- 文中のリンク
- リストアイテムのリンク
- ナビゲーションのリンク(ヘッダー、フッター、サイドバーなど)
- 見出しのリンク
- 下線の要否
- 周囲の文字色や背景色とのコントラスト比
- 閲覧済みとそうでない時の色を区別するかどうか
WCAG 2.2 1.4.1 Use of Color
WCAG 2.1 日本語訳 1.4.1 色の使用
単純な読みにくさについては、GitHubのように text-underline-offset
1.4.1 は、色以外の手がかりを追加することを要求している。ただし、周囲の文字色に対して3:1以上のコントラスト比(輝度の差)を持つ場合はそれは色覚以外の手がかりと見なされる。
x = リンクの文字色
y = 背景色
z = 通常の文字色
x:y = 4.5:1 && x:z = 3:1 が満たされれば下線は無くても 1.4.1 および 1.4.3 は満たされる。ただし、ホバー時に追加の手がかりを要求している。
Understanding Success Criterion 1.4.1: Use of Color | WAI | W3C より
Most user agents provide users with a color-only cue that a link has been previously activated by them ("visited"). However, several technical constraints result in authors having very limited control over these color-only indications of visited links. The technical constraints are as follows:
- User agents constrain the exposure of a link's visited state due to privacy concerns. Author queries to user agents will indicate all links have not been visited.
- Any available information on the visited state of a link would be inaccurate since it is both user and browser-dependent. Even if an author could accurately get information on previously activated links by a certain user, the author would be constrained to the current browser's preserved history, and would be unable to determine if the user had visited the page using a different browser (or if the history was not preserved, either from cache clearing or use of private sessions).
- Authors can only use color to modify the :visited CSS pseudoclass style. The technology constrains any non-color styling. Due to palette limitations, an author cannot use color alone to achieve 3:1 contrast between link and non-link text as well as between visited and unvisited links while also achieving 4.5:1 contrast for all link and non-link text.
- Authors also cannot set the visited state of links. The anchor element does not include a "visited" attribute; therefore the author has no ability to alter the state through an attribute setting. As such, authors cannot achieve 1.3.1 Info and Relationships or 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value in regard to visited links.
For these reasons, setting or conveying a link's visited status is not an author responsibility. Where color alone distinguishes between visited and unvisited links, it does not result in a failure of this Success Criterion, even where the contrast between the two link colors is below 3:1. Note that authors must continue to ensure that all text links meet contrast minimums against the page background (SC 1.4.3).
- リンクテキストがクリック可能かどうか微妙なら下線を引く(文中、リストアイテム)
- クリック可能っぽい要素でもホバー時に追加の手がかりをつける(見出し、ナビゲーション)
- 閲覧済みの区別はやらなくてもいいし、やるとしても色だけの変化で問題ない(いずれにせよ背景色とのコントラスト比は守る)