Unity6でVFX Graphを含めてWebGLビルドするとInvalid VFX Particle Systemって言われる
Unity 6(6000.0.24f1) でvfx Graphを含めてWebビルドすると Invalid VFX Particle System
ProjectSetting.assetの webGLEnableWebGPU
を 1
に直接書き換えてから、ProjectSetting->Player->AutoGrasphicsAPIのチェックを外し、GrasphicsAPIの設定を WebGPI(Experimental)
Unity6のTLSが出たことで標準機能になったと勘違いしてしまったけど、すくなくとも 6000.0.24f1
Unity’s new WebGPU backend is in early access, and can be enabled by launching the Editor using the following Project Settings flag “webGLEnableWebGPU”:
Navigate to an existing Unity project and open the ProjectSettings.asset file (located at /ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset) using a text editor.
Search for a setting titled “webGLEnableWebGPU”:
If found, change the line to “webGLEnableWebGPU: 1”.
If not found, add a line “webGLEnableWebGPU: 1”. (This line can be added anywhere in the file, preferably next to other web-related settings.
Open the project in the Unity Editor, using the latest 2023.3 release.
The WebGPU backend should now be exposed in the Editor’s Player Settings. Follow the next steps for setting WebGPU as the target graphics API in use:
Open the project’s Build Settings panel (“File”->”Build Settings”).
In the Platforms list, select “Web” and then click “Switch Platform”.
Open the project’s Player Settings panel (“File->”Project Settings”->”Player”)
Under the “Other Settings” section, disable the “Auto Graphics API” checkbox.
Add “WebGPU” to the Graphics API list, and set it as the first priority above WebGL.
You can now build the web project as usual. The WebGPU graphics API will be utilized when running the build on a compatible device and browser.
同一ネットワークのAndroidからPythonでBuild成果物をホストしたサーバーにアクセスするとまたもInvalid VFX Particle System. It is skipped.
Unity WebGPU:
Version: WebGPU 1.0 [1.0]
Renderer: WebGPU Device
Vendor: Unity Technologies
Version: NULL 1.0 [1.0]
Renderer: Null Device
Vendor: Unity Technologies