Amazon QをVScodeで利用する
Amazon Qでましたね。
VScodeの拡張機能のAWS Toolkitのアップデートでなんだこれ?と気づいた次第です。
Introducing Amazon Q, a new generative AI-powered assistant (preview)
1.拡張機能で「AWS Toolkit」をインストールする
2.Builder ID の設定
手順はAmazon CodeWhispererのハンズオンにも説明が載っています。(日本語化されている)
Hi, I'm Amazon Q.
I can answer your software development questions.
Ask me to explain, debug, or optimize your code.
You can enter
to see a list of quick actions.
Try Examplesって書いてあるから押してみる
What can Amazon Q help me with?
I'm Amazon Q, a generative AI assistant.
Learn more about me below.
Your feedback will help me improve.
What I can do:
- Answer questions about AWS
- Answer questions about general programming concepts
- Explain what a line of code or code function does
- Write unit tests and code
- Debug and fix code
- Refactor code
What I don't do right now:
- Answer questions in languages other than English
- Remember conversations from your previous sessions
- Have information about your AWS account or your specific AWS resources
Examples of questions I can answer:
- When should I use ElastiCache?
- How do I create an Application Load Balancer?
- Explain the and ask clarifying questions about it.
- What is the syntax of declaring a variable in TypeScript?
Special Commands
- /clear - Clear the conversation.
- /dev - Get code suggestions across files in your current project. Provide a brief prompt, such as "Implement a GET API." Only available through CodeWhisperer Professional Tier.
- /transform - Transform your code. Use to upgrade Java code versions. Only available through CodeWhisperer Professional Tier.
- /help - View chat topics and commands.
Things to note:
- I may not always provide completely accurate or current information.
- Provide feedback by choosing the like or dislike buttons that appear below answers.
- When you use Amazon Q, AWS may, for service improvement purposes, store data about your usage and content. You can opt-out of sharing this data by following the steps in AI services opt-out policies. See here
- Do not enter any confidential, sensitive, or personal information.
For additional help, visit the Amazon Q User Guide.
Getting started with Amazon Q
まだ日本語対応していないけれど、VScodeでGitHub CopilotのChat機能と共存するかたちで利用することはできるので、いろいろ実験することはできるのかなって思う。まだプレビューだし。