Momento Cache Data APIs


API reference for Momento Cache (Data APIs)

API reference for Momento Cacheに掲載されている
Data APIsに関するメモです。

Momento CacheのAPIには種類がある

Momento CacheのAPIには主に3種類のAPIが存在します。

  • Control
  • Data
  • Time to Live

今回は基本となるData APIsについて解説します。

Data APIsでは何ができるのか


メソッド 操作内容
Set Momento Cache上にあるキャッシュにデータをセットする
Get Momento Cache上にあるキャッシュから指定されたデータを取得する
Delete Momento Cache上にあるキャッシュからKeyで指定されたデータを削除する
Increment Momento Cache上にキャッシュされた数値データに任意の数値を加算する(デフォルトは1)
Ping Momento Cacheとの疎通確認
ItemGetType Momento Cache上のキャッシュからデータ型を取り出す
KeyExists Momento Cache上に指定されたキーがキャッシュに存在するかどうかをチェックする
KeysExist Momento Cache上に指定されたキーがキャッシュに存在するかどうかをチェックする
SetIfNotExists 指定された値を、指定されたキーを持つキャッシュ項目に関連付けます


Momento Cache上にあるキャッシュにデータをセットします。キャッシュ先がない場合はエラーが発生します。

import { CacheClient, CreateCache, CacheSet, Configurations, CredentialProvider } from '@gomomento/sdk';

async function momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client) {
  const result = await cache_client.createCache(cache_name);
  if (result instanceof CreateCache.Success) {
    console.log("Cache 'test-cache' created");
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.AlreadyExists) {
    console.log("Cache 'test-cache' already exists");
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to create cache 'test-cache': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_set_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, key_value) {
  const result = await cache_client.set(cache_name, key_name, key_value);
  if (result instanceof CacheSet.Success) {
    console.log(`Key ${key_name} stored successfully`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheSet.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to store key 'test-key' in cache cache_name: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

export default function main() {

  const cache_client = new CacheClient({
    configuration: Configurations.Laptop.v1(),
    defaultTtlSeconds: 60,
    credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
      environmentVariableName: 'MOMENTO_API_KEY',

  const cache_name = 'test-cache';
  const key_name = 'test-key';
  const key_value = 'test-data';

  momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client);
  momento_set_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, key_value);




Momento Cache上にあるキャッシュから指定されたデータを取得します。

import { CacheClient, CreateCache, CacheSet, CacheGet, Configurations, CredentialProvider } from '@gomomento/sdk';

async function momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client) {
  const result = await cache_client.createCache(cache_name);
  if (result instanceof CreateCache.Success) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} created`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.AlreadyExists) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} already exists`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to create cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_set_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, key_value) {
  const result = await cache_client.set(cache_name, key_name, key_value);
  if (result instanceof CacheSet.Success) {
    console.log(`Key ${key_name} stored successfully`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheSet.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to store key ${key_name} in cache cache_name: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_get_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name) {
  const result = await cache_client.get(cache_name, key_name);
  if (result instanceof CacheGet.Hit) {
    console.log(`Retrieved value for key ${key_name}: ${result.valueString()}`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheGet.Miss) {
    console.log(`Key ${key_name} was not found in cache ${cache_name}`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheGet.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to get key ${key_name} from cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

export default function main() {

  const cache_client = new CacheClient({
    configuration: Configurations.Laptop.v1(),
    defaultTtlSeconds: 60,
    credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
      environmentVariableName: 'MOMENTO_API_KEY',

  const cache_name = 'test-cache';
  const key_name = 'test-key';
  const key_value = 'test-data';

  momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client);
  momento_set_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, key_value);
  momento_get_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name);




Momento Cache上にあるキャッシュからKeyで指定されたデータを削除します。

import { CacheClient, CreateCache, CacheSet, CacheGet, CacheDelete, Configurations, CredentialProvider } from '@gomomento/sdk';

