
Work skills | Consciousness of non-verbal communication at the confere


In the beginning

I am a first-year engineer. Before that, there was no experience of "attending in the meeting".

I do not think that is the only reason. At the beginning of the meeting, there were a number of times that the main stream of the talk was disturbed and costing was over, and the members were getting into trouble. And I was not aware that I was "costing".

In other words, my program to attend the meeting contained a bug. There was also a poor implementation. Even the test did not exist.

So I will share this fix.

Catch non languages

 begin Information.find_by(word: nil) rescue => e p e.message end 

What I misunderstood most? At the conference, I was convinced that communication will be done only in language. But this is different.

It depends on the nature of the conference itself. "Non-verbal communication" is also held. Especially for small people. It is remarkable in the meeting in the companion.

Sometimes it is more important than verbal communication.


What does this mean?

For example:

  1. Alice said.
  2. Bob asked Alice a question.
  3. Alice thought 5 seconds and answered.
  4. Calol was laughing and watching.

"Bob asked," "Alice thought for 5 seconds," "Calol was laughing." It is full of non-verbalization information.

For example, as follows.

  1. Alice seems to start a new story.
  2. Speaking of which, Bob is now investigating independently. You should be able to give advice to Alice's story. So I took the form of a question and gave advice to Alice.
  3. Alice was only asked a question and recognized the problem Bob said. So it took 5 seconds to think and answer for a while.
  4. Calol is probably. I'm thinking this is a good member environment. Calol is a skilled player. Well, from the perspective of Calol, this team is in a good environment.


How about "catching nonverbal communication"? Let's make it a class and use it anytime.

 class You def hear Information.find_by(word: nil) rescue => e p e.message end end 

In general terms. There is a theory that "human-to-human communication. There is much more non-verbal information than language."

It seems that Melavian law has become popular. If you look at the world, you will find that "non-language has more information" is a fact.

For example. When the game character says something. For example, the nuances given to the user are completely different depending on which image of "Laughed face", "Cried face", "Branchi" is used.

Even with character voices, voice actors can use different nuances of reciprocity.

Human beings are made to receive a lot of information in non-language.

So when attending meetings and meetings, it is better to focus on non-verbal exchange of information.

Inherit classes

 class Question < You def ask Human.understand(hear) end end 

This "directed to non-verbal communication" technique can be used outside of meetings. For example, when asking a team member for an implementation question.

The answer comes out after thinking. It's not like coming out lightly.

If it takes time to answer. Guessing "that member would have thought". It can be noted that "there may be something wrong with it."

And if you think you're going to get lost, you can also ask questions from yourself. If that person is not the type of member who will tell you in detail. Ask questions to other members.

It is worthwhile to at least know that there may be something wrong.

When you get to the nature of one member like this. Conversely, when the same person answered "I made a mistake without thinking", I could think that "I would not be jealous." You can also use it as an indicator from the reverse position.

In this sense, "non-verbal communication" is very useful for work.

This is just an example. Applications listen to this method, so please inherit or override other classes as well.


  • This world since-ver 2.0.16
  • Ruby on Rails programer (how old are you)-ver 3.2

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仕事術 | 会議では非言語コミュニケーションを意識する [入社1年目のエンジニアが気付いた 会議/ミーティング出席のコツ]


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