








module Graphics

type EntityAttribute = 
    | Id    of string
    | Class of string list
    | Title of string

type Command = 
    | Plot  of float * float * EntityAttribute list 
    | Plots of (float * float) array * EntityAttribute list
    | MoveTo of float * float
    | RMoveTo of float * float
    | LineTo of float * float * EntityAttribute list
    | RLineTo of float * float * EntityAttribute list
    | DrawRect of float * float * float * float * EntityAttribute list
    | DrawPolyLine of (float * float) array * EntityAttribute list
    | DrawPoly of (float * float) array * EntityAttribute list
    | FillPoly of (float * float) array * EntityAttribute list
    | DrawCircle of float * float * float * EntityAttribute list
    | FillRect of float * float * float * float  * EntityAttribute list
    | FillCircle of float * float * float * EntityAttribute list
    | DrawString of string * EntityAttribute list 
    | SetLineWidth of int
    | SetTextSize of int 
    | SetColor of int * int * int 
        member this.WithId (id : string) = 
            match this with 
            | Plot         (x, y, attrs)                   -> Plot (x, y, Id(id) :: attrs) 
            | Plots        (points, attrs)                 -> Plots (points, Id(id) :: attrs)
            | LineTo       (x, y, attrs)                   -> LineTo (x, y, Id(id) :: attrs)
            | RLineTo      (dx, dy, attrs)                 -> RLineTo (dx, dy, Id(id) :: attrs) 
            | DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, Id(id) :: attrs)  
            | DrawPolyLine (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPolyLine (points, Id(id) :: attrs)      
            | DrawPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPoly     (points, Id(id) :: attrs)      
            | FillPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> FillPoly     (points, Id(id) :: attrs)      
            | DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, Id(id) :: attrs)   
            | FillRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> FillRect     (x, y, w, h, Id(id) :: attrs)  
            | FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, Id(id) :: attrs)   
            | DrawString   (s, attrs)                      -> DrawString   (s, Id(id) :: attrs)           
            | _ as org                                     -> org
        member this.WithClass (className : string) = 
            match this with 
            | Plot         (x, y, attrs)                   -> Plot (x, y, Class([className]) :: attrs) 
            | Plots        (points, attrs)                 -> Plots (points, Class([className]) :: attrs)
            | LineTo       (x, y, attrs)                   -> LineTo (x, y, Class([className]) :: attrs)
            | RLineTo      (dx, dy, attrs)                 -> RLineTo (dx, dy, Class([className]) :: attrs) 
            | DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, Class([className]) :: attrs)  
            | DrawPolyLine (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPolyLine (points, Class([className]) :: attrs)      
            | DrawPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPoly     (points, Class([className]) :: attrs)      
            | FillPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> FillPoly     (points, Class([className]) :: attrs)      
            | DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, Class([className]) :: attrs)   
            | FillRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> FillRect     (x, y, w, h, Class([className]) :: attrs)  
            | FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, Class([className]) :: attrs)   
            | DrawString   (s, attrs)                      -> DrawString   (s, Class([className]) :: attrs)           
            | _ as org                                     -> org
        member this.WithTitle (title : string) = 
            match this with 
            | Plot         (x, y, attrs)                   -> Plot (x, y, Title(title) :: attrs) 
            | Plots        (points, attrs)                 -> Plots (points, Title(title) :: attrs)
            | LineTo       (x, y, attrs)                   -> LineTo (x, y, Title(title) :: attrs)
            | RLineTo      (dx, dy, attrs)                 -> RLineTo (dx, dy, Title(title) :: attrs) 
            | DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, Title(title) :: attrs)  
            | DrawPolyLine (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPolyLine (points, Title(title) :: attrs)      
            | DrawPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPoly     (points, Title(title) :: attrs)      
            | FillPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> FillPoly     (points, Title(title) :: attrs)      
            | DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, Title(title) :: attrs)   
            | FillRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> FillRect     (x, y, w, h, Title(title) :: attrs)  
            | FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, Title(title) :: attrs)   
            | DrawString   (s, attrs)                      -> DrawString   (s, Title(title) :: attrs)           
            | _ as org                                     -> org

