
『オペレーティングシステム - 設計と実装 (第3版)』 を読む。第7日目。プロセス 4(ブートストラップとブートモニタ)





	xor	ax, ax		! ax = 0x0000, the vector segment
	mov	ds, ax
	cli			! Ignore interrupts while setting stack
	mov	ss, ax		! ss = ds = vector segment
	mov	sp, #LOADOFF	! Usual place for a bootstrap stack

(masterboot.sと同様に)axレジスタを0にセットし、ds, ssも0に設定する。スタックは#LOADOFFより下位に配置される。(コードよりも下位アドレスってのはちょっと馴染みがない)

	push	ax
	push	ax		! Push a zero lowsec(bp)

	push	dx		! Boot device in dl will be device(bp)
	mov	bp, sp		! Using var(bp) is one byte cheaper then var.


	! Variables addressed using bp register
	device	   =	     0	! The boot device
	lowsec	   =	     2	! Offset of boot partition within drive
	secpcyl	   =	     6	! Sectors per cylinder = heads * sectors

全部で8バイト必要なのだが、6バイトしか確保しなかったので、最初の命令xor ax, axのコードが上書きされてしまう。だが、この命令は二度と実行されないので問題にはならない。まだコードセクションとかを指定していないので、コード領域に書き込んでもエラーにならない。

	push	es
	push	si		! es:si = partition table entry if hard disk


	mov	di, #LOADOFF+sectors	! char *di = sectors;


	testb	dl, dl		! Winchester disks if dl >= 0x80
	jge	floppy



! Get the offset of the first sector of the boot partition from the partition
! table.  The table is found at es:si, the lowsec parameter at offset LOWSEC.

	les	ax, LOWSEC(si)	  ! es:ax = LOWSEC+2(si):LOWSEC(si)
	mov	lowsec+0(bp), ax  ! Low 16 bits of partition's first sector
	mov	lowsec+2(bp), es  ! High 16 bits of partition's first sector



	movb	ah, #0x08	! Code for drive parameters
	int	0x13		! dl still contains drive
	andb	cl, #0x3F	! cl = max sector number (1-origin)
	movb	(di), cl	! Number of sectors per track
	incb	dh		! dh = 1 + max head number (0-origin)
	jmp	loadboot


! Load /boot from the boot device

	movb	al, (di)	! al = (di) = sectors per track
	mulb	dh		! dh = heads, ax = heads * sectors
	mov	secpcyl(bp), ax	! Sectors per cylinder = heads * sectors


	mov	ax, #BOOTSEG	! Segment to load /boot into
	mov	es, ax
	xor	bx, bx		! Load first sector at es:bx = BOOTSEG:0x0000


	mov	si, #LOADOFF+addresses	! Start of the boot code addresses


	mov	ax, 1(si)	! Get next sector number: low 16 bits
	movb	dl, 3(si)	! Bits 16-23 for your up to 8GB partition
	xorb	dh, dh		! dx:ax = sector within partition


	add	ax, lowsec+0(bp)
	adc	dx, lowsec+2(bp)! dx:ax = sector within drive
	cmp	dx, #[1024*255*63-255]>>16  ! Near 8G limit?
	jae	bigdisk


	div	secpcyl(bp)	! ax = cylinder, dx = sector within cylinder
	xchg	ax, dx		! ax = sector within cylinder, dx = cylinder
	movb	ch, dl		! ch = low 8 bits of cylinder
	divb	(di)		! al = head, ah = sector (0-origin)
	xorb	dl, dl		! About to shift bits 8-9 of cylinder into dl
	shr	dx, #1
	shr	dx, #1		! dl[6..7] = high cylinder
	orb	dl, ah		! dl[0..5] = sector (0-origin)
	movb	cl, dl		! cl[0..5] = sector, cl[6..7] = high cyl
	incb	cl		! cl[0..5] = sector (1-origin)
	movb	dh, al		! dh = al = head
	movb	dl, device(bp)	! dl = device to read
	movb	al, (di)	! Sectors per track - Sector number (0-origin)
	subb	al, ah		! = Sectors left on this track
	cmpb	al, (si)	! Compare with # sectors to read
	jbe	read		! Can't read past the end of a cylinder?
	movb	al, (si)	! (si) < sectors left on this track

int 13呼び出しのためのパラメータを計算。トラックの最後まで読み出す必要がない場合は、(si)のセクタ数文だけ読み出す。

read:	push	ax		! Save al = sectors to read
	movb	ah, #0x02	! Code for disk read (all registers in use now!)
	int	0x13		! Call the BIOS for a read
	pop	cx		! Restore al in cl
	jmp	rdeval
! 略
	jc	error		! Jump on disk read error
	movb	al, cl		! Restore al = sectors read
	addb	bh, al		! bx += 2 * al * 256 (add bytes read)
	addb	bh, al		! es:bx = where next sector must be read
	add	1(si), ax	! Update address by sectors read
	adcb	3(si), ah	! Don't forget bits 16-23 (add ah = 0)
	subb	(si), al	! Decrement sector count by sectors read
	jnz	load		! Not all sectors have been read
	add	si, #4		! Next (address, count) pair
	cmpb	ah, (si)	! Done when no sectors to read
	jnz	load		! Read next chunk of /boot

int 13呼び出しでディスクを読む。読み出した結果でaddressesを更新し、続きがあるならloadをループする。


! Call /boot, assuming a long a.out header (48 bytes).  The a.out header is
! usually short (32 bytes), but to be sure /boot has two entry points:
! One at offset 0 for the long, and one at offset 16 for the short header.
! Parameters passed in registers are:
!	dl	= Boot-device.
!	es:si	= Partition table entry if hard disk.
	pop	si		! Restore es:si = partition table entry
	pop	es		! dl is still loaded
	jmpf	BOOTOFF, BOOTSEG  ! jmp to sec. boot (skipping header).




