チームの生産性を高めるパターン 「Teams That Finish Early Accelerate Faster(早く終わらせるチームは早く加速する)」 がどこから出てきたのかを探ってみる。
まずはジェフ・サザーランド氏の Teams That Finish Early Accelerate Faster: A Pattern Language for High Performing Scrum Teams という論文から。
この論文ではタイトルの「Teams That Finish Early Accelerate Faster」を含めた、超生産的なチームになるための9つのパターンを紹介している。
以下の記載によると、タイトルの法則はOpenView Venture Partnersという会社がスクラムを続ける中で発見したらしい。
OpenView Venture Partners decided to implement Scrum internally in 2006 for all departments in the company [16].
After running hundreds of sprints with carefully documented metrics, they discovered that Teams that Finish Early Accelerate Faster [17].
[16] J. Sutherland and I. Altman, "Take No Prisoners: How
a Venture Capital Group Does Scrum," in Agile 2009,
Chicago, 2009.
[17] J. Sutherland. (2013). Teams that Finish Early
Accelerate Faster. Available:
上記論文の[17]がジェフ・サザーランド氏の“Teams That Finish Early Accelerate Faster”のページ。
Openview Venture Partners noticed this pattern after analyzing data from dozens of sprints with multiple teams.
The teams that finished their Sprint early accelerated faster ([2]).
[2] Jeff Sutherland and Igor Altman. “Take No Prisoners: How a Venture Capital Group Does Scrum.” In Proceedings of Agile 2009, Chicago, 2009.
上記の両方から引用されている“Take No Prisoners: How a Venture Capital Group Does Scrum.“を読んでいる。
“Teams That Finish Early Accelerate Faster”っぽい記述は今のところ見つかってない。
“III. SCALING UP: FINDING THE RHYTHM”の“H. Velocity”セクションの内容が近いような気もするし、
B. Sprint Length
After experimenting with two-week sprints, the Labs team and Investment Committee settle back on one-week sprints.
In two-week sprints, the Scrum team found it more difficult to stay focused on the key goals and the number of unplanned stories grew.