 0, (cap- (res-flow))))] else []

reflectReverseEdges :: Gr Int (Capacity,Flow,Residual) -> Gr Int (Capacity,Flow,Residual)
reflectReverseEdges g = updateEdgeLabels incEdges g
    incEdges = map (\(src, dest, (cap, flow, res))->((dest, src),(\(c,f,r)->(c,f,r+flow))))  $ filter (\(src, dest, (cap, flow, res)) -> cap ==0 && flow /=0) $ edges g

edges :: Gr a b -> [LEdge b]
edges g = concatMap (\(v,c) -> map (\(w, edge) -> (v, w, edge)) $ lsuc c) $ IM.toList g

getNodeLabel :: Gr a b -> Node -> a
getNodeLabel g n =  (\(_,l,_) -> l) $ g IM.! n

maxFlow :: Gr () Capacity -> Int -> Int -> Flow
maxFlow g src sink = 
  let final_graph =  reflectReverseEdges $ dinic (augmentGraph g) src sink
      (_,_,outs) = final_graph IM.! src
  in sum $ map (\(_, (c, f, r)) -> c-(r-f)) $ IM.toList outs

mkGraph :: [LNode a] -> [(LEdge b)] -> Gr a b
mkGraph vs es   = insEdges es
                      . IM.fromList
                      . map (second (\l -> (IM.empty, l,IM.empty)))
                      $ vs

updateEdgeLabel  :: Edge -> (b -> b) -> Gr a b -> Gr a b
updateEdgeLabel (v,w) f g = IM.adjust (\(ins,lab,outs) -> (IM.adjust f v ins,lab,outs)) w $ IM.adjust (\(ins,lab,outs) -> (ins,lab, IM.adjust f w outs)) v $ g

updateEdgeLabels :: Foldable t => t (Edge, b -> b) -> Gr a b -> Gr a b
updateEdgeLabels es g = foldl' (flip (uncurry updateEdgeLabel)) g es

delEdge :: Edge -> Gr a b -> Gr a b
delEdge (v,w) g = IM.adjust (\(ins,lab,outs) -> (IM.delete v ins,lab, outs)) w $  IM.adjust (\(ins,lab,outs) -> (ins,lab, IM.delete w outs)) v $ g

insEdge :: LEdge b -> Gr a b -> Gr a b
insEdge (v,w,l) g = IM.adjust  (\(ins,lab,outs) -> (IM.insert v l ins , lab, outs)) w $ IM.adjust (\(ins,lab,outs) -> (ins, lab, IM.insert w l outs)) v $ g

insEdges :: Foldable t => t (LEdge b) -> Gr a b -> Gr a b
insEdges es g = foldl' (flip insEdge) g es

undirected :: Gr a b -> Gr a b
undirected g = foldl' addReversedEdge g (edges g)
    addReversedEdge graph (v, w, edge) = insEdge (w, v, edge) graph

match :: Node -> Gr a b ->  (Maybe (IntMap b, a, IntMap b), Gr a b)
match node g =
  case IM.lookup node g of
    Nothing -> (Nothing, g)
    Just (p, label, s) ->
      let !g1 = IM.delete node g
          !g2 = clearPred g1 node s
          !g3 = clearSucc g2 node p
      in (Just (p, label, s), g3)

clearSucc :: Gr a b -> Node -> IntMap x -> Gr a b
clearSucc g v = IM.differenceWith go g
    go :: (IntMap b, a, IntMap b) -> x -> Maybe (IntMap b, a, IntMap b)
    go (ps, l, ss) _ =
      let !ss' = IM.delete v ss
      in Just (ps, l, ss')

clearPred :: Gr a b -> Node -> IntMap x -> Gr a b
clearPred g v = IM.differenceWith go g
    go :: (IntMap b, a, IntMap b) -> x -> Maybe (IntMap b, a, IntMap b)
    go (ps, l, ss) _ =
      let !ps' = IM.delete v ps
      in Just (ps', l, ss)

suc :: (IntMap b, a,IntMap b) -> [Node]
suc (_,_,outs) = IM.keys outs

lsuc :: (IntMap b, a, IntMap b) -> [(Node, b)]
lsuc (_,_,outs) = IM.toList outs

pre :: (IntMap b, a, IntMap b) -> [Node]
pre (ins,_,_) = IM.keys ins

lpre :: (IntMap b, a, IntMap b) -> [(Node, b)]
lpre (ins,_,_) = IM.toList ins

neighbors :: (IntMap b, a, IntMap b) -> [Node]
neighbors (ins,_,outs) = IM.keys ins ++ IM.keys outs

