Functional iOS Architecture for SwiftUI (English)
By Yasuhiro Inami (@inamiy), translated in English. 日本語ver: This book is a compilation of the slides and speaker notes presented at iOSDC Japan 2020 Conference (Sep 21, 2020) under the title: "Functional iOS Architecture for SwiftUI". - Slide: By using ubiquitous techniques derived from Functional Programming and Category Theory, one can develop various UI Architectures using SwiftUI, or even for other frontend development. This book partly uses pseudo-Swift code for easier readability when Higher Kinded Types appear. In this book, one can learn the following two things: 1. Optics: Decomposing Redux / Elm Architecture's States, Actions, Reducers, etc, in a very modular way, and composing to make one large great app of your own. 2. Comonadic UI: The essence of UI Architectures seen in SwiftUI, React, Elm, and PureScript Halogen.