async function momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client) {
  const result = await cache_client.createCache(cache_name);
  if (result instanceof CreateCache.Success) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} created`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.AlreadyExists) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} already exists`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to create cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_set_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, key_value) {
  const result = await cache_client.set(cache_name, key_name, key_value);
  if (result instanceof CacheSet.Success) {
    console.log(`Key ${key_name} stored successfully`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheSet.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to store key ${key_name} in cache cache_name: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_get_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name) {
  const result = await cache_client.get(cache_name, key_name);
  if (result instanceof CacheGet.Hit) {
    console.log(`Retrieved value for key ${key_name}: ${result.valueString()}`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheGet.Miss) {
    console.log(`Key ${key_name} was not found in cache ${cache_name}`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheGet.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to get key ${key_name} from cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_delete_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name) {
  const result = await cache_client.delete(cache_name, key_name);
  if (result instanceof CacheDelete.Success) {
    console.log(`Key ${key_name} deleted successfully`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheDelete.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to delete key ${key_name} from cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

export default function main() {

  const cache_client = new CacheClient({
    configuration: Configurations.Laptop.v1(),
    defaultTtlSeconds: 60,
    credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
      environmentVariableName: 'MOMENTO_API_KEY',

  const cache_name = 'test-cache';
  const key_name = 'test-key';
  const key_value = 'test-data';

  momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client);
  momento_set_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, key_value);
  momento_get_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name);
  momento_delete_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name)
  momento_get_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name);




Momento Cache上にキャッシュされた数値データに任意の数値を加算します。(デフォルトは1)



import { CacheClient, CreateCache, CacheGet, CacheIncrement, Configurations, CredentialProvider } from '@gomomento/sdk';

async function momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client) {
  const result = await cache_client.createCache(cache_name);
  if (result instanceof CreateCache.Success) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} created`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.AlreadyExists) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} already exists`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to create cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_get_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name) {
  const result = await cache_client.get(cache_name, key_name);
  if (result instanceof CacheGet.Hit) {
    console.log(`Retrieved value for key ${key_name}: ${result.valueString()}`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheGet.Miss) {
    console.log(`Key ${key_name} was not found in cache ${cache_name}`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheGet.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to get key ${key_name} from cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_increment_value(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, num, amount) {
  await cache_client.set(cache_name, key_name, num);
  const result = await cache_client.increment(cache_name, key_name, amount);
  if (result instanceof CacheIncrement.Success) {
    console.log(`Key ${key_name} incremented successfully. New value in key ${key_name}: ${result.valueNumber()}`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheIncrement.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to increment the value of key ${key_name} from cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_increment_value_noset(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, amount) {
  const result = await cache_client.increment(cache_name, key_name, amount);
  if (result instanceof CacheIncrement.Success) {
    console.log(`Key ${key_name} incremented successfully. New value in key ${key_name}: ${result.valueNumber()}`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheIncrement.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to increment the value of key ${key_name} from cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

export default function main() {

  const cache_client = new CacheClient({
    configuration: Configurations.Laptop.v1(),
    defaultTtlSeconds: 60,
    credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
      environmentVariableName: 'MOMENTO_API_KEY',

  const cache_name = 'test-cache';
  const key_name = 'test-key';
  const num = '1';
  const amount = 2

  momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client);
  momento_increment_value(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, num, amount);

  const key_name2 = 'none-key'
  momento_increment_value_noset(cache_client, cache_name, key_name2, amount);
  momento_get_data(cache_client, cache_name, key_name2);




Node.jsのMomento SDKでは対応していないため、Web SDKを利用してください。

import { Configurations, CredentialProvider, CacheClient } from '@gomomento/sdk-web';

export default function main() {

  const cache_client = new CacheClient({
    configuration: Configurations.Laptop.v1(),
    defaultTtlSeconds: 60,
    credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
      environmentVariableName: 'MOMENTO_API_KEY',





import { CacheClient, CredentialProvider, CreateCache, CacheIncrement, Configurations, CacheItemGetType, ItemType } from '@gomomento/sdk';

async function momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client) {
  const result = await cache_client.createCache(cache_name);
  if (result instanceof CreateCache.Success) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} created`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.AlreadyExists) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} already exists`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to create cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_increment_value(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, num, amount) {
  await cache_client.set(cache_name, key_name, num);
  const result = await cache_client.increment(cache_name, key_name, amount);
  if (result instanceof CacheIncrement.Success) {
    console.log(`Key ${key_name} incremented successfully. New value in key ${key_name}: ${result.valueNumber()}`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheIncrement.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to increment the value of key ${key_name} from cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_item_get_type(cache_client, cache_name, key_name) {
  const result = await cache_client.itemGetType(cache_name, key_name);
  if (result instanceof CacheItemGetType.Hit) {
    console.log(`Item type retrieved successfully: ${ItemType[result.itemType()]}`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheItemGetType.Miss) {
    console.log(`Key ${key_name} was not found in cache cache_name`);
  } else if (result instanceof CacheItemGetType.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to get the type of key ${key_name} from cache cache_name: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

