
Flutter | Banner Adと重複しないためのFloating Action Button (FAB)の位置変更メモ


この画像のように、BannerAdを一番下に表示する場合、そのままのFloating Action Button (FAB)ではBannerAdと重なってしまう。そこで、BannerAdに対してFABのマージンを設定したい。

もう1つは、FloatingActionButton WidgetをPaddingで囲う方法。



class Test extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Column(),
      floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerDocked,
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: () {},
        child: Icon(Icons.add),

Flutterの「FloatingActionButtonLocation class」がわかりやすい。

参考までに、FloatingActionButtonLocationのabstract classを載せておく。

abstract class FloatingActionButtonLocation {
  /// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
  /// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
  const FloatingActionButtonLocation();

  /// Start-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating over the transition between
  /// the [Scaffold.appBar] and the [Scaffold.body].
  /// To align a floating action button with [CircleAvatar]s in the
  /// [ListTile.leading] slots of [ListTile]s in a [ListView] in the [Scaffold.body],
  /// use [miniStartTop] and set [FloatingActionButton.mini] to true.
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a top [AppBar]
  /// or that use a [SliverAppBar] in the scaffold body itself.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_start_top.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation startTop = _StartTopFabLocation();

  /// Start-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating over the transition between
  /// the [Scaffold.appBar] and the [Scaffold.body], optimized for mini floating
  /// action buttons.
  /// This is intended to be used with [FloatingActionButton.mini] set to true,
  /// so that the floating action button appears to align with [CircleAvatar]s
  /// in the [ListTile.leading] slot of a [ListTile] in a [ListView] in the
  /// [Scaffold.body].
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a top [AppBar]
  /// or that use a [SliverAppBar] in the scaffold body itself.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_mini_start_top.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation miniStartTop = _MiniStartTopFabLocation();

  /// Centered [FloatingActionButton], floating over the transition between
  /// the [Scaffold.appBar] and the [Scaffold.body].
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a top [AppBar]
  /// or that use a [SliverAppBar] in the scaffold body itself.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_center_top.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation centerTop = _CenterTopFabLocation();

  /// Centered [FloatingActionButton], floating over the transition between
  /// the [Scaffold.appBar] and the [Scaffold.body], intended to be used with
  /// [FloatingActionButton.mini] set to true.
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a top [AppBar]
  /// or that use a [SliverAppBar] in the scaffold body itself.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_mini_center_top.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation miniCenterTop = _MiniCenterTopFabLocation();

  /// End-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating over the transition between
  /// the [Scaffold.appBar] and the [Scaffold.body].
  /// To align a floating action button with [CircleAvatar]s in the
  /// [ListTile.trailing] slots of [ListTile]s in a [ListView] in the [Scaffold.body],
  /// use [miniEndTop] and set [FloatingActionButton.mini] to true.
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a top [AppBar]
  /// or that use a [SliverAppBar] in the scaffold body itself.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_end_top.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation endTop = _EndTopFabLocation();

  /// End-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating over the transition between
  /// the [Scaffold.appBar] and the [Scaffold.body], optimized for mini floating
  /// action buttons.
  /// This is intended to be used with [FloatingActionButton.mini] set to true,
  /// so that the floating action button appears to align with [CircleAvatar]s
  /// in the [ListTile.trailing] slot of a [ListTile] in a [ListView] in the
  /// [Scaffold.body].
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a top [AppBar]
  /// or that use a [SliverAppBar] in the scaffold body itself.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_mini_end_top.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation miniEndTop = _MiniEndTopFabLocation();

  /// Start-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating at the bottom of the screen.
  /// To align a floating action button with [CircleAvatar]s in the
  /// [ListTile.leading] slots of [ListTile]s in a [ListView] in the [Scaffold.body],
  /// use [miniStartFloat] and set [FloatingActionButton.mini] to true.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_start_float.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation startFloat = _StartFloatFabLocation();

  /// Start-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating at the bottom of the screen,
  /// optimized for mini floating action buttons.
  /// This is intended to be used with [FloatingActionButton.mini] set to true,
  /// so that the floating action button appears to align with [CircleAvatar]s
  /// in the [ListTile.leading] slot of a [ListTile] in a [ListView] in the
  /// [Scaffold.body].
  /// Compared to [FloatingActionButtonLocation.startFloat], floating action
  /// buttons using this location will move horizontally _and_ vertically
  /// closer to the edges, by [kMiniButtonOffsetAdjustment] each.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_mini_start_float.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation miniStartFloat = _MiniStartFloatFabLocation();

  /// Centered [FloatingActionButton], floating at the bottom of the screen.
  /// To position a mini floating action button, use [miniCenterFloat] and
  /// set [FloatingActionButton.mini] to true.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_center_float.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation centerFloat = _CenterFloatFabLocation();

  /// Centered [FloatingActionButton], floating at the bottom of the screen,
  /// optimized for mini floating action buttons.
  /// This is intended to be used with [FloatingActionButton.mini] set to true,
  /// so that the floating action button appears to align horizontally with
  /// the locations [FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniStartFloat]
  /// and [FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniEndFloat].
  /// Compared to [FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerFloat], floating action
  /// buttons using this location will move vertically down
  /// by [kMiniButtonOffsetAdjustment].
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_mini_center_float.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation miniCenterFloat = _MiniCenterFloatFabLocation();

