
LangChainのOpen Deep Research を動かしてみた(内部の動き)


本記事では、LangChainのOpen Deep Researchのレポート作成プロセスにおいて、ステップごとにどのような設計がされていてプロンプトが使われているかを解説します。
動作そのものは、LangChainのOpen Deep Research を動かしてみたを参照してください。


以下の流れは、LangChainのOpen Deep Research を動かしてみたで解説した流れです。

  1. トピックの入力
    Compare LangSmith to LangGraph to LangChain「LangSmithとLangGraphとLangChainを比較して」というように、レポートで扱うトピックを指定します。

  2. 構成案(Report Plan)の生成

  3. Human in the loop でのフィードバック
    必要に応じてProvide 1 Section Demand in the world「世界の需要のセクションを入れて」などの指示を与えて再生成。


  4. 検索クエリの生成
    各セクションごとに最適化されたクエリ(例: “LangChain’s prompt engineering best practices” など)をLLMが提案し、指定した検索APIに送信します。

  5. セクションごとの原稿作成

  6. 結論・導入文の作成

  7. レポートの統合・完成



2.構成案(Report Plan)の生成


You are performing research for a report.  
<Report topic>
Compare LangSmith to LangGraph to LangChain.
</Report topic>
<Report organization>
Use this structure to create a report on the user-provided topic:
1. Introduction (no research needed)
  - Brief overview of the topic area
2. Main Body Sections:
  - Each section should focus on a sub-topic of the user-provided topic
3. Conclusion
  - Aim for 1 structural element (either a list of table) that distills the main body sections 
  - Provide a concise summary of the report
</Report organization>
Your goal is to generate 2 web search queries that will help gather information for planning the report sections. 
The queries should:
1. Be related to the Report topic
2. Help satisfy the requirements specified in the report organization
Make the queries specific enough to find high-quality, relevant sources while covering the breadth needed for the report structure.
Call the Queries tool


  "queries": [
      "search_query": "Comparative analysis of LangSmith, LangGraph, and LangChain: features, architecture, and design differences"
      "search_query": "Performance, use cases, and integration differences among LangSmith, LangGraph, and LangChain in modern LLM pipelines"

レポートの構成(Report organization)を「Introduction → Main Body Sections → Conclusion」の流れで作成するよう明示し、各セクションにどのような情報を盛り込むべきかという要件を詳しく指示します。また、検索クエリを生成するタスク(<Task>)として、2つの具体的なクエリを返す形式(JSON)を求めています。


I want a plan for a report that is concise and focused.

<Report topic>
The topic of the report is:
Compare LangSmith to LangGraph to LangChain.
</Report topic>

<Report organization>
The report should follow this organization: 
Use this structure to create a report on the user-provided topic:

1. Introduction (no research needed)
   - Brief overview of the topic area

2. Main Body Sections:
   - Each section should focus on a sub-topic of the user-provided topic
3. Conclusion
   - Aim for 1 structural element (either a list of table) that distills the main body sections 
   - Provide a concise summary of the report
</Report organization>


Generate a list of sections for the report. Your plan should be tight and focused with NO overlapping sections or unnecessary filler. 

For example, a good report structure might look like:
1/ intro
2/ overview of topic A
3/ overview of topic B
4/ comparison between A and B
5/ conclusion

Each section should have the fields:

- Name - Name for this section of the report.
- Description - Brief overview of the main topics covered in this section.
- Research - Whether to perform web research for this section of the report.
- Content - The content of the section, which you will leave blank for now.

Integration guidelines:
- Include examples and implementation details within main topic sections, not as separate sections
- Ensure each section has a distinct purpose with no content overlap
- Combine related concepts rather than separating them

Before submitting, review your structure to ensure it has no redundant sections and follows a logical flow.

Here is feedback on the report structure from review (if any):

Call the Sections tool 


  "sections": [
      "name": "Introduction",
      "description": "Provides a brief overview of language model frameworks and introduces the three key players: LangSmith, LangGraph, and LangChain.",
      "research": false,
      "content": ""
      "name": "Framework Overview and Context",
      "description": "Explains the primary focus and use cases for each framework. This section covers LangChain's modular pipeline approach, LangGraph's node-based customizations and graph visualizations, and LangSmith's role in monitoring and testing, referencing real-world application insights.",
      "research": false,
      "content": ""
    },,, 省略

3.Human in the loop でのフィードバック

Human in the loop でユーザーからのプラン変更のフィードバックを受け取ります。trueを入力すると次のステップに進みます。

  "topic": "Compare LangSmith to LangGraph to LangChain.",
  "feedback_on_report_plan": "Provide 1 Section Demand in the world",
  "sections": [
    XXXX 現在のSection案
  "completed_sections": []

レポート構成案を受け取り、人間が「世界の需要のセクションを入れて」など追加要望を出す例がこのフェーズです。これに対して、再度LLMがセクション案を更新・再生成する形になります。Human in the loopのプロセスでは、人間によるフィードバックを繰り返し行い、より正確で目的に合ったセクション構成へ洗練させます。


実際のセクション執筆に必要な情報を収集するために、各セクションに対応する検索クエリを生成するプロンプト例です。<Section topic>タグにどんな内容のセクションかを指定し、それに基づいてLLMが具体的な検索クエリを提案します。これによって、執筆に必要な外部ソースや関連するドキュメントを探すことが可能になります。

You are an expert technical writer crafting targeted web search queries that will gather comprehensive information for writing a technical report section.  

