🖥i wanna combine private and work identity at @twitter icon also @Githu2023/08/26に公開2023/08/28Englishtech also Github Medium and other services Before private meditation close eyes Before work company color yellow and black NEw combined identity have a book for engineering ajail Life changing time? big time changes https://github.com/YumaInaura/YumaInaura/ チャットメンバー募集 何か質問、悩み事、相談などあればLINEオープンチャットもご利用ください。 https://line.me/ti/g2/eEPltQ6Tzh3pYAZV8JXKZqc7PJ6L0rpm573dcQ Twitter https://twitter.com/YumaInaura 公開日時 2019-01-01 Discussion