
handy-spanner で NOT NULL AS (hoge) STORED なカラムを扱いたい



生成された列 (generated column) が NOT NULL だとカラムに値を設定できないのを解決したい

% SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9999 spanner-cli -p fake -i fake -d fake
spanner> CREATE TABLE hoge (
      ->   id STRING(64) NOT NULL,
      ->   fingerprint INT64 NOT NULL AS (FARM_FINGERPRINT(id)) STORED,
      -> ) PRIMARY KEY(id);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

spanner> INSERT INTO hoge (id) VALUES ("foobar");
ERROR: spanner: code = "FailedPrecondition", desc = "A new row in table hoge does not specify a non-null value for these NOT NULL columns: fingerprint"

NOT NULL を付けなければうまくいくので generated column そのものに対応はしている

% SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9999 spanner-cli -p fake -i fake -d fake
spanner> CREATE TABLE fuga (
      ->   id STRING(64) NOT NULL,
      ->   fingerprint INT64 AS (FARM_FINGERPRINT(id)) STORED,
      -> ) PRIMARY KEY(id);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

spanner> INSERT INTO fuga (id) VALUES ("foobar");
Query OK, 1 rows affected (0.00 sec)

spanner> SELECT * FROM fuga;
| id     | fingerprint          |
| foobar | -4305526341195793154 |
1 rows in set (0.207 msecs)



実際の Spanner を使って generated column が NULL になる場合の挙動を確かめる

% spanner-cli -p *** -i *** -d ***
spanner> CREATE TABLE hoge (
      ->   id STRING(64) NOT NULL,
      ->   foo INT64 NOT NULL,
      ->   bar STRING(64) NOT NULL AS (NULLIF(id, "fuga")) STORED,
      -> ) PRIMARY KEY(id);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (11.18 sec)

spanner> INSERT INTO hoge (id) VALUES ("hoge");
ERROR: spanner: code = "FailedPrecondition", desc = "A new row in table hoge does not specify a non-null value for these NOT NULL columns: foo."

spanner> INSERT INTO hoge (id, foo) VALUES ("hoge", 1);
Query OK, 1 rows affected (0.34 sec)

spanner> INSERT INTO hoge (id, foo) VALUES ("fuga", 1);
ERROR: spanner: code = "FailedPrecondition", desc = "bar must not be NULL in table hoge."


  • 普通の NOT NULL カラムに値を設定していない場合
    • handy-spanner と同じエラーメッセージ
    • 一瞬で結果が返るので事前にチェックしてそう
  • NOT NULL な生成列の計算結果が NULL の場合
    • 別のエラーメッセージになる
    • ちょっと時間がかかるので、おそらく一度書き込みを試行している

Update で NOT NULL カラムに NULL を設定した場合の挙動を handy-spanner と実際の Spanner で比較する


% SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9999 spanner-cli -p fake -i fake -d fake
spanner> CREATE TABLE hogehoge (
      ->   id STRING(64) NOT NULL,
      ->   foo INT64 NOT NULL,
      -> ) PRIMARY KEY(id);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

spanner> INSERT INTO hogehoge(id, foo) VALUES("hoge", 1);
Query OK, 1 rows affected (0.00 sec)

spanner> UPDATE hogehoge SET foo = NULL WHERE id = "hoge";
ERROR: spanner: code = "Unknown", desc = "rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to write into sqlite: NOT NULL constraint failed:"


% spanner-cli -p *** -i *** -d ***
spanner> SHOW CREATE TABLE hoge;
| Table | Create Table                                              |
| hoge  | CREATE TABLE hoge (                                       |
|       |   id STRING(64) NOT NULL,                                 |
|       |   foo INT64 NOT NULL,                                     |
|       |   bar STRING(64) NOT NULL AS (NULLIF(id, "fuga")) STORED, |
|       | ) PRIMARY KEY(id)                                         |
1 rows in set (1.23 sec)

spanner> SELECT * FROM hoge;
| id   | foo | bar  |
| hoge | 1   | hoge |
1 rows in set (2.74 msecs)

spanner> UPDATE hoge SET foo = NULL WHERE id = "hoge";
ERROR: spanner: code = "FailedPrecondition", desc = "foo must not be NULL in table hoge."