lneighbors :: (IntMap b, a, IntMap b) -> [(Node, b)]
lneighbors (ins,_,outs) = IM.toList ins ++ IM.toList outs

dfsForest :: Gr a b -> Node -> [Tree Node]
dfsForest g src = go g [src]
    go g [] = []
    go g (v:vs) = case match v g of
      (Nothing, _) -> go g vs
      (Just c, g') -> Node v (go g' (suc c)) : go g' vs

dfs :: Gr a b -> Node -> [Node]
dfs g src = go g [src]
    go g [] = []
    go g (v:vs) = case match v g of
      (Nothing, _) -> go g vs
      (Just c, g') -> v : go g' ((suc c) ++ vs)

isConnected :: Gr a b -> Bool
isConnected g = length (dfs g (fst $ head $ IM.toList g))  == IM.size g

dfsPath :: Gr a b -> Node -> Node -> Maybe [Node]
dfsPath g src sink = fst $ go [src] g
    go vs g | null vs || IM.null g = (Nothing,g)
    go (v:vs) g = case match v g of
      (Nothing, _) -> go vs g
      (Just c, g') -> 
        if v == sink then (Just [v], g')
        else case go (suc c) g' of
          (Nothing, g'') -> go vs g''
          (Just path, g'') -> (Just (v:path), g'')

bfsShortestPath :: Gr a b -> Node -> Node -> Maybe [Node]
bfsShortestPath g src sink = case paths of
  [] -> Nothing
  _ -> Just $ reverse $ head paths
    paths = filter (\(w : _) -> w == sink) $ go g (Seq.singleton [src])

    go g q | Seq.null q || IM.null g = []
    go g q = case match v g of
      (Nothing, _) -> go g rest
      (Just c, g') -> p : go g' (rest Seq.>< Seq.fromList (map (:p) $ suc c))
        (p@(v:_), rest) = (Seq.index q 0, Seq.drop 1 q)

level :: Gr a b -> Node -> [(Node, Int)]
level g src = leveln g (Seq.singleton (src, 0))

leveln :: Gr a b -> Seq (Node, Int) -> [(Node, Int)]
leveln _ Seq.Empty = []
leveln g _ | IM.null g = []
leveln g queue = case match v g of
    (Nothing, _) -> leveln g rest
    (Just c, g') -> (v, j) : leveln g' (rest Seq.>< Seq.fromList (zip (suc c) (repeat (j+1)) ))
  where ((v,j), rest) = (Seq.index queue 0, Seq.drop 1 queue)

ulevel :: Gr a b -> Node -> [(Node, Int)]
ulevel g src = uleveln g (Seq.singleton (src, 0))

uleveln :: Gr a b -> Seq (Node, Int) -> [(Node, Int)]
uleveln _ Seq.Empty = []
uleveln g _ | IM.null g = []
uleveln g queue = case match v g of
    (Nothing, _) -> uleveln g rest
    (Just c, g') -> (v, j) : uleveln g' (rest Seq.>< Seq.fromList (zip (neighbors c) (repeat (j+1)) ))
  where ((v,j), rest) = (Seq.index queue 0, Seq.drop 1 queue)

dijkstra :: (Ord b, Num b) => Gr a b -> Node -> IntMap b
dijkstra g s = go g (H.singleton (H.Entry 0 s)) 
    go g h  | H.null h || IM.null g = IM.empty
    go g h = case match v g of
      (Nothing, g) -> go g h'
      (Just c, g') -> IM.insert v d $ go g' (H.union h' (H.fromList $ map (\(w, l) -> H.Entry (l + d) w) $ lsuc c))
      where Just (H.Entry d v,h') = H.uncons h

udijkstra :: (Ord b, Num b) => Gr a b -> Node -> IntMap b
udijkstra g s = go g (H.singleton (H.Entry 0 s)) 
    go g h  | H.null h || IM.null g = IM.empty
    go g h = case match v g of
      (Nothing, g) -> go g h'
      (Just c, g') -> IM.insert v d $ go g' (H.union h' (H.fromList $ map (\(w, l) -> H.Entry (l + d) w) $ (lsuc c ++ lpre c)))
      where Just (H.Entry d v,h') = H.uncons h

