
Computer Architecture (LLVM and RISC-V)



Source-code -> Assmbly-code -> Machine-code (object-file) -> Machine-code (executable-file)
With -S option, gcc stops compiling at assebly stage.
With -o [filename] option you can choose the name of output-file (executable-file).
E.g. gcc -o add add.c -> ls -> add add.c
-fno-pic -> Position-Independent Code
-fomit-frame-pointer -> Do not generate frame-pointer


~/.config/gdb/gdbinit (general)
~/test/teach-yourself-assembler/.gdbinit (project-specific)

CPU Registers Category

  • General register (8)
    • ESP = Stack-pointer
  • Program counter (= EIP-register)
  • EFLAGS register

::: info
IA32 has 500< Instructions and over 5000 pages manual
but 90% relies on 25 opcodes - Jim Keller
~= COMET II and CASL II (which only has 28 opcodes and 3 pages manual)

Atmel AVR series comprises ATmega328P and ATTiny13A

ARM = Advanced RISC Machines

  • Profiles = A, M, or R
    E.g. Armv8.5-A -> Apple A14 Bionic -> Apple iPad Air (10.9'', 4 Gen, Autumn 2020)

-> Probably it means(equals to) Control-unit part inside Processor(CPU)
C.f. Processor > CPU

E.g. ARM Cortex-A/R/M = Groups of ARM Architeture's Processor core, licensed by Arm
E.g. Snapdragon 429 -> (CPU) Arm Cortex-A53 -> Armv8-A

-> Qualcomm gets licence from Arm, then design + manufacture chips like Snapdragon 429

Intel designed and developed IA32 Architecture.
-> AMD designed its 64 bit extension ~= Intel 64

*AMD64 = Intel 64 = x86-64 = x64



Various Computer Systems

Mobile devices
Super computer
Edge devices

However all of them comprises Input -> Processor -> Output

  • The Processor is composed of General CPU and other specific ones like GPU.

The History of Computer Architecture Evolution

The mechanism of computers remains the same but the following two improvements let it grow in a exponential pace.

Three Key Indicators of Semi-conductor Performance

  • Performance (Hz)
    • throughput
    • latency
    • Energy
  • Power (W/cm^2)
  • Area
    -> Dennard Scaling

Besides shrinking semi-conductor,
designing the CPU which can better improve frequency is also important.

CPU Design Policy: CISC and RISC

  • CISC = Complex Instruction Set Computer
    • x86 = CISC -> uOP (Micro-operation)
      • CISC gets dismantled to simpler uOP then executed
        RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computer


The Wall of Perfomance Improvement: Memory


Memory Hierarchy


Von Neumann Architecture


Representative ISAs

  • x86

    • In most PC/Servers
    • 32B = IA32 and 64B x86-64
  • ARM

    • In most smartphones and also edge devices
  • MIPS

    • Classic RISC
  • RISC-V

    • Simple, Free, and Open ISA
  • Power

    • Developed by IBM, it has significant share in super-computers.

    • Developed by Sun MicroSystems, it's influenced by RISC.

AArch64/ARM64 is the 64-bit extension of the ARM architecture family.
It was first introduced with the Armv8-A architecture. Arm releases a new extension every year.



It is the interface of CPU and Program


IS is like the language CPU speaks.
ISA is IS with intruction packaged.

Compiler Driver

Assembly and Machine Language in Example

Address      RISC-V Machine Language
---------  ---------------------------------
0000000  8537 0001 0113 fd01 0513 c785 3423 0211
0000010  3c23 0091 3823 0121 3423 0131 3023 0281
0000020  20ef 45c0 b783 7581 94b7 0001 b503 0107
Machine Language       Assebly Language
        00018537       :        lui     a0, 0x18
        00018537       :        addi     sp, sp, -48
        00018537       :        addi     a0, a0, -904 # 17c78 <__trunctfdf2+0x2da>
        00018537       :        sd     ra, 40(sp)
        00018537       :        jal      ra, 1252c <printf>

Machine Language is intructions lined in order, followed by their argument (operand).


Skipped the following sections for now.

  • Endian
  • Speed up techniques for CPU eg Pileline etc
    • Not quite understand what/how CPU improved dramatically and what's the current wall for more.
  • Details of RISC-V instructions

RISC-V Hands-on

Install riscv-tools

  • riscv-sifive-tools
  • risc-tools
(sh) > riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc --version
(sh) > spike
# Check installation by these two commands 
(sh) > export PATH=/path/to/package:$PATH
# Warning:
# This added path would disappear if restart Terminal