
LRBinner: ロングリードメタゲノミクスのデータ組成とカバレッジ情報を同時に利用してビニングする






一方、第2世代シーケンサーより長鎖の配列を生成する第3世代のシーケンサーは、ショートリードのアセンブル後のcontig配列と同等以上の長さを持つRaw readを生成します。



これらの課題に対応するため、LRBinnerではデータの構成とカバレッジ情報を組み合わせつつ、距離ヒストグラムベースのクラスタリングアルゴリズムを使用することで任意のクラスター (Bin) を生成します。

LRBinner Intro参照

Insatall LRBinner



mamba create -n lrbinner -y python=3.10 numpy scipy seaborn h5py hdbscan gcc openmp tqdm biopython fraggenescan hmmer tabulate pytorch pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia -c bioconda


git clone https://github.com/anuradhawick/LRBinner.git


cd LRBinner
python setup.py build 




python3 LRBinner/lrbinner.py -h
usage: lrbinner.py [-h] [--version] {reads,contigs} ...

LRBinner Help. A tool developed for binning of metagenomics long reads (PacBio/ONT) and long read assemblies. Tool utilizes
composition and coverage profiles of reads based on k-mer frequencies to perform dimension reduction via a deep variational
auto-encoder. Dimension reduced reads are then clustered. Minimum RAM requirement is 9GB (4GB GPU if cuda used).

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --version, -v    Show version.

LRBinner running Mode:
    reads          for binning reads
    contigs        for binning contigs


usage: lrbinner.py reads [-h] --reads-path READS_PATH [--k-size {3,4,5}] [--bin-size BIN_SIZE] [--bin-count BIN_COUNT]
                         [--ae-epochs AE_EPOCHS] [--ae-dims AE_DIMS] [--ae-hidden AE_HIDDEN] [--threads THREADS]
                         [--separate] [--cuda] [--resume] --output <DEST> [--min-bin-size MIN_BIN_SIZE]
                         [--bin-iterations BIN_ITERATIONS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --reads-path READS_PATH, -r READS_PATH
                        Reads path for binning
  --k-size {3,4,5}, -k {3,4,5}
                        k value for k-mer frequency vector. Choose between 3 and 5.
  --bin-size BIN_SIZE, -bs BIN_SIZE
                        Bin size for the coverage histogram.
  --bin-count BIN_COUNT, -bc BIN_COUNT
                        Number of bins for the coverage histogram.
  --ae-epochs AE_EPOCHS
                        Epochs for the auto_encoder.
  --ae-dims AE_DIMS     Size of the latent dimension.
  --ae-hidden AE_HIDDEN
                        Hidden layer sizes eg: 128,128
  --threads THREADS, -t THREADS
                        Thread count for computations
  --separate, -sep      Flag to separate reads/contigs into bins detected. Avaialbe in folder named 'binned'.
  --cuda                Whether to use CUDA if available.
  --resume              Continue from the last step or the binning step (which ever comes first). Can save time needed count
  --output <DEST>, -o <DEST>
                        Output directory
  --min-bin-size MIN_BIN_SIZE, -mbs MIN_BIN_SIZE
                        The minimum number of reads a bin should have.
  --bin-iterations BIN_ITERATIONS, -bit BIN_ITERATIONS
                        Number of iterations for cluster search. Use 0 for exhaustive search.


usage: lrbinner.py contigs [-h] --reads-path READS_PATH [--k-size {3,4,5}] [--bin-size BIN_SIZE] [--bin-count BIN_COUNT]
                           [--ae-epochs AE_EPOCHS] [--ae-dims AE_DIMS] [--ae-hidden AE_HIDDEN] [--threads THREADS]
                           [--separate] [--cuda] [--resume] --output <DEST> --contigs CONTIGS

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --reads-path READS_PATH, -r READS_PATH
                        Reads path for binning
  --k-size {3,4,5}, -k {3,4,5}
                        k value for k-mer frequency vector. Choose between 3 and 5.
  --bin-size BIN_SIZE, -bs BIN_SIZE
                        Bin size for the coverage histogram.
  --bin-count BIN_COUNT, -bc BIN_COUNT
                        Number of bins for the coverage histogram.
  --ae-epochs AE_EPOCHS
                        Epochs for the auto_encoder.
  --ae-dims AE_DIMS     Size of the latent dimension.
  --ae-hidden AE_HIDDEN
                        Hidden layer sizes eg: 128,128
  --threads THREADS, -t THREADS
                        Thread count for computations
  --separate, -sep      Flag to separate reads/contigs into bins detected. Avaialbe in folder named 'binned'.
  --cuda                Whether to use CUDA if available.
  --resume              Continue from the last step or the binning step (which ever comes first). Can save time needed count
  --output <DEST>, -o <DEST>
                        Output directory
  --contigs CONTIGS, -c CONTIGS
                        Contigs path