	jmpf	boot, LOADSEG+3	! Set cs right (skipping long a.out header)
	.space	11		! jmpf + 11 = 16 bytes
	jmpf	boot, LOADSEG+2	! Set cs right (skipping short a.out header)

bootblock.sの最後で、jmpf BOOTOFF, BOOTSEG によって、bootプログラムの0x30バイト目にジャンプしている。bootプログラムのヘッダ部分は、48バイト(0x30)、または、32バイト(0x20)の場合がある。48バイトのヘッダの場合は最初のjmpf boot, LOADSEG+3へ、32バイトの場合は2つ目のjmpf boot, LOADSEG+2に到達する。最終的には、bootラベルへジャンプするようにしている。

	mov	ax, #LOADSEG
	mov	ds, ax		! ds = header


	movb	al, a_flags
	testb	al, #A_SEP	! Separate I&D?
	jnz	sepID

ヘッダ部のa_flagsを調べて条件分岐、MINIX 3のデフォルトはI&Dは分離されている。

	mov	ax, a_total	! Total nontext memory usage
	and	ax, #0xFFFE	! Round down to even
	mov	a_total, ax	! total - text = data + bss + heap + stack


	cli			! Ignore interrupts while stack in limbo
	mov	sp, ax		! Set sp at the top of all that


	mov	ax, a_text	! Determine offset of ds above cs
	movb	cl, #4
	shr	ax, cl


	mov	cx, cs
	add	ax, cx
	mov	ds, ax		! ds = cs + text / 16


	mov	ss, ax
	sti			! Stack ok now


	push	es		! Save es, we need it for the partition table
	mov	es, ax
	cld			! C compiler wants UP

! Clear bss
	xor	ax, ax		! Zero
	mov	di, #_edata	! Start of bss is at end of data
	mov	cx, #_end	! End of bss (begin of heap)
	sub	cx, di		! Number of bss bytes
	shr	cx, #1		! Number of words
	stos			! Clear bss


! Copy primary boot parameters to variables.  (Can do this now that bss is
! cleared and may be written into).
	xorb	dh, dh
	mov	_device, dx	! Boot device (probably 0x00 or 0x80)
	mov	_rem_part+0, si	! Remote partition table offset
	pop	_rem_part+2	! and segment (saved es)


! Remember the current video mode for restoration on exit.
	movb	ah, #0x0F	! Get current video mode
	int	0x10
	andb	al, #0x7F	! Mask off bit 7 (no blanking)
	movb	old_vid_mode, al
	movb	cur_vid_mode, al


! Give C code access to the code segment, data segment and the size of this
! process.
	xor	ax, ax
	mov	dx, cs
	call	seg2abs
	mov	_caddr+0, ax
	mov	_caddr+2, dx
	xor	ax, ax
	mov	dx, ds
	call	seg2abs
	mov	_daddr+0, ax
	mov	_daddr+2, dx
	push	ds
	mov	ax, #LOADSEG
	mov	ds, ax		! Back to the header once more
	mov	ax, a_total+0
	mov	dx, a_total+2	! dx:ax = data + bss + heap + stack
	add	ax, a_text+0
	adc	dx, a_text+2	! dx:ax = text + data + bss + heap + stack
	pop	ds
	mov	_runsize+0, ax
	mov	_runsize+2, dx	! 32 bit size of this process


! Determine available memory as a list of (base,size) pairs as follows:
! mem[0] = low memory, mem[1] = memory between 1M and 16M, mem[2] = memory
! above 16M.  Last two coalesced into mem[1] if adjacent.
	mov	di, #_mem	! di = memory list
	int	0x12		! Returns low memory size (in K) in ax
	mul	c1024
	mov	4(di), ax	! mem[0].size = low memory size in bytes
	mov	6(di), dx
	call	_getprocessor
	cmp	ax, #286	! Only 286s and above have extended memory
	jb	no_ext
	cmp	ax, #486	! Assume 486s were the first to have >64M
	jb	small_ext	! (It helps to be paranoid when using the BIOS)
	mov	ax, #0xE801	! Code for get memory size for >64M
	int	0x15		! ax = mem at 1M per 1K, bx = mem at 16M per 64K
	jnc	got_ext
! 略
	mov	cx, ax		! cx = copy of ext mem at 1M
	mov	10(di), #0x0010	! mem[1].base = 0x00100000 (1M)
	mul	c1024
	mov	12(di), ax	! mem[1].size = "ext mem at 1M" * 1024
	mov	14(di), dx
	test	bx, bx
	jz	no_ext		! No more ext mem above 16M?
	cmp	cx, #15*1024	! Chunks adjacent? (precisely 15M at 1M?)
	je	adj_ext
	mov	18(di), #0x0100	! mem[2].base = 0x01000000 (16M)
	mov	22(di), bx	! mem[2].size = "ext mem at 16M" * 64K
	jmp	no_ext
	add	14(di), bx	! Add ext mem above 16M to mem below 16M

int 0x12は、axレジスタにメモリサイズをKiB単位でセットする。
int 0x15は、axレジスタに1MiBのアドレスからのメモリサイズをKiB単位で、bxレジスタに16MiBのアドレスからのメモリサイズを64KiB単位でセットする。


  • mem[0]は、0x0000から開始されるメモリの開始アドレスとサイズ
  • mem[1]は、0x0010_0000(1MiB)から開始されるメモリのアドレスとサイズ
  • mem[2]は、0x0100_0000(16MiB)から開始されるメモリのアドレスと、64KiBのチャンク数
! Time to switch to a higher level language (not much higher)
	call	_boot
