English 🤖エンジニアの爆速勉強のためにはスキンヘッドになるべし、SteveJobsを見習って
lets cut your hair and be skin like Steve JOBS 👐 For engineering studying outputting speed
Why jobs skinn head?
- jobs wear only タートルネック
- jobs is near skinhead
- lets study from it!
Beacause why reason
- Hear setting is to troublesome
- Rob our energy so much
- We wear nit cap but skin head is so low cost
i will not be skin head but i will go to 床屋 house today : )
Cont down Cont down Cont down !
- for studying and outputting we required cost down
- for digital world for analog world different? no both refactoring require 👍
- We will be happy by reractoring our head be skin head yes yes yes 😃
Japanese 🤖エンジニアの爆速勉強のためにはスキンヘッドになるべし、SteveJobsを見習って