  /// End-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating at the bottom of the screen.
  /// This is the default alignment of [FloatingActionButton]s in Material applications.
  /// To align a floating action button with [CircleAvatar]s in the
  /// [ListTile.trailing] slots of [ListTile]s in a [ListView] in the [Scaffold.body],
  /// use [miniEndFloat] and set [FloatingActionButton.mini] to true.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_end_float.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation endFloat = _EndFloatFabLocation();

  /// End-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating at the bottom of the screen,
  /// optimized for mini floating action buttons.
  /// This is intended to be used with [FloatingActionButton.mini] set to true,
  /// so that the floating action button appears to align with [CircleAvatar]s
  /// in the [ListTile.trailing] slot of a [ListTile] in a [ListView] in the
  /// [Scaffold.body].
  /// Compared to [FloatingActionButtonLocation.endFloat], floating action
  /// buttons using this location will move horizontally _and_ vertically
  /// closer to the edges, by [kMiniButtonOffsetAdjustment] each.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_mini_end_float.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation miniEndFloat = _MiniEndFloatFabLocation();

  /// Start-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating over the
  /// [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] so that the center of the floating
  /// action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar.
  /// To align a floating action button with [CircleAvatar]s in the
  /// [ListTile.leading] slots of [ListTile]s in a [ListView] in the [Scaffold.body],
  /// use [miniStartDocked] and set [FloatingActionButton.mini] to true.
  /// If the value of [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] is a [BottomAppBar],
  /// the bottom app bar can include a "notch" in its shape that accommodates
  /// the overlapping floating action button.
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a bottom
  /// navigation bar.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_start_docked.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation startDocked = _StartDockedFabLocation();

  /// Start-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating over the
  /// [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] so that the center of the floating
  /// action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar,
  /// optimized for mini floating action buttons.
  /// If the value of [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] is a [BottomAppBar],
  /// the bottom app bar can include a "notch" in its shape that accommodates
  /// the overlapping floating action button.
  /// This is intended to be used with [FloatingActionButton.mini] set to true,
  /// so that the floating action button appears to align with [CircleAvatar]s
  /// in the [ListTile.leading] slot of a [ListTile] in a [ListView] in the
  /// [Scaffold.body].
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a bottom
  /// navigation bar.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_mini_start_docked.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation miniStartDocked = _MiniStartDockedFabLocation();

  /// Centered [FloatingActionButton], floating over the
  /// [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] so that the center of the floating
  /// action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar.
  /// If the value of [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] is a [BottomAppBar],
  /// the bottom app bar can include a "notch" in its shape that accommodates
  /// the overlapping floating action button.
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a bottom
  /// navigation bar.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_center_docked.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation centerDocked = _CenterDockedFabLocation();

  /// Centered [FloatingActionButton], floating over the
  /// [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] so that the center of the floating
  /// action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar;
  /// intended to be used with [FloatingActionButton.mini] set to true.
  /// If the value of [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] is a [BottomAppBar],
  /// the bottom app bar can include a "notch" in its shape that accommodates
  /// the overlapping floating action button.
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a bottom
  /// navigation bar.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_mini_center_docked.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation miniCenterDocked = _MiniCenterDockedFabLocation();

  /// End-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating over the
  /// [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] so that the center of the floating
  /// action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar.
  /// If the value of [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] is a [BottomAppBar],
  /// the bottom app bar can include a "notch" in its shape that accommodates
  /// the overlapping floating action button.
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a bottom
  /// navigation bar.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_end_docked.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation endDocked = _EndDockedFabLocation();

  /// End-aligned [FloatingActionButton], floating over the
  /// [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] so that the center of the floating
  /// action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar,
  /// optimized for mini floating action buttons.
  /// To align a floating action button with [CircleAvatar]s in the
  /// [ListTile.trailing] slots of [ListTile]s in a [ListView] in the [Scaffold.body],
  /// use [miniEndDocked] and set [FloatingActionButton.mini] to true.
  /// If the value of [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] is a [BottomAppBar],
  /// the bottom app bar can include a "notch" in its shape that accommodates
  /// the overlapping floating action button.
  /// This is intended to be used with [FloatingActionButton.mini] set to true,
  /// so that the floating action button appears to align with [CircleAvatar]s
  /// in the [ListTile.trailing] slot of a [ListTile] in a [ListView] in the
  /// [Scaffold.body].
  /// This is unlikely to be a useful location for apps that lack a bottom
  /// navigation bar.
  /// ![](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/material/floating_action_button_location_mini_end_docked.png)
  static const FloatingActionButtonLocation miniEndDocked = _MiniEndDockedFabLocation();

  /// Places the [FloatingActionButton] based on the [Scaffold]'s layout.
  /// This uses a [ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry], which the [Scaffold] constructs
  /// during its layout phase after it has laid out every widget it can lay out
  /// except the [FloatingActionButton]. The [Scaffold] uses the [Offset]
  /// returned from this method to position the [FloatingActionButton] and
  /// complete its layout.
  Offset getOffset(ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry scaffoldGeometry);

  String toString() => objectRuntimeType(this, 'FloatingActionButtonLocation');

FloatingActionButton WidgetをPaddingで囲う方法

FABのマージンを設定するためには、以下の通り、FloatingActionButton WidgetをPaddingで囲う。Paddingは、childの周りのPaddingを設定することになるため、結果的にFABのマージンとなる。

floatingActionButton: Padding(
  padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 50.0),
  child: FloatingActionButton(onPressed: () {}),