dijkstraShortestPath :: (Ord p, Num p) => Gr a p -> Node -> Node -> [Node]
dijkstraShortestPath g src sink = reverse $ head $ filter (\(w:_)-> w==sink) $ go g (H.singleton (H.Entry 0 [src]))
    go g h | H.null h || IM.null g = []
    go g h = case match v g of
      (Nothing, g) -> go g h'
      (Just c, g') -> p : go g' (foldr H.union h' (map (\(w, l) -> H.singleton (H.Entry (l + d) (w:p))) $ lsuc c))
      where Just (H.Entry d p@(v:_),h') = H.uncons h

udijkstraAllPath :: (Ord a1, Num a1, Show a1) => Gr a2 a1 -> Node -> p -> M.Map Node [[Node]]
udijkstraAllPath g src sink = go g (M.singleton (0,src) [[src]])
    go g h | M.null h || IM.null g = M.empty
    go g h = case match v g of
      (Nothing, g) -> go g h'
      (Just c, g') ->  M.insert v paths $ go g' (M.unionWith (++) h' (M.fromList $ map (\(v', w') -> ((w+w',v'), map (v':) paths)) $ lneighbors c))
      where Just (((w,v), paths), h') = M.minViewWithKey h

sizeSubgraph:: Node -> Gr () () -> IntMap Int
sizeSubgraph k g  
  | IM.null g  = IM.singleton k 0
  | otherwise = case match k g of
      (Just (p,l,s), g') -> IM.insert k (maximum (0:subranks)) memo
          memo = IM.unions $ map (\x-> sizeSubgraph x g') (IM.keys p ++ IM.keys s)
          subranks = map (\x-> memo IM.! x +1)  (IM.keys p ++ IM.keys s)
      (Nothing, g') -> IM.singleton k 0

-- 木の直径
uDiameterOfTree :: Gr a b -> Int
uDiameterOfTree g = 1+ (snd $ maximumBy (comparing snd ) $ ulevel g $ fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd) $ ulevel g $ fst $ head $ IM.toList g)

uprim :: (Ord b, Num b) => H.Heap (H.Entry b Edge) -> Gr a b -> [LEdge b]
uprim h g | H.size h == 0 || IM.null g = []
uprim h g =
    case match v g of
         (Just c,g')  -> (p,v,cost): uprim (H.union h' (H.fromList (map (\(s,cost')->H.Entry cost' (v,s)) $ lneighbors c))) g'
         (Nothing,g') -> uprim h' g'
    where Just (H.Entry cost (p,v), h') = H.uncons h

umst :: (Ord b, Num b) => Gr a b -> [LEdge b]
umst g = uprim (H.singleton $ H.Entry 0 (0,v)) g where (v,_) = IM.findMin g

prim :: (Ord b, Num b) => H.Heap (H.Entry b Edge) -> Gr a b -> [LEdge b]
prim h g | H.size h == 0 || IM.null g = []
prim h g =
    case match v g of
         (Just c,g')  -> (p,v,cost): prim (H.union h' (H.fromList (map (\(s,cost')->H.Entry cost' (v,s)) $ lsuc c))) g'
         (Nothing,g') -> prim h' g'
    where Just (H.Entry cost (p,v), h') = H.uncons h

mst :: (Ord b, Num b) => Gr a b -> [LEdge b]
mst g = prim (H.singleton $ H.Entry 0 (0,v)) g where (v,_) = IM.findMin g


Segment Tree

@cojna, @frtn_r, @toyboot4e氏を参考。

import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic               as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable       as GM
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Bits
import Data.Function ( fix )

newtype SegTree mv s a = SegTree {getSegBody :: mv s a}

newSegTree :: (GM.MVector mv a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m) => Int ->  m (SegTree mv (PrimState m) a)
newSegTree n = SegTree <$> GM.replicate (2*n) mempty

buildSegTree :: (G.Vector v a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m) =>  v a -> m (SegTree (G.Mutable v) (PrimState m) a)
buildSegTree v = do
  let n = expandToPowerOfTwo $ G.length v
  tree <- GM.replicate (2*n) mempty
  G.unsafeCopy (GM.unsafeSlice n (G.length v) tree) v
  forM_ [n-1,n-2..1] $ \i -> do
    x <- GM.unsafeRead tree (2*i)
    y <- GM.unsafeRead tree (2*i+1)
    GM.unsafeWrite tree i (x <> y)
  return $ SegTree tree

