
シミュ: 賃貸🆚持ち家





  • 賃貸派:
    • 初動は不動産の代わりに金融資産に投資する。
    • 引退後は家賃コストがかかる。
    • 家賃にコストがかかる。
  • 持ち家派:
    • 初動は金融資産の代わりに不動産に投資する。
    • 引退後に家賃コストがかからない。
    • 家賃の代わりにローン返済の費用がかかる。
  • どちらも引退後は金融資産の配当を収入にする。
  • 不動産の上昇益はない。


from typing import NamedTuple

STOCK_TAX_RATE = 0.20315

class Scenario(NamedTuple):
    """holding simulation parameters

    stock_tax_rate: キャピタルゲイン税および配当税
    initial_value: 単位(万円)
    monthly_surplus: 単位(万円)
    initial_monthly_rent: 単位(万円)
    name: str
    growth_rate: float = 0.08
    dividend_rate: float = 0.0116
    rent_inflation_rate: float = 1.0
    stock_tax_rate: float = STOCK_TAX_RATE
    initial_value: int = 1000
    monthly_surplus: int = 21
    initial_monthly_rent: int = 12
    years_until_retire: int = 30
    dividend_rate_after_retire: float = 0.04

    def get_tax_deducted_rate(self):
        return 1 - self.stock_tax_rate

    def get_actual_dividend_rate(self):
        return self.dividend_rate * self.get_tax_deducted_rate()

class Result(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    rent_inflation_rate: float
    total_investment: float
    monthly_income: float
    inflated_monthly_rent: float

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f"= {self.name} =\n"
            f"Rent Inflation Rate:\t{self.rent_inflation_rate:0.3f}\n"
            f"Monthly income:\t{self.monthly_income:0.4f}\n"
            f"Inflated monthly rent:\t{self.inflated_monthly_rent:0.4f}\n"
            f"Total amount of the investment:\t{self.total_investment:0.4f}\n"

def simulate_income_after_retirement(scenario: Scenario):
    # init
    s = scenario
    earning = 0
    total = s.initial_value
    inflated_monthly_rent = s.initial_monthly_rent
    # run
    for i in range(s.years_until_retire):
        growth = total * s.growth_rate
        earning += growth
        total += growth
        dividend = total * s.get_actual_dividend_rate()
        total += dividend
        monthly_surplus = s.monthly_surplus - inflated_monthly_rent
        total += monthly_surplus * 12
        # ending
        inflated_monthly_rent *= s.rent_inflation_rate
    # result
    tax = earning * s.stock_tax_rate
    capital_gain = total - tax
    dividend_rate = s.dividend_rate_after_retire * s.get_tax_deducted_rate()
    yearly_income = capital_gain * dividend_rate
    return Result(
        s.name, s.rent_inflation_rate,
        total, yearly_income / 12, inflated_monthly_rent)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    scenarios = [
        Scenario("-0.5%", rent_inflation_rate=0.995),
        Scenario("+0.5%", rent_inflation_rate=1.005),
        Scenario("+1.0%", rent_inflation_rate=1.010),
        Scenario("+1.5%", rent_inflation_rate=1.015),
        Scenario("+0.5%, tax=30%", rent_inflation_rate=1.005,
        Scenario("buy house", rent_inflation_rate=1.005,
                 initial_value=0, initial_monthly_rent=16),
    for s in scenarios:


= -0.5% =
Rent Inflation Rate:	0.995
Total amount of the investment:	28322.6544
Monthly income:	62.6986
Inflated monthly rent:	10.3765

= ±0.0% =
Rent Inflation Rate:	1.000
Total amount of the investment:	27509.2062
Monthly income:	60.8090
Inflated monthly rent:	12.0000

= +0.5% =
Rent Inflation Rate:	1.005
Total amount of the investment:	26636.4353
Monthly income:	58.7776
Inflated monthly rent:	13.8675

= +1.0% =
Rent Inflation Rate:	1.010
Total amount of the investment:	25699.0447
Monthly income:	56.5916
Inflated monthly rent:	16.0140

= +1.5% =
Rent Inflation Rate:	1.015
Total amount of the investment:	24691.2206
Monthly income:	54.2367
Inflated monthly rent:	18.4798

= +0.5%, tax=30% =
Rent Inflation Rate:	1.005
Total amount of the investment:	25952.1948
Monthly income:	45.3142
Inflated monthly rent:	13.8675

= buy house =
Rent Inflation Rate:	1.005
Total amount of the investment:	6900.2097
Monthly income:	15.4103
Inflated monthly rent:	18.4900



class typing.NamedTuple