export default function main() {

  const cache_client = new CacheClient({
    configuration: Configurations.Laptop.v1(),
    defaultTtlSeconds: 60,
    credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
      environmentVariableName: 'MOMENTO_API_KEY',

  const cache_name = 'test-cache';
  const key_name = 'test-key';
  const num = '1';
  const amount = 2

  momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client);
  momento_increment_value(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, num, amount);
  momento_item_get_type(cache_client, cache_name, key_name);




import { CacheClient, CredentialProvider, CreateCache, Configurations, CacheKeyExists } from '@gomomento/sdk';

async function momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client) {
  const result = await cache_client.createCache(cache_name);
  if (result instanceof CreateCache.Success) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} created`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.AlreadyExists) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} already exists`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to create cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_key_exists(cache_client, cache_name, key_name) {
  const result = await cache_client.keyExists(cache_name, key_name);
  if (result instanceof CacheKeyExists.Success) {
    console.log('momento_key_exists CacheKeyExists');
  } else if (result instanceof CacheKeyExists.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to get the type of key ${key_name} from cache cache_name: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

export default function main() {

  const cache_client = new CacheClient({
    configuration: Configurations.Laptop.v1(),
    defaultTtlSeconds: 60,
    credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
      environmentVariableName: 'MOMENTO_API_KEY',

  const cache_name = 'test-cache';
  const key_name = 'test-key';

  momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client);
  momento_key_exists(cache_client, cache_name, key_name);




import { CacheClient, CredentialProvider, CreateCache, Configurations, CacheKeysExist } from '@gomomento/sdk';

async function momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client) {
  const result = await cache_client.createCache(cache_name);
  if (result instanceof CreateCache.Success) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} created`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.AlreadyExists) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} already exists`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to create cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_keys_exist(cache_client, cache_name, key_names) {
  const result = await cache_client.keysExist(cache_name, key_names);
  if (result instanceof CacheKeysExist.Success) {
    console.log('momento_keys_exist CacheKeysExists!');
  } else if (result instanceof CacheKeysExist.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to get the type of key ${key_names} from cache cache_name: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

export default function main() {

  const cache_client = new CacheClient({
    configuration: Configurations.Laptop.v1(),
    defaultTtlSeconds: 60,
    credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
      environmentVariableName: 'MOMENTO_API_KEY',

  const cache_name = 'test-cache';
  const key_name = 'test-key';
  const key_names = ['test-key', 'sample-key'];

  momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client);
  momento_keys_exist(cache_client, cache_name, key_names);






import { CacheClient, CredentialProvider, CreateCache, Configurations, CacheSetIfNotExists } from '@gomomento/sdk';

async function momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client) {
  const result = await cache_client.createCache(cache_name);
  if (result instanceof CreateCache.Success) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} created`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.AlreadyExists) {
    console.log(`Cache ${cache_name} already exists`);
  } else if (result instanceof CreateCache.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to create cache ${cache_name}: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

async function momento_setif_not_exists(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, field_name) {
  const result = await cache_client.setIfNotExists(cache_name, key_name, field_name);
  if (result instanceof CacheSetIfNotExists.Stored) {
    console.log("Field 'test-field' set in key 'test-key'");
  } else if (result instanceof CacheSetIfNotExists.NotStored) {
    console.log("Key 'test-key' already exists in cache 'test-cache', so we did not overwrite it");
  } else if (result instanceof CacheSetIfNotExists.Error) {
    throw new Error(
      `An error occurred while attempting to call setIfNotExists for the key 'test-key' in cache 'test-cache': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

export default function main() {

  const cache_client = new CacheClient({
    configuration: Configurations.Laptop.v1(),
    defaultTtlSeconds: 60,
    credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
      environmentVariableName: 'MOMENTO_API_KEY',

  const cache_name = 'test-cache';
  const key_name = 'test-key';
  const field_name = 'field-name';

  momento_create_cache(cache_name, cache_client);
  momento_setif_not_exists(cache_client, cache_name, key_name, field_name);