setSegTree :: (GM.MVector mv a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m) => SegTree mv (PrimState m) a -> Int -> a -> m ()
setSegTree st@(SegTree tree) i0 v = do
  let !n = unsafeShiftR (GM.length tree)  1
      !i = n+i0
      !h = 63 - countLeadingZeros n
  GM.unsafeWrite tree (i) v
  forM_ [1..h] $ \j -> do 
    pull st (unsafeShiftR i j)

pull :: (GM.MVector mv a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m) => SegTree mv (PrimState m) a -> Int -> m ()
pull (SegTree tree) i = do
  x <- GM.unsafeRead tree (2*i)
  y <- GM.unsafeRead tree (2*i+1)
  GM.unsafeWrite tree i (x <> y)

getSegTree :: (GM.MVector mv a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m) => SegTree mv (PrimState m) a -> Int -> m a
getSegTree (SegTree tree) i = do
  let n = unsafeShiftR (GM.length tree)  1
  GM.unsafeRead tree (n+i)
-- 半開区間[l,r)のクエリ
prodSegTree :: (GM.MVector mv a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m) => SegTree mv (PrimState m) a -> Int -> Int -> m a
prodSegTree (SegTree tree) l0 r0 = do
  let !n = unsafeShiftR (GM.length tree)  1
      !l = n+l0
      !r = n+r0
    ( \loop !accL !accR !l' !r' -> do
        if l' < r'
          then do
            !accL' <-
              if l' .&. 1 == 1
                then  (accL <>) <$!> GM.unsafeRead tree l'
                else return accL
            !accR' <-
              if r' .&. 1 == 1
                then (<> accR) <$!> GM.unsafeRead tree (r' - 1)
                else return accR
              (unsafeShiftR (l' + l' .&. 1) 1)
              (unsafeShiftR (r' - r' .&. 1) 1)
          else return $! accL <> accR
    ) mempty mempty l r

prodAllSegTree :: (GM.MVector mv a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m) => SegTree mv (PrimState m) a -> m a
prodAllSegTree (SegTree tree) = GM.unsafeRead tree 1

expandToPowerOfTwo :: Int -> Int
expandToPowerOfTwo x | x<2 = 2
          | otherwise = 1 `unsafeShiftL` (finiteBitSize (x-1) - countLeadingZeros (x-1) )


@cojna氏を基盤(というかほとんどそのまま)に、library checkerの最速実装とACLライブラリ内の実装を参考にした。


  1. f @ ( x <> y ) == f @ x <> f @ y
  2. (f<>g)@x == f@(g@x)== (f@・g@) x


Unbox化に関しては、@toyboot4e氏を参考に、unboxing-vectorではなく、vector-th-unboxを用いることとした。置換操作もUpdate x | NoUpdate (=1+X)とすれば、モノイドとして扱えるが、unboxing-vectorは余積は扱えないため。




import Data.Monoid
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed               as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable       as UM
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Bits
import Data.Function ( fix )

