Tool to search Wikipedia with Agent of LangChain.js
import { Tool } from "langchain/tools";
export class Wikipedia extends Tool {
name = "search-wikipedia";
description = `useful for when you need to ask general questions about people, places, companies, facts, historical events, or other subjects. Input: a search query.`;
async _call(input: string) {
try {
const endpoint = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php";
const params = new URLSearchParams();
params.append("action", "query");
params.append("list", "search");
params.append("format", "json");
params.append("srsearch", input);
const res = await fetch(`${endpoint}?${params.toString()}`);
const json = await res.json();
let answer = json["query"]["search"][0]["snippet"];
answer = answer.replaceAll(/<[^>]*>/g, "");
answer = answer.replaceAll(""", "**");
if ("pageid" in json["query"]["search"][0]) {
let pageId = json["query"]["search"][0]["pageid"];
answer = `${answer}\nurl: https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=${pageId}`;
return answer;
} catch (error) {
return "I don't know.";
How to use it
const model = new OpenAI({ temperature: 0 });
const tools: Array<ChainTool | Tool> = [
new Calculator(),
new Wikipedia(),
const chatModel = new ChatOpenAI({ temperature: 0 });
const executor = await initializeAgentExecutorWithOptions(tools, chatModel, {
agentType: "zero-shot-react-description",
const result = await executor.call({
input: "Who is the UN Secretary General?",