type GraphicsEvent = 
        Selector  : string   
        EventName : string
        Callback  : string

let mutable m_mouseoverStyle : (string * string) list = 
        ("stroke-width", "5")
        ("stroke", "blue")
        ("fill", "blue")
        ("fill-opacity", "0.5")

let mutable m_currentX  = 0.0
let mutable m_currentY  = 0.0
let mutable m_lineWidth = 1
let mutable m_textSize  = 8 
let mutable m_color     = (0, 0, 0)

let mutable m_commandBuffer : Command list = [] 
let mutable m_events : GraphicsEvent list = []

let private attrText = function
    | Id (s)          -> sprintf " id='%s' " s
    | Class (classes) -> System.String.Join (" ", classes)
                         |> sprintf " class='%s' "  
    | _ -> ""

let private titleText (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    |> List.tryFind (fun x -> match x with | Title _ -> true | _ -> false)
    |> function
    | Some (Title (title)) -> sprintf "<title>%s</title>" title
    | _ -> ""

let attrTextLine (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 

    let mergeClass (target : EntityAttribute list) = 
        let classes =
            |> List.choose (fun x -> match x with | Class classes -> Some (classes) | _ -> None)
            |> List.concat
        let others = 
            |> List.filter (fun x -> match x with | Class _ -> false | _ -> true)
        List.concat [ others; [ Class (classes) ] ]

    |> mergeClass
    |> List.map attrText
    |> fun x -> System.String.Join ("", x) 

let setMouseoverStyle (kvPairs : (string * string) list) = 
    m_mouseoverStyle <- kvPairs

let svgPoint (attrs : EntityAttribute list) =
    let (r, g, b) = m_color      
    sprintf "<circle %s cx='%.1f' cy='%.1f' r='2' fill='rgb(%d,%d,%d)'>%s</circle>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            m_currentX m_currentY r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgLine (toX : float, toY : float) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<line %s x1='%.1f' y1='%.1f' x2='%.1f' y2='%.1f' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' stroke-width='%d'>%s</line>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            m_currentX m_currentY toX toY r g b m_lineWidth
            (titleText attrs)

let svgDrawRect (x : float, y : float, w : float, h : float) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<rect %s x='%.1f' y='%.1f' width='%.1f' height='%.1f' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' fill='transparent' stroke-width='%d'>%s</rect>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            x y w h r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgDrawCircle (cx : float, cy : float, radius : float) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<circle %s cx='%.1f' cy='%.1f' r='%.1f' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' fill='transparent' stroke-width='%d'>%s</circle>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            cx cy radius r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgFillRect (x : float, y : float, w : float, h : float) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<rect %s x='%.1f' y='%.1f' width='%.1f' height='%.1f' fill='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' stroke-width='%d'>%s</rect>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            x y w h r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgFillCircle (cx : float, cy : float, radius : float) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<circle %s cx='%.1f' cy='%.1f' r='%.1f' fill='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' stroke-width='%d'>%s</circle>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            cx cy radius r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgDrawPolygon (points : (float * float) array) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<polygon %s points='%s' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' fill='transparent' stroke-width='%d'>%s</polygon>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            (points |> Array.map (fun (x, y) -> sprintf "%.1f,%.1f" x y) 
                    |> fun vs -> System.String.Join (" ", vs))
            r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgDrawPolyLine (points : (float * float) array) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<polyline %s points='%s' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' stroke-width='%d'>%s</polyline>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            (points |> Array.map (fun (x, y) -> sprintf "%.1f,%.1f" x y) 
                    |> fun vs -> System.String.Join (" ", vs))
            r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgFillPolygon (points : (float * float) array) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<polygon %s points='%s' fill='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' stroke-width='%d'>%s</polygon>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            (points |> Array.map (fun (x, y) -> sprintf "%.1f,%.1f" x y) 
                    |> fun vs -> System.String.Join (" ", vs))
            r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgText (s : string) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<text %s font-size='%d' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' fill='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' >%s</text>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            r g b
            r g b