import Control.Monad.ST

class (Monoid f) => MonoidAction f a where
    (<@>) :: f -> a -> a

data LazySegTree s a f = LazySegTree (UM.MVector s a) (UM.MVector s f)
newLazySegTree :: (PrimMonad m, U.Unbox a, U.Unbox f, Monoid a,Monoid f) => Int -> m (LazySegTree (PrimState m) a f)
newLazySegTree x = do
  let !n = expandToPowerOfTwo x
  tree <- UM.replicate (2*n) mempty
  lazy <- UM.replicate (n) mempty
  return $ LazySegTree tree lazy
buildLazySegTree :: (PrimMonad m, Monoid a, Monoid f, U.Unbox f,U.Unbox a) => U.Vector a -> m (LazySegTree (PrimState m) a f)
buildLazySegTree xs = do
  let !n = expandToPowerOfTwo $ U.length xs
  tree <- UM.replicate (2*n) mempty
  lazy <- UM.replicate n mempty
  U.unsafeCopy (UM.unsafeSlice n (U.length xs) tree) xs
  forM_ [n-1,n-2..1] $ \i -> do
    x <- UM.unsafeRead tree (2*i)
    y <- UM.unsafeRead tree (2*i+1)
    UM.unsafeWrite tree i (x <> y)
  return $ LazySegTree tree lazy
setLazySegTree :: (PrimMonad m, MonoidAction f a, Monoid a, U.Unbox a,U.Unbox f, Eq f) =>LazySegTree (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> a -> m ()
setLazySegTree st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) i0 x = do
  let !n = UM.length lazy
      !i = n+i0
      !h = 63 - countLeadingZeros n
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. 1] $ \j -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR i j)
  UM.unsafeWrite tree i x
  forM_ [1..h] $ \j -> do 
    pull st (unsafeShiftR i j)
getLazySegTree :: (PrimMonad m, MonoidAction f a, U.Unbox a,U.Unbox f, Eq f) => LazySegTree (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> m a
getLazySegTree st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) i = do
  let !n = UM.length lazy
      !h = 63 - countLeadingZeros n
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. 1] $ \j -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR i j)
  UM.unsafeRead tree (n+i)
prodLazySegTree :: (MonoidAction f a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m, U.Unbox a,U.Unbox f, Eq f) => LazySegTree (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> Int -> m a
prodLazySegTree st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) l0 r0 = do
  let !n = UM.length lazy
      !l = n+l0
      !r = n+r0
      !h = 63 - countLeadingZeros n
      !l_ctz = countTrailingZeros l
      !r_ctz = countTrailingZeros r
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. (l_ctz+1)] $ \i -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR l i)
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. (r_ctz+1)] $ \i -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR (r-1) i)
    ( \loop !accL !accR !l' !r' -> do
        if l' < r'
          then do
            !accL' <-
              if l' .&. 1 == 1
                then  (accL <>) <$!> UM.unsafeRead tree l'
                else return accL
            !accR' <-
              if r' .&. 1 == 1
                then (<> accR) <$!> UM.unsafeRead tree (r' - 1)
                else return accR
              (unsafeShiftR (l' + l' .&. 1) 1)
              (unsafeShiftR (r' - r' .&. 1) 1)
          else return $! accL <> accR
    ) mempty mempty l r
applyLazySegTree :: (PrimMonad m, MonoidAction f a, Monoid a, U.Unbox a,U.Unbox f, Eq f, Show f, Show a) =>LazySegTree (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> Int -> f -> m ()
applyLazySegTree st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) l0 r0 f =  do
  let !n = UM.length lazy
      !l = n+l0
      !r = n+r0
      !h = 63 - countLeadingZeros n
      !l_ctz = countTrailingZeros l
      !r_ctz = countTrailingZeros r
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. (l_ctz+1)] $ \i -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR l i)
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. (r_ctz+1)] $ \i -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR (r-1) i)
    ( \loop !l' !r' -> when (l' < r') $ do
        when (l' .&. 1 == 1) $ do
          applyAt st l' f
        when (r' .&. 1 == 1) $ do
          applyAt st (r' - 1) f
          (unsafeShiftR (l' + l' .&. 1) 1)
          (unsafeShiftR (r' - r' .&. 1) 1)
    ) l r
  forM_ [(l_ctz+1)..h] $ \i -> do
    pull st (unsafeShiftR l i)
  forM_ [(r_ctz+1)..h] $ \i -> do
    pull st (unsafeShiftR (r-1) i)


expandToPowerOfTwo :: Int -> Int
expandToPowerOfTwo x | x<2 = 2
          | otherwise = 1 `unsafeShiftL` (finiteBitSize (x-1) - countLeadingZeros (x-1) )

applyAt :: (PrimMonad m, MonoidAction f a, U.Unbox a,U.Unbox f) => LazySegTree (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> f -> m ()
applyAt (LazySegTree tree lazy) k f = do
  UM.unsafeModify tree (f <@>) k
  when (k < UM.length lazy) $ do
    UM.unsafeModify lazy (f <>) k
push :: (PrimMonad m, MonoidAction f a, U.Unbox f,U.Unbox a, Eq f) =>LazySegTree (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> m ()
push st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) i =  do
  when (i < UM.length lazy) $ do
    f <- UM.unsafeRead lazy i
    when (f /= mempty) $ do
      applyAt st (2*i) f
      applyAt st (2*i+1) f
      UM.unsafeWrite lazy i mempty
pull :: (PrimMonad m, U.Unbox a, Monoid a) => LazySegTree (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> m ()
pull st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) i = do
  x <- UM.unsafeRead tree (2*i)
  y <- UM.unsafeRead tree (2*i+1)
  UM.unsafeWrite tree i (x <> y)


