
Practical Guide to Apply OOP Principles


Object-oriented programing

  • Useful for:
    • high maintananciblity
    • Role devision
Explanation Example
encapsulation Restrict external access to protect internal data access modifiers
abstruction Extract significant features and encapsulate the details abstract class, interface
inheritance Inherit features from base class base class, sub class
polymorphism Integrate interface between among classes Override methods, Overload methods

SOLID Principle

Name Explanation
S Single Responsibility a class should have sole responsibility
O Open Closed open to extend, close to modify
L Liskov Substitution Sub class should be compatible with its Base class
I Interface Segregation Principle Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface
D Dependency Inversion High-level modules should not import anything from low-level modules

How to apply

Phase Principle
Requirements Definition Single Responsibility
Design Intrface Segregation
Coding Liscov Substitution, Dependency Inversion
Enhance Open Closed