handy-spanner は事前 null check をしない場合は sqlite の NOT NULL 制約にまかせている感じ。
generated column だったら事前の null check を単にスルーすれば良さそう?



diff --git a/server/database.go b/server/database.go
index fbcc178..6a0b7da 100644
--- a/server/database.go
+++ b/server/database.go
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ func (d *database) write(ctx context.Context, tx *transaction, tbl string, cols
 	// Check not nullable columns are specified for Insert/Replace
 	if nonNullCheck {
-		if exist, nonNullables := table.NonNullableAndNonGeneratedColumnsExist(cols); exist {
+		if exist, nonNullables := table.NonNullableColumnsExist(cols); exist {
 			columns := strings.Join(nonNullables, ", ")
 			return status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition,
 				"A new row in table %s does not specify a non-null value for these NOT NULL columns: %s",
diff --git a/server/query.go b/server/query.go
index b0f4439..ddef21e 100644
--- a/server/query.go
+++ b/server/query.go
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ func (b *QueryBuilder) buildInsert(up *ast.Insert) (string, []interface{}, error
 	// Check not nullable columns
-	if exist, nonNullables := t.NonNullableAndNonGeneratedColumnsExist(columns); exist {
+	if exist, nonNullables := t.NonNullableColumnsExist(columns); exist {
 		columns := strings.Join(nonNullables, ", ")
 		return "", nil, status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition,
 			"A new row in table %s does not specify a non-null value for these NOT NULL columns: %s",
diff --git a/server/table.go b/server/table.go
index 3fea5d1..ac19fc4 100644
--- a/server/table.go
+++ b/server/table.go
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ func (t *Table) TableViewWithAlias(alias string) *TableView {
 	return createTableViewFromTable(t, alias)
-// NonNullableAndNonGeneratedColumnsExist checks non nullable columns exist in the spciefied columns.
-// It returns true and the columns if non nullable and non generated columns exist.
-func (t *Table) NonNullableAndNonGeneratedColumnsExist(columns []string) (bool, []string) {
+// NonNullableColumnsExist checks non nullable columns exist in the spciefied columns.
+// It returns true and the columns if non nullable columns exist.
+func (t *Table) NonNullableColumnsExist(columns []string) (bool, []string) {
 	usedColumns := make(map[string]struct{}, len(columns))
 	for _, name := range columns {
 		usedColumns[name] = struct{}{}
@@ -73,9 +73,6 @@ func (t *Table) NonNullableAndNonGeneratedColumnsExist(columns []string) (bool,
 		if c.nullable {
-		if c.ast != nil && c.ast.GeneratedExpr != nil {
-			continue
-		}
 		n := c.Name()
 		if _, ok := usedColumns[n]; !ok {

go install ./cmd/handy-spanner して試す

% SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9999 spanner-cli -p fake -i fake -d fake
spanner> CREATE TABLE hoge (
      ->   id STRING(64) NOT NULL,
      ->   fingerprint INT64 NOT NULL AS (FARM_FINGERPRINT(id)) STORED,
      -> ) PRIMARY KEY(id);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

spanner> INSERT INTO hoge (id) VALUES ("foobar");
Query OK, 1 rows affected (0.00 sec)

spanner> SELECT * FROM hoge;
| id     | fingerprint          |
| foobar | -4305526341195793154 |
1 rows in set (0.282 msecs)




spanner> CREATE TABLE fuga (
      ->   id STRING(64) NOT NULL,
      ->   foo INT64 NOT NULL,
      ->   bar STRING(64) NOT NULL AS (NULLIF(id, "fuga")) STORED,
      -> ) PRIMARY KEY(id);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

spanner> INSERT INTO fuga (id) VALUES ("hoge");
ERROR: spanner: code = "FailedPrecondition", desc = "A new row in table fuga does not specify a non-null value for these NOT NULL columns: foo"

spanner> INSERT INTO fuga (id, foo) VALUES ("hoge", 1);
Query OK, 1 rows affected (0.00 sec)

spanner> INSERT INTO fuga (id, foo) VALUES ("fuga", 1);
ERROR: spanner: code = "Unknown", desc = "rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to write into sqlite: NOT NULL constraint failed:"
  • ただの NOT NULL カラムに値を指定しない場合
    • 挙動に変化なし
  • NOT NULL な generated column の計算結果が NULL になる場合
    • sqlite の NOT NULL 制約でエラー