aria2c -x 16 https://downloads.pacbcloud.com/public/dataset/Sequel-IIe-202104/metagenomics/m64011_210224_000525.hifi_reads.fastq.tar.gz
tar -xvf metagenomics/m64011_210224_000525.hifi_reads.fastq.tar.gz


圧縮されたファイルは非対応なので.fastq, .fastaの形式で与える。kmer sizeで結果が変わるようなので-kを変えて3,4,5の3パターンでbinを生成します。以下は-k = 3のパターン。

python3 LRBinner/lrbinner.py reads -r m64011_210224_000525.hifi_reads.fastq -bc 10 -bs 32 -o lrb-k3 --resume --cuda -mbs 5000 --ae-dims 4 --ae-epochs 200 -bit 0 -k 3 -t 32


python3 LRBinner/separate_reads.py --reads m64011_210224_000525.hifi_reads.fastq -b lrb-k3/binning_result.pkl -o lrb-k3/bin/


for i in {3..5}; do seqkit stats -a lrb-k${i}/bin/*/* ; done
  • -k3 合計 8bin
file num_seqs sum_len min_len avg_len max_len N50
lrb-k3/bin/bin-0/reads.fasta 377887 3927212660 450 10392.6 45570 11563
lrb-k3/bin/bin-1/reads.fasta 111607 1180797513 61 10580 42867 11823
lrb-k3/bin/bin-2/reads.fasta 427855 4461579941 89 10427.8 49376 11688
lrb-k3/bin/bin-3/reads.fasta 254828 2595221547 178 10184.2 39900 11126
lrb-k3/bin/bin-4/reads.fasta 239667 2425393628 238 10119.8 39607 11125
lrb-k3/bin/bin-5/reads.fasta 222318 2285313274 85 10279.5 38290 11391
lrb-k3/bin/bin-6/reads.fasta 130842 1323968759 267 10118.8 40865 11200
lrb-k3/bin/bin-7/reads.fasta 27142 290933733 1290 10718.9 36108 11978
  • -k4 合計 19bin
file num_seqs sum_len min_len avg_len max_len N50
lrb-k4/bin/bin-0/reads.fasta 106584 1127643708 61 10579.9 42867 11809
lrb-k4/bin/bin-10/reads.fasta 37527 399109988 1290 10635.3 36108 11912
lrb-k4/bin/bin-11/reads.fasta 185438 1869499602 238 10081.5 37223 11062
lrb-k4/bin/bin-12/reads.fasta 57796 586592891 300 10149.4 33091 11115
lrb-k4/bin/bin-13/reads.fasta 39214 383501750 572 9779.7 39132 10675
lrb-k4/bin/bin-14/reads.fasta 205934 2089615717 255 10147 39607 11211
lrb-k4/bin/bin-15/reads.fasta 18314 186640991 1413 10191.2 32321 11165
lrb-k4/bin/bin-16/reads.fasta 10966 108191051 617 9866 31875 11095
lrb-k4/bin/bin-17/reads.fasta 33837 349176539 669 10319.4 32985 11528
lrb-k4/bin/bin-18/reads.fasta 5367 56025029 897 10438.8 33879 11703
lrb-k4/bin/bin-1/reads.fasta 15545 161304820 1592 10376.6 30893 11486
lrb-k4/bin/bin-2/reads.fasta 15702 172760739 1239 11002.5 34820 12325
lrb-k4/bin/bin-3/reads.fasta 48534 492468119 310 10146.9 45570 11243
lrb-k4/bin/bin-4/reads.fasta 16272 168493091 652 10354.8 33792 11468
lrb-k4/bin/bin-5/reads.fasta 456610 4735739815 368 10371.5 41239 11549
lrb-k4/bin/bin-6/reads.fasta 57318 599039597 549 10451.2 39900 11443
lrb-k4/bin/bin-7/reads.fasta 220136 2273328260 85 10326.9 49376 11612
lrb-k4/bin/bin-8/reads.fasta 74324 768259215 178 10336.6 37105 11272
lrb-k4/bin/bin-9/reads.fasta 186728 1963030133 267 10512.8 35920 11684
  • -k5 合計 17bin
file num_seqs sum_len min_len avg_len max_len N50
lrb-k5/bin/bin-0/reads.fasta 31120 332936497 1290 10698.5 36108 11965
lrb-k5/bin/bin-10/reads.fasta 462881 4799795226 85 10369.4 45570 11545
lrb-k5/bin/bin-11/reads.fasta 301265 3128461141 61 10384.4 49376 11664
lrb-k5/bin/bin-12/reads.fasta 16021 161640844 358 10089.3 33562 10975
lrb-k5/bin/bin-13/reads.fasta 44302 446935124 238 10088.4 35294 11083
lrb-k5/bin/bin-14/reads.fasta 25897 260723135 846 10067.7 38436 11172
lrb-k5/bin/bin-15/reads.fasta 13238 132234765 288 9989 32180 11239
lrb-k5/bin/bin-16/reads.fasta 110103 1137595052 414 10332.1 39607 11426
lrb-k5/bin/bin-1/reads.fasta 15744 163167364 572 10363.8 30893 11475
lrb-k5/bin/bin-2/reads.fasta 104463 1108553075 255 10611.9 42867 11860
lrb-k5/bin/bin-3/reads.fasta 58656 612653206 549 10444.9 39900 11433
lrb-k5/bin/bin-4/reads.fasta 48414 493758499 310 10198.7 40865 11303
lrb-k5/bin/bin-5/reads.fasta 26274 271888628 274 10348.2 34997 11496
lrb-k5/bin/bin-6/reads.fasta 149656 1532767339 267 10241.9 37777 11308
lrb-k5/bin/bin-7/reads.fasta 182000 1836579609 178 10091.1 39132 11031
lrb-k5/bin/bin-8/reads.fasta 104797 1044214495 243 9964.2 37223 10892
lrb-k5/bin/bin-9/reads.fasta 97315 1026517056 902 10548.4 32589 11747