Generic Version
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic               as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable       as GM
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Bits
import Data.Function ( fix )

newLazySegTree :: (PrimMonad m, GM.MVector mv a, GM.MVector mv f, Monoid a,Monoid f) => Int -> m (LazySegTree mv (PrimState m) a f)
newLazySegTree x = do
  let !n = expandToPowerOfTwo x
  tree <- GM.replicate (2*n) mempty
  lazy <- GM.replicate (n) mempty
  return $ LazySegTree tree lazy
buildLazySegTree :: (PrimMonad m, Monoid a, Monoid f, G.Vector v a, G.Vector v f) => v a -> m (LazySegTree (G.Mutable v) (PrimState m) a f)
buildLazySegTree xs = do
  let !n = expandToPowerOfTwo $ G.length xs
  tree <- GM.replicate (2*n) mempty
  lazy <- GM.replicate n mempty
  G.unsafeCopy (GM.unsafeSlice n (G.length xs) tree) xs
  forM_ [n-1,n-2..1] $ \i -> do
    x <- GM.unsafeRead tree (2*i)
    y <- GM.unsafeRead tree (2*i+1)
    GM.unsafeWrite tree i (x <> y)
  return $ LazySegTree tree lazy

applyAt :: (PrimMonad m, MonoidAction f a, GM.MVector mv a,GM.MVector mv f) => LazySegTree mv (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> f -> m ()
applyAt (LazySegTree tree lazy) k f = do
  GM.unsafeModify tree (f <@>) k
  when (k < GM.length lazy) $ do
    GM.unsafeModify lazy (f <>) k
push :: (PrimMonad m, MonoidAction f a, GM.MVector mv a,GM.MVector mv f, Eq f) =>LazySegTree mv (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> m ()
push st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) i =  do
  when (i < GM.length lazy) $ do
    f <- GM.unsafeRead lazy i
    when (f /= mempty) $ do
      applyAt st (2*i) f
      applyAt st (2*i+1) f
      GM.unsafeWrite lazy i mempty
pull :: (PrimMonad m, Monoid a,GM.MVector mv a,GM.MVector mv f) => LazySegTree mv (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> m ()
pull st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) i = do
  x <- GM.unsafeRead tree (2*i)
  y <- GM.unsafeRead tree (2*i+1)
  GM.unsafeWrite tree i (x <> y)
setLazySegTree :: (PrimMonad m, MonoidAction f a, Monoid a, GM.MVector mv a,GM.MVector mv f, Eq f) =>LazySegTree mv (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> a -> m ()
setLazySegTree st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) i0 x = do
  let !n = GM.length lazy
      !i = n+i0
      !h = 63 - countLeadingZeros n
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. 1] $ \j -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR i j)
  GM.unsafeWrite tree i x
  forM_ [1..h] $ \j -> do 
    pull st (unsafeShiftR i j)
getLazySegTree :: (PrimMonad m, MonoidAction f a, GM.MVector mv a,GM.MVector mv f, Eq f) => LazySegTree mv (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> m a
getLazySegTree st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) i = do
  let !n = GM.length lazy
      !h = 63 - countLeadingZeros n
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. 1] $ \j -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR i j)
  GM.unsafeRead tree (n+i)
prodLazySegTree :: (MonoidAction f a, Monoid a, PrimMonad m, GM.MVector mv a, GM.MVector mv f, Eq f) => LazySegTree mv (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> Int -> m a
prodLazySegTree st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) l0 r0 = do
  let !n = GM.length lazy
      !l = n+l0
      !r = n+r0
      !h = 63 - countLeadingZeros n
      !l_ctz = countTrailingZeros l
      !r_ctz = countTrailingZeros r
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. (l_ctz+1)] $ \i -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR l i)
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. (r_ctz+1)] $ \i -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR r i)
    ( \loop !accL !accR !l' !r' -> do
        if l' < r'
          then do
            !accL' <-
              if l' .&. 1 == 1
                then  (accL <>) <$!> GM.unsafeRead tree l'
                else return accL
            !accR' <-
              if r' .&. 1 == 1
                then (<> accR) <$!> GM.unsafeRead tree (r' - 1)
                else return accR
              (unsafeShiftR (l' + l' .&. 1) 1)
              (unsafeShiftR (r' - r' .&. 1) 1)
          else return $! accL <> accR
    ) mempty mempty l r
applyLazySegTree :: (PrimMonad m, MonoidAction f a, Monoid a, GM.MVector mv a,GM.MVector mv f , Eq f, Show f, Show a) =>LazySegTree mv (PrimState m) a f -> Int -> Int -> f -> m ()
applyLazySegTree st@(LazySegTree tree lazy) l0 r0 f =  do
  let !n = GM.length lazy
      !l = n+l0
      !r = n+r0
      !h = 63 - countLeadingZeros n
      !l_ctz = countTrailingZeros l
      !r_ctz = countTrailingZeros r
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. (l_ctz+1)] $ \i -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR l i)
  forM_ [h,(h -1) .. (r_ctz+1)] $ \i -> do
    push st (unsafeShiftR (r-1) i)
    ( \loop !l' !r' -> when (l' < r') $ do
        when (l' .&. 1 == 1) $ do
          applyAt st l' f
        when (r' .&. 1 == 1) $ do
          applyAt st (r' - 1) f
          (unsafeShiftR (l' + l' .&. 1) 1)
          (unsafeShiftR (r' - r' .&. 1) 1)
    ) l r
  forM_ [(l_ctz+1)..h] $ \i -> do
    pull st (unsafeShiftR l i)
  forM_ [(r_ctz+1)..h] $ \i -> do
    pull st (unsafeShiftR (r-1) i)

