
2024年の奇跡:React × Next.jsで紡ぐ100の物語- Koroちゃん🐰おみくじアプリ開発秘話🌸 #contest2024


2024年の奇跡:React × Next.jsで紡ぐ100の夢 - Koroちゃん🐰おみくじアプリ開発秘話🌸

Miracle in 2024: 100 Dreams Spun with React x Next.js - Koro-Chan🐰Mikakuji App Development Secret Story🌸


🌟 プロローグ:コードと運命が織りなす物語

Prologue: A Tale Woven by Code and Destiny

2024年、私の人生は一つの挑戦によって劇的に変わりました。その名も「Koro's Omikuji」- 単なるアプリを超えた、魂の旅路。日本の伝統とテクノロジーの融合、そして100の小さな物語が交差する、感動のプロジェクトの幕が上がったのです。

In 2024, my life was dramatically transformed by a single challenge. Named "Koro's Omikuji" - it was more than just an app, it was a journey of the soul. The curtain rose on this moving project where Japanese tradition merged with technology, intertwining 100 small stories.

💻 魔法の扉:React と Next.js が織りなす夢の世界

The Magic Door: A Dreamworld Woven by React and Next.js

1. 心臓が躍る!アニメーションの息吹


@keyframes heartbeat {
  0%, 100% { transform: scale(1); }
  50% { transform: scale(1.1); }