python script for violin plot
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# set using header info
header = ['file', 'num_seqs', 'min_len', 'avg_len', 'max_len']

# read stats
dat_k3 = pd.read_table("3.stats", usecols= header, sep = '\t', index_col = None)
dat_k3['cate'] = 'k3'
dat_k4 = pd.read_table("4.stats", usecols= header, sep = '\t', index_col = None)
dat_k4['cate'] = 'k4'
dat_k5 = pd.read_table("5.stats", usecols= header, sep = '\t', index_col = None)
dat_k5['cate'] = 'k5'

# concat dat
merged_dat = pd.concat([dat_k3,dat_k4,dat_k5], ignore_index= True)

# sequence num violin plot
sns.violinplot(data = merged_dat, x = 'cate', y = 'num_seqs',color="0.8")
sns.stripplot(data = merged_dat, x = 'cate', y = 'num_seqs',jitter=True, zorder=1)
# total sequence length plot 
sns.violinplot(data = merged_dat, x = 'cate', y = 'sum_len',color="0.8")
sns.stripplot(data = merged_dat, x = 'cate', y = 'sum_len',jitter=True, zorder=1)
# max len violin plot
sns.violinplot(data = merged_dat, x = 'cate', y = 'max_len',color="0.8")
sns.stripplot(data = merged_dat, x = 'cate', y = 'max_len',jitter=True, zorder=1)
# min len violin plot
sns.violinplot(data = merged_dat, x = 'cate', y = 'min_len',color="0.8")
sns.stripplot(data = merged_dat, x = 'cate', y = 'min_len',jitter=True, zorder=1)
  • num sequence

  • total sequence length

  • max length

  • min length



  • 自作PC1
  • libraries
    Name Version Build Channel
    numpy 1.26.3 py310hb13e2d6_0 conda-forge
    scipy 1.12.0 py310hb13e2d6_2 conda-forge
    seaborn 0.13.2 hd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
    h5py 3.10.0 nompi_py310h65828d5_101 conda-forge
    pytorch 2.2.0 py3.10_cuda11.8_cudnn8.7.0_0 pytorch
    pytorch-cuda 11.8 h7e8668a_5 pytorch
    pytorch-mutex 1.0 cuda pytorch
    torchtriton 2.2.0 py310 pytorch
    fraggenescan 1.31 h031d066_6 bioconda
    hmmer 3.4 hdbdd923_0 bioconda
    hdbscan 0.8.33 py310h1f7b6fc_4 conda-forge
