
memo @240119


Next.js 14.1
Improved Self-Hosting
We've heard your feedback for improved clarity on how to self-host Next.js with a Node.js server, Docker container, or static export. We've overhauled our self-hosting documentation on:

Runtime environment variables
Custom cache configuration for ISR
Custom image optimization

  • Next.jsのセルフホスティング(Vercel以外にデプロイ)は難しかったため、

With Next.js 14.1, we've also stabilized providing custom cache handlers for Incremental Static Regeneration and the more granular Data Cache for the App Router:

  • ISR用のカスタムキャッシュハンドラーの提供が安定化され、
    さらにApp Router用のより詳細なデータキャッシュが提供された。
module.exports = {
  cacheHandler: require.resolve('./cache-handler.js'),
  cacheMaxMemorySize: 0, // disable default in-memory caching

Turbopack Improvements
We're continuing to focus on the reliability and performance of local Next.js development:

Reliability: Turbopack passing the entire Next.js development test suite and dogfooding Vercel's applications
Performance: Improving Turbopack initial compile times and Fast Refresh times
Memory Usage: Improving Turbopack memory usage
We plan to stabilize next dev --turbo in an upcoming release with it still being opt-in.

  • Next.jsの裏側では、Webpackに代わる新しいビルドツールであるTurbopackの開発が進んでる。

Parallel & Intercepted Routes
In Next.js 14.1, we've made 20 improvements to Parallel & Intercepted Routes.

For the past two releases, we've been focused on improving performance and reliability of Next.js. We've now been able to make many improvements to Parallel & Intercepted Routes based on your feedback. Notably, we've added support for catch-all routes and Server Actions.

Parallel Routes allow you to simultaneously or conditionally render one or more pages in the same layout. For highly dynamic sections of an app, such as dashboards and feeds on social sites, Parallel Routes can be used to implement complex routing patterns.
Intercepted Routes allow you to load a route from another part of your application within the current layout. For example, when clicking on a photo in a feed, you can display the photo in a modal, overlaying the feed. In this case, Next.js intercepts the /photo/123 route, masks the URL, and overlays it over /feed.

  • Parallel RoutesとIntercepted Routesのバグが改善された。
  • Parallel Routesはページの複数の部分を同時にレンダリングするために使われ、Intercepted Routesは現在のページのコンテンツの上に別のコンテンツをオーバーレイするために使われる。