expandToPowerOfTwo :: Int -> Int
expandToPowerOfTwo x | x<2 = 2
          | otherwise = 1 `unsafeShiftL` (finiteBitSize (x-1) - countLeadingZeros (x-1) )



{-# TemplateHaskell #-}
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Deriving ( derivingUnbox )
import Language.Haskell.TH

-- 加算作用素
data Add a = Add !a
  deriving (Show,Eq, Generic)

instance Num a => Semigroup (Add a) where
  Add x <> Add y = Add $ x + y

instance Num a => Monoid (Add a) where
  mempty = Add 0

derivingUnbox "Add"
  [t| forall a. (U.Unbox a ) => Add a -> a |]
  [| \(Add x) -> x |]
  [| Add |]

-- 区間和要素
data RangedSum a = RangedSum !a !a
  deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Num a => Semigroup (RangedSum a) where
  RangedSum len1 x <> RangedSum len2 y = RangedSum (len1+len2) (x+y)

instance Num a => Monoid (RangedSum a) where
  mempty = RangedSum 1 0

derivingUnbox "RangedSum"
  [t| forall a. (U.Unbox a ) => RangedSum a -> (a,a) |]
  [| \(RangedSum len x) -> (len,x) |]
  [| \(len,x) -> RangedSum len x |]

-- 区間更新作用素
data Update a = Update a | NoUpdate 
  deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Semigroup (Update a) where
  NoUpdate <> x = x
  x <> NoUpdate = x
  Update x <> Update y = Update $ x

instance Monoid (Update a) where
  mempty = NoUpdate

class Default a where
    def :: a
instance Default Int where
    def = 0

derivingUnbox "Update"
  [t| forall a. (U.Unbox a, Default a ) => Update a -> (Bool, a) |]
  [| \update -> case update of
        NoUpdate -> (False, def)
        Update x -> (True, x) |]
  [| \(b, x) -> if b then Update x else NoUpdate |]

-- アファイン変換作用素
data Affine a = Affine a a
  deriving (Show,Eq)

instance (Num a) => Semigroup (Affine a) where
  Affine a b <> Affine c d = Affine (a*c) (a*d+b)

instance (Num a) => Monoid (Affine a) where
  mempty = Affine 1 0

derivingUnbox "Affine"
  [t| forall a. (U.Unbox a ) => Affine a -> (a,a) |]
  [| \(Affine a b) -> (a,b) |]
  [| \(a,b) -> Affine a b |]

作用 (M x X -> X)

-- 区間加算・区間最小値
instance Num a => MonoidAction (Add a) (Min a) where
  Add x <@> Min y = Min $ x+y

-- 区間加算・区間和
instance (Num a) => MonoidAction (Add a) (RangedSum a) where
  (Add x) <@> (RangedSum len y) = RangedSum len (x * len + y)

-- 区間変更・区間最小値
instance MonoidAction (Update a) (Min a) where
  Update x <@> _ = Min x
  NoUpdate <@> x = x

-- 区間変更・区間和
instance (Num a) => MonoidAction (Update a) (RangedSum a) where
  Update x <@> RangedSum l y = RangedSum l (x*l)
  NoUpdate <@> x = x