.heart-icon {
  animation: heartbeat 1s infinite ease-in-out;

```markdown project="Koro Omikuji Article" file="article.md"


  1. Hearts Race! The Breath of Animation

From stillness to motion. The moment of breathing life into the screen feels like becoming a magician.

This code makes it seem as if the heart on the screen has come to life. It creates an illusion of beating in sync with the user's heart. The moment when technology awakens emotion is an indescribable feeling.

2. 言葉の魔法:全てのデバイスで心に響く

 useEffect(() => {useEffect(() => {
  const adjustFontSize = () => {
    if (fortuneRef.current) {
      let fontSize = 24;
      fortuneRef.current.style.fontSize = `${fontSize}px`;
      while (fortuneRef.current.scrollHeight > fortuneRef.offsetHeight && fontSize > 12) {
        fortuneRef.current.style.fontSize = `${fontSize}px`;

  if (isRevealed) {
    window.addEventListener('resize', adjustFontSize);

  return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', adjustFontSize);
}, [isRevealed, fortune]);


The Magic of Words: Resonating with Hearts on All Devices

This seemingly complex code is filled with deep affection for the user. It ensures that the words of destiny are beautiful and resonate with the heart, regardless of screen size. The moment when cold technology transforms into warm consideration is truly magical.

3. 運命の舞台裏:100の物語を支える技術

 const [fortune, setFortune] = useState<Fortune>({ ja: '', en: '', luck: '' });const [fortune, setFortune] = useState<Fortune>({ ja: '', en: '', luck: '' });

const drawFortune = () => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    const randomFortune = fortunes[Math.floor(Math.random() * fortunes.length)];
  }, 1000);


Behind the Scenes of Destiny: Technology Supporting 100 Stories

Within this simple function, 100 destinies lie dormant. With just one button press, someone's life might change. When writing code that holds such possibility, my fingertips always tremble slightly.

📚 100の運命:デジタル時代の百物語

100 Destinies: A Hundred Tales for the Digital Age


  1. 無限の可能性: 100の物語は、無限の未来への入り口。
  2. 再会の喜び: 何度引いても新しい発見がある。それは人生そのもの。
  3. 感情の万華鏡: 喜怒哀楽、全ての感情を100の言葉に込めました。
  4. 世界をつなぐ: 日本の伝統を、世界中の人々の心に届けたい。
  5. AI時代の人間らしさ: 100の物語は、人間の温もりをデジタルの中に。

Why 100 different fortunes? Because for 100 people, there are 100 different life paths. It comes from a wish, not just as a developer, but as a human being, to be close to all of them.

  1. Infinite Possibilities: 100 stories are the gateway to infinite futures.
  2. Joy of Rediscovery: There's always a new discovery, no matter how many times you draw. That's life itself.
  3. Kaleidoscope of Emotions: All emotions - joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure - are encapsulated in 100 words.
  4. Connecting the World: A desire to deliver Japanese tradition to the hearts of people worldwide.
  5. Human Touch in the AI Era: 100 stories bring human warmth into the digital realm.


 const fortunes = [const fortunes = [
  { ja: "キラキラ幸せがいっぱい降り注ぐよ♪", en: "Sparkling happiness rains down on you♪", luck: "超大吉" },
  { ja: "小さな奇跡があなたを幸せにするよ♪", en: "A small miracle will make you happy♪", luck: "中吉" },
  { ja: "今日の選択が素敵な未来につながるよ", en: "Today's choices will lead to a wonderful future", luck: "大吉" },
  // ... 97 more fortunes ...


For example, these fortunes illuminate people's hearts:

These are not mere text data. They are 100 small seeds of hope, holding the potential to change someone's life.

🐰 100の運勢に込めた想い

🐰 The thoughts behind the 100 fortunes





さらに、これらの運勢は日本語と英語の両方で提供されています。これは、幸せや希望、励ましの言葉が言語や文化の壁を越えて、世界中の人々の心に届くことを願ってのことです。「Sparkling happiness rains down on you♪」や「A moment for your charm to shine the brightest will come☆」といった言葉が、世界中の人々の心を温めることを夢見ています。





These 100 fortunes are filled with endless possibilities and hopes for our lives. Each word is filled with deep thoughts and wishes.

First, let me talk about the magical power of these 100 fortunes. These words are more than just a list of letters, beginning with the words, “You will be showered with sparkling happiness,” and ending with, “The moment will come when your charm will shine at its best☆. Each is a small seed of hope that has the potential to change someone's life.

For example, “Your dreamy wish will surely come true☆. This one word may light a fire in someone's heart and give them the courage to take the first step toward their dreams. The words, “Your smile will be someone's hope ♡” will remind you of how important your presence is to others.

These fortunes convey joy, encouragement, surprise, and warmth. The words “Exciting, exciting, new adventures begin!” will make you look forward to the unknown, while “A heartwarming moment will come to you ♡” will make you focus on the small happinesses of everyday life.

Furthermore, these fortunes are offered in both Japanese and English. This is done in the hope that the words of happiness, hope, and encouragement will transcend language and cultural barriers and reach the hearts of people around the world. Words such as “Sparkling happiness rains down on you♪” and “A moment for your charm to shine the brightest will come☆” are dreamed to warm the hearts of people around the world.

And the types of fortune also vary from “very great luck” to “the last good luck”. This is because we want to convey that life has its ups and downs, and that we can find hope in any situation. For example, the phrase “Sueyoshi,” which means “You may get a chance unexpectedly,” tells us that even in seemingly negative situations, there are hidden opportunities.

In the process of creating these 100 fortunes, we were reminded of the complexity and diversity of human emotions and the power of hope. With each word, we hope to make someone's life a little brighter and encourage them.

