
mermaid 記法メモ




Direction name
top to bottom TB
top-down / same as top to bottom TD
bottom to top BT
right to left RL
left to right LR

よく使うのは TD, LR
TBTD は似てるが、フローチャートによっては結構違う並びになる。

node text

id1[the text in the box]
id2["the (text) in the box"]

node shapes

Type example
normal id[the text in the box]
round edges id(the text in the box)
subroutine shape id[[the text in the box]]
database id[(Database)]
circle id((the text in the box))
asymmetric shape id>the text in the box]
rhombus id{the text in the box}
hexagon id{{the text in the box}}
parallelogram id[/the text in the box/]
parallelogram alt id[\the text in the box\] ※need escape \\
trapezoid id[/the text in the box\] ※need escape \\
trapezoid alt id[\the text in the box/] ※need escape \\
double circle id(((the text in the box)))

arrow type

Type right left both
oo --o o-- o--o
<> --> <-- <-->
xx --x x-- x--x

line / arrow length

Length 1 2 3
Normal --- ---- -----
Normal with arrow --> ---> ---->
Thick === ==== =====
Thick with arrow ==> ===> ====>
Dotted -.- -..- -...-
Dotted with arrow -.-> -..-> -...->


subgraph sub
  C --> D
A --> sub --> B


participant / actor / and alias

actor A as Alice
actor Bob
participant UA as User Agent

line / arrow type

Type Description
-> Solid line without arrow
--> Dotted line without arrow
->> Solid line with an arrowhead
-->> Dotted line with an arrowhead
-x Solid line with a cross at the end
--x Dotted line with a cross at the end
-) Solid line with an open arrow at the end (async)
--) Dotted line with an open arrow at the end (async)


<br /> で改行可能


activate and deactivate
A ->> B : hello
activate B
B -->> A : hi
deactivate B
A ->>+ B : hello
B -->>- A : hi

note / note over

note right of Bob : Text in note
note over Alice, Bob : Text in note over line

loop / alt / parallel / critical region / break


background highlighting

rect rgba(0, 0, 255, .1)
... content ...

色指定は 色名(red など)でも rgb でも rgba でも可能。