-- 区間アファイン変換・区間和
instance (Num a) => MonoidAction (Affine a) (RangedSum a) where
  Affine a b <@> RangedSum l x = RangedSum l (a*x+b*l)

BIT (Fenwick Tree)

import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed               as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable       as UM
import Data.Bits
import Control.Monad.Primitive

newtype FenwickTree s a = FenwickTree (UM.MVector s a)

newFenwickTree :: (PrimMonad m, Monoid a, U.Unbox a) => Int -> m (FenwickTree (PrimState m) a)
newFenwickTree n = FenwickTree <$> UM.replicate (n+1) mempty

buildFenwickTree :: (PrimMonad m, Monoid a, U.Unbox a) => U.Vector a -> m (FenwickTree (PrimState m) a)
buildFenwickTree xs = do
    let n = U.length xs
    ft <- UM.unsafeNew (n+1)  
    UM.unsafeWrite ft 0 mempty
    U.unsafeCopy (UM.tail ft) xs
    U.forM_ (U.enumFromN 1 n) $ \i -> do
        let j = i + (i .&. (- i))
        when (j <= n) $ do
          fti <- UM.unsafeRead ft i
          UM.unsafeModify ft (<> fti) j
    return $ FenwickTree ft   

mappendAt :: (PrimMonad m, Monoid a,U.Unbox a) => FenwickTree (PrimState m) a -> Int -> a -> m ()
mappendAt (FenwickTree t) i x = go i where
    go j | j >= UM.length t = return ()
         | otherwise = UM.modify t (<> x) j >> go (j + (j .&. (-j)))

-- [1,i]のモノイド積
mappendTo :: (PrimMonad m, Monoid a,U.Unbox a) => FenwickTree (PrimState m) a -> Int -> m a
mappendTo (FenwickTree t) i = go i mempty where
    go 0 acc = return acc
    go j acc = t j >>= \x -> go (j - (j .&. (-j))) (x <> acc )

ちなみに、Lazy SegTreeのMonoid Actionを()とすれば、普通のSegTreeとして使える。


BIT version

import Data.Semigroup
import Control.Monad.ST ( runST, ST )

inversionCount :: U.Vector Int -> Int
inversionCount xs = runST $ do
    let n = U.maximum xs
    ft <- newFenwickTree n :: ST s (FenwickTree s (Sum Int))
    ret <- U.foldM (\acc x -> do
        Sum inv <- mappendTo ft (x-1)
        mappendAt ft x (Sum 1)
        return $ acc + inv) 0 $ U.reverse xs
    return ret

SegTree version

instance MonoidAction () (Sum Int) where
  _ <@> x = x

inversionCountLST :: U.Vector Int -> Int
inversionCountLST xs = runST $ do
  let n = U.maximum xs + 1
  st <- newLazySegTree n :: ST s (LazySegTree s (Sum Int) ())
  res <- U.foldM  (\acc x -> do
      Sum inv <- prodLazySegTree st (x+1) n
      old <- getLazySegTree st x
      setLazySegTree st x (old <> Sum 1)
      return $ acc + inv
    ) 0  xs
  return res




-- SegTree・座標圧縮は上記参照

lis :: [Int] -> Int
lis xs = runST $ do
  let compressed = compressing xs
  st <- buildSegTree (VU.replicate (length compressed) (Max 0)) :: ST s (SegTree VU.MVector s (Max Int))
  forM_ compressed $ \a -> do
    v <- prodSegTree st 0 a
    setSegTree st a $ ((+1) <$> v) <> (Max 1)
  ans <- prodAllSegTree st
  return $ getMax ans


import qualified Data.IntSet as IS

lis :: [Int] -> Int
lis xs = IS.size $ foldl' step IS.empty xs
    step s x = case IS.lookupGE x s of
      Just y
        | x < y -> IS.insert x $ IS.delete y s
        | otherwise -> s
      Nothing -> IS.insert x s



combinationsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinationsOf k as@(x:xs) | k == 0   = [[]]
                           | k == 1    = map pure as
                           | k == l    = pure as
                           | k >  l    = []
                           | otherwise = run (l-1) (k-1) as $ combinationsOf (k-1) xs
                             l = length as

                             run :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
                             run n k ys cs | n == k    = map (ys ++) cs
                                           | otherwise = map (q:) cs ++ run (n-1) k qs (drop dc cs)
                                           (q:qs) = take (n-k+1) ys
                                           dc     = product [(n-k+1)..(n-1)] `div` product [1..(k-1)]