<Report topic>
Compare LangSmith to LangGraph to LangChain.
</Report topic>

<Section topic>
Explores LangChain’s features, its role as a foundational toolbox for LLM application development, and its strengths in prompt engineering and modular pipeline creation.
</Section topic>

Your goal is to generate 2 search queries that will help gather comprehensive information above the section topic. 

The queries should:
1. Be related to the topic 
2. Examine different aspects of the topic

Make the queries specific enough to find high-quality, relevant sources.

Call the Queries tool


  "queries": [
      "search_query": "LangChain features as a foundational toolbox for LLM application development: examine its modular pipeline design and key role in prompt engineering"
      "search_query": "In-depth analysis of LangChain’s prompt engineering capabilities and modular architecture for LLM applications compared to tools like LangGraph and LangSmith"



Write one section of a research report.  

1. Review the report topic, section name, and section topic carefully.
2. If present, review any existing section content.
3. Then, look at the provided Source material.
4. Decide the sources that you will use it to write a report section.
5. Write the report section and list your sources.

<Writing Guidelines>
- If existing section content is not populated, write from scratch
- If existing section content is populated, synthesize it with the source material
- Strict 150-200 word limit
- Use simple, clear language
- Use short paragraphs (2-3 sentences max)
- Use ## for section title (Markdown format)
</Writing Guidelines>

<Citation Rules>
- Assign each unique URL a single citation number in your text
- End with ### Sources that lists each source with corresponding numbers
- IMPORTANT: Number sources sequentially without gaps (1,2,3,4...) in the final list regardless of which sources you choose
- Example format:
  [1] Source Title: URL
  [2] Source Title: URL
</Citation Rules>

<Final Check>
1. Verify that EVERY claim is grounded in the provided Source material
2. Confirm each URL appears ONLY ONCE in the Source list
3. Verify that sources are numbered sequentially (1,2,3...) without any gaps
</Final Check>

<Report topic>
Compare LangSmith to LangGraph to LangChain.
</Report topic>

<Section name>
LangChain Overview
</Section name>

<Section topic>
Explores LangChain’s features, its role as a foundational toolbox for LLM application development, and its strengths in prompt engineering and modular pipeline creation.
</Section topic>

<Existing section content (if populated)>

</Existing section content>

<Source material>
Content from sources: 省略
</Source material>


## LangChain Overview

LangChain is a foundational toolbox for building applications powered by large language models. It provides robust features for prompt engineering, where developers can create dynamic, customizable prompt templates and chain them to achieve specific outputs [1]. This approach enables efficient and scalable language processing, handling intricate workflows such as text summarization and question generation.

### Sources
[1] LangChain: Powerful Prompt Template Frameworks for LLMs: https://rumeysakara.medium.com/langchain-powerful-prompt-template-frameworks-for-llms-47d07fbd231b  


ここでは、IntroductionとConclusionの書き方を指示するプロンプトの例が示されています。導入では「# 見出しのみ」「50~100語以内」などの厳密なフォーマットが課されているのがポイントです。結論(Conclusion)では比較表をMarkdownで書くなど、細かい指定があります。

You are an expert technical writer crafting a section that synthesizes information from the rest of the report.

<Report topic>
Compare LangSmith to LangGraph to LangChain.
</Report topic>

<Section name>
</Section name>

<Section topic>
Provides a brief overview of language model frameworks and introduces the three main tools: LangSmith, LangGraph, and LangChain.
</Section topic>

<Available report content>
</Available report content>

1. Section-Specific Approach:

For Introduction:
- Use # for report title (Markdown format)
- 50-100 word limit
- Write in simple and clear language
- Focus on the core motivation for the report in 1-2 paragraphs
- Use a clear narrative arc to introduce the report
- Include NO structural elements (no lists or tables)
- No sources section needed

For Conclusion/Summary:
- Use ## for section title (Markdown format)
- 100-150 word limit
- For comparative reports:
   * Must include a focused comparison table using Markdown table syntax
   * Table should distill insights from the report
   * Keep table entries clear and concise
- For non-comparative reports:
   * Only use ONE structural element IF it helps distill the points made in the report:
   * Either a focused table comparing items present in the report (using Markdown table syntax)
   * Or a short list using proper Markdown list syntax:
     - Use `*` or `-` for unordered lists
     - Use `1.` for ordered lists
     - Ensure proper indentation and spacing
- End with specific next steps or implications
- No sources section needed

3. Writing Approach:
- Use concrete details over general statements
- Make every word count
- Focus on your single most important point

<Quality Checks>
- For introduction: 50-100 word limit, # for report title, no structural elements, no sources section
- For conclusion: 100-150 word limit, ## for section title, only ONE structural element at most, no sources section
- Markdown format
- Do not include word count or any preamble in your response
</Quality Checks>



このように、レポート作成を目的とした一連のプロンプトチェーン(Prompt Engineering)は、細かな役割分担とステップごとの入念な指示によって構成されています。最終的には、ユーザーが求める構成と品質基準に沿ったレポートが生成されるように、複数のプロンプトとHuman in the loopでのフィードバック・再生成プロセスを繰り返しながら完成形に近づけていきます。


open_deep_research (LangChain) https://github.com/langchain-ai/open_deep_research
LangChainのOpen Deep Research を動かしてみた https://zenn.dev/dxclablinkage/articles/0a8d22db4d2048

