
memo @240120



Introducing Expo Dev Tools Plugins
This API provides a foundation for library authors (and adventurous app developers) to build browser-based plugins to debug and interact with aspects of their library / app. To validate and demonstrate the API, we also built a few plugins for popular tools: Apollo Client, TanStack Query, TinyBase, React Native Async Storage, and React Navigation — and you can find them in the expo/dev-plugins repository. Learn more.

  • Expo Dev Toolsを使ったらネイティブアプリ開発時にエミュレーターのみならず、

Expo Router v3
This is the next major release for universal file-based routing and advanced web support. Expo Router v3 includes many bugfixes and stability improvements, better documentation, web support, testing, and types. Most notably, Expo Router v3 now has experimental support for building universal server endpoints with API Routes. A detailed blog post explaining the release is coming soon, in the meantime you can reference the Expo Router v3 Beta blog.

  • Expo Router v3API Routesを使用したユニバーサル
  • Netlify Cloudflare Vercelなど自らどっかにデプロイする必要はある。

EAS Update
New, easy to use JavaScript API: we now include the new useUpdates() hook (teased during the August launch week) in the expo-updates package to make it easy to track state and interact with the updates API. This API should give you ergonomic access to anything you'd like to know about the state of updates in your project — see the return type, the useUpdates() docs, and the expo/UpdatesAPIDemo repository for more information.

  • useUpdatesupdates APIの状態を追跡しやすくする。updates APIを使うとプロジェクト内のアップデートの状態に関して知りたいことを簡単にアクセスできる。