
Module Federation

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Module Federationのセキュリティについて。

  1. 外部ストレージなど共有の場所からのモジュールの読み込み
  2. モジュール読み込み先の通信秘匿化(HTTPS化)
  3. 読み込みモジュールの署名検証による完全性確認/改ざん防止


佐藤 匡剛佐藤 匡剛

Module Federationにおいてリモートモジュールの完全性を検証する方法

Module Federationはとても強力で素晴らしいフレームワークです!



質問ですが、Module Federationにそのような機能はありますか。あるとしたら、ぜひその方法を教えてください。もしなかったとしたら、これからそういった機能を実装することは可能でしょうか。

How to Verify the Integrity of Remote Modules in Module Federation

Module Federation is a very powerful and excellent framework!

However, it has such powerful features that it can dynamically load modules from anywhere, which raises concerns about security in a more restricted context. One of these concerns is how to ensure the integrity of modules loaded remotely, that is, guaranteeing they have not been tampered with by 3rd parties over the network.

Generally, systems with dynamic module loading mechanisms may provide a feature to validate the hash or signature of the module at loading time. By validating a pre-generated hash value or signature at the time of module build when loading it, it can be confirmed that the module has not been tampered with during network transmission.

Question: Does Module Federation have such a feature? If so, please tell me how I can use the feature. If not, is it possible to implement such functionality in the future?