I hope that these 100 fortunes will be special to each and every person who uses them. The words “The moment when your efforts will bear fruit is near☆” may encourage someone to work harder, and the prediction “It will be a day to discover a new you” may open a new door in someone's life.

I sincerely hope that these fortunes will light a light of hope in the hearts of people around the world and help make each day more brilliant. We also hope that our thoughts will reach your hearts through this application.

🌈 感動のクライマックス:技術と心の融合

Emotional Climax: The Fusion of Technology and Heart


 export default function KoroOmikuji() {export default function KoroOmikuji() {
  const [isRevealed, setIsRevealed] = useState(false);
  const [isShaking, setIsShaking] = useState(false);
  const [fortune, setFortune] = useState<Fortune>({ ja: '', en: '', luck: '' });
  const fortuneRef = useRef<HTMLParagraphElement>(null);

  // ... (previous code for drawFortune and useEffect)

  return (
    <Card className="w-full max-w-md bg-gradient-to-br from-pink-50 to-purple-50 dark:from-pink-950 dark:to-purple-950 overflow-hidden">
      <CardContent className="p-6">
        <div className="flex flex-col items-center gap-6 text-center relative">
          <div className="space-y-2">
            <h1 className="text-4xl font-bold text-pink-400 font-serif tracking-wide">Koro's Omikuji</h1>
            <p className="text-lg text-pink-300">キラキラ☆おみくじ</p>

          <div className="relative w-64 h-64">
              className={`rounded-full border-4 border-pink-200 shadow-xl ${isShaking ? 'animate-shake' : ''}`}
            <Sparkles className="absolute top-0 right-0 text-yellow-300 animate-pulse" />
            <Star className="absolute bottom-0 left-0 text-yellow-300 animate-pulse" />

          <div className="relative w-full min-h-[180px] flex items-center justify-center">
            {!isRevealed ? (
                className="bg-pink-400 hover:bg-pink-500 text-white px-8 py-4 rounded-full shadow-lg transform transition hover:scale-105 font-medium text-lg"
            ) : (
              <div className="bg-white/95 dark:bg-black/95 p-4 rounded-2xl shadow-xl w-full transform animate-unfold">
                <div className="mb-2">
                  <span className="text-2xl font-bold text-pink-500">{fortune.luck}</span>
                  className="text-xl font-medium text-pink-500 dark:text-pink-300 mb-2 whitespace-nowrap overflow-hidden"
                <p className="text-sm text-pink-400 dark:text-pink-200">
                <div className="flex justify-center gap-2 mt-3">
                  <Heart className="text-pink-400 w-5 h-5 animate-bounce" fill="currentColor" />
                  <Heart className="text-pink-300 w-5 h-5 animate-bounce delay-100" fill="currentColor" />
                  <Heart className="text-pink-200 w-5 h-5 animate-bounce delay-200" fill="currentColor" />
          {isRevealed && (
              onClick={() => setIsRevealed(false)}
              className="text-pink-400 hover:text-pink-500 hover:bg-pink-50"
          <div className="text-sm text-pink-300">

      <style jsx global>{`
        @keyframes float {
          0%, 100% { transform: translateY(0) rotate(0deg); }
          50% { transform: translateY(-20px) rotate(20deg); }
        @keyframes unfold {
          0% { transform: scaleY(0.1); opacity: 0; }
          100% { transform: scaleY(1); opacity: 1; }
        @keyframes shake {
          0%, 100% { transform: translateX(0); }
          25% { transform: translateX(-5px); }
          75% { transform: translateX(5px); }
        .animate-float {
          animation: float 3s ease-in-out infinite;
        .animate-unfold {
          animation: unfold 0.6s ease-out;
        .animate-shake {
          animation: shake 0.2s ease-in-out 5;


What moved me the most in this project was the moment when code stirred people's emotions.

This component is not just a collection of functions. It's a place of prayer in the digital age, delivering hope, surprise, and joy. When a user clicks the button, 100 stories come to life on the other side. Thinking about this makes my heart swell with emotion.

🚀 エピローグ:コードが紡ぐ、明日への希望

Epilogue: Code Weaving Hope for Tomorrow

「Koro's Omikuji」の開発は、私にとって単なるプロジェクト以上の存在でした。それは、技術の可能性と人間の感情の深さを再発見する旅。そして、その旅は終わりではなく、新たな冒険の始まりなのです。


  • AR技術で、現実世界に運命の言葉を浮かび上がらせる
  • AIが一人一人の人生に寄り添い、パーソナライズされた励ましの言葉を紡ぎ出す
  • 世界中の人々が自分たちの文化や思いを込めた「おみくじ」を作り、共有できるプラットフォーム

The development of "Koro's Omikuji" was more than just a project for me. It was a journey to rediscover the potential of technology and the depth of human emotion. And this journey is not an end, but the beginning of a new adventure.

Now, my heart is filled with anticipation for the next challenge:

  • Using AR technology to make words of destiny appear in the real world
  • AI that accompanies each person's life, spinning out personalized words of encouragement
  • A platform where people around the world can create and share "omikuji" imbued with their own culture and thoughts

🌸 最後に:コードは、希望を創る

In Conclusion: Code Creates Hope

「Koro's Omikuji」は、技術と心が出会う場所。それは、デジタルの冷たさを、人間の温もりで包み込む挑戦でした。



さあ、あなたも「Koro's Omikuji」で、今日の運命の言葉を聞いてみませんか?きっと、あなたの心に響く言葉が、キラキラと輝く星のように、降り注ぐはずです。✨🌠


"Koro's Omikuji" is a place where technology and heart meet. It was a challenge to wrap the coldness of digital with human warmth.

Our mission as engineers is not just to create software. It's to be close to people's hearts and light the way to hope for tomorrow. That is the noble mission required of modern engineers.

If through this project, I could light a small light in someone's life, that would be the ultimate fulfillment as a developer.

Now, why don't you try hearing today's words of destiny with "Koro's Omikuji"? Surely, words that resonate with your heart will rain down like twinkling stars. ✨🌠

And may those words guide your life, even if just a little, but surely, towards happiness.

#contest2024 #KoroOmikuji #ReactNextjs #TechWithHeart





