The AWS CDK lets you build reliable, scalable, cost-effective applications in the cloud with the considerable expressive power of a programming language.
sudo npm i -g aws-cdk
cdk bootstrap
$ cdk init app --language typescript
Applying project template app for typescript
# Welcome to your CDK TypeScript project
This is a blank project for CDK development with TypeScript.
The `cdk.json` file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.
## Useful commands
* `npm run build` compile typescript to js
* `npm run watch` watch for changes and compile
* `npm run test` perform the jest unit tests
* `cdk deploy` deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
* `cdk diff` compare deployed stack with current state
* `cdk synth` emits the synthesized CloudFormation template
Executing npm install...
✅ All done!
# リソースにタグを一律つける
cdk deploy --tags user=gekal
cdk destroy
サブコマンド | 別名 | 説明 |
cdk list [STACKS..] | ls | Lists all stacks in the app |
cdk synthesize [STACKS..] | synth | Synthesizes and prints the CloudFormation template for this stack |
cdk bootstrap [ENVIRONMENTS..] | Deploys the CDK toolkit stack into an AWS environment | |
cdk deploy [STACKS..] | Deploys the stack(s) named STACKS into your AWS account | |
cdk import [STACK] | Import existing resource(s) into the given STACK | |
cdk watch [STACKS..] | Shortcut for 'deploy --watch' | |
cdk destroy [STACKS..] | Destroy the stack(s) named STACKS | |
cdk diff [STACKS..] | Compares the specified stack with the deployed stack or a local template file, and returns with status 1 if any difference is found | |
cdk metadata [STACK] | Returns all metadata associated with this stack | |
cdk acknowledge [ID] | ack | Acknowledge a notice so that it does not show up anymore |
cdk notices | Returns a list of relevant notices | |
cdk init [TEMPLATE] | Create a new, empty CDK project from a template. | |
cdk context | Manage cached context values | |
cdk docs | doc | Opens the reference documentation in a browser |
cdk doctor | Check your set-up for potential problems |