


brew upgrade deno して、cursor再起動したらエラーが出なくなった
denoなtsファイルを開いて、コマンドパレットでenable deno したら、nodeなtypescriptのエラーも出なくなった。



  • Deno: Cache - instructs Deno to fetch and cache all the dependencies of the current file open in the editor. This is similar to doing deno cache on the command line. Deno will not automatically fetch and cache remote dependencies.
    • ℹ️ If there are missing dependencies in a module, the extension will provide a quick fix to fetch and cache those dependencies, which invokes this command for you.
  • Deno: Enable - will enable Deno on the current workspace. Alternatively you can create a deno.json or deno.jsonc file at the root of your workspace.
  • Deno: Language Server Status - displays a page of information about the status of the Deno Language Server. Useful when submitting a bug about the extension or the language server.
  • Deno: Reload Import Registries Cache - reload any cached responses from the configured import registries.
  • Deno: Welcome - displays the information document that appears when the extension is first installed.