let doCommand = function
    | Plot         (x, y, attrs)                   -> let s = svgPoint attrs
                                                      m_currentX <- x 
                                                      m_currentY <- y
    | Plots        (points, attrs)                 -> points |> Array.map (fun (x, y) -> 
                                                          m_currentX <- x 
                                                          m_currentY <- y 
                                                          svgPoint attrs
                                                      |> fun x -> System.String.Join ("\n", x)
    | MoveTo       (x, y)                          -> m_currentX <- x 
                                                      m_currentY <- y 
    | RMoveTo      (dx, dy)                        -> m_currentX <- m_currentX + dx 
                                                      m_currentY <- m_currentY + dy 
    | LineTo       (x, y, attrs)                   -> let s = svgLine (x, y) attrs
                                                      m_currentX <- x
                                                      m_currentY <- y
    | RLineTo      (dx, dy, attrs)                 -> let (x, y) = (m_currentX + dx, m_currentY + dy)
                                                      let s = svgLine (x, y) attrs
                                                      m_currentX <- x
                                                      m_currentY <- y
    | DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> svgDrawRect (x, y, w, h) attrs
    | DrawPolyLine (points, attrs)                 -> svgDrawPolyLine (points) attrs 
    | DrawPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> svgDrawPolygon (points) attrs 
    | FillPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> svgFillPolygon (points) attrs 
    | DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> svgDrawCircle (cx, cy, r) attrs 
    | FillRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> svgFillRect (x, y, w, h) attrs 
    | FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> svgFillCircle (cx, cy, r) attrs 
    | DrawString   (s, attrs)                      -> svgText (s) attrs 
    | SetLineWidth (width)                         -> m_lineWidth <- width 
    | SetTextSize  (size)                          -> m_textSize <- size 
    | SetColor     (r, g, b)                       -> m_color <- (r, g, b) 

let private generateScript (event : GraphicsEvent) = 
    let selector  = event.Selector
    let eventName = event.EventName
    let callback  = event.Callback
        sprintf "document.querySelectorAll('%s').forEach(element => {" selector;
        sprintf "    element.addEventListener('%s', eve => {" eventName;
        sprintf "        %s" (callback.Replace("\n", "\n    ")); 
                "    });"; 
    |> fun x -> System.String.Join("\n", x)

let private generateStyles () = 
    |> List.map (fun (key, value) -> sprintf "%s : %s;" key value)
    |> fun x -> System.String.Join (" ", x)
    |> sprintf ".mouseover { %s }"

let private generateHtml (w, h) = 
    let scripts = 
        |> List.rev
        |> List.map generateScript
        |> fun x -> System.String.Join ("\n\n", x)
    let svgContent =
        |> List.rev
        |> List.map doCommand
        |> fun x -> System.String.Join("\n", x)    
    sprintf """
<svg width='%dpx' height='%dpx' viewbox='0,0,%d,%d' >
        (generateStyles ())

let saveHtml (w, h) = 
    let dst = @".\canvas.html" 
    generateHtml (w, h)
    |> fun content -> System.IO.File.WriteAllText(dst, content)

let openGraph(w, h) = 
    let dst = saveHtml (w, h)

let closeGraph() = ()
let clearGraph() = ()
let sizeX() = ()
let sizeY() = ()

let private addBuffer (command) = 
    m_commandBuffer <-  command :: m_commandBuffer

let defaultEntityAttributes = 
    [ Class (["entity"]) ]

let plot (x : float) (y : float) = 
    addBuffer <| Plot(x, y, defaultEntityAttributes)

let plots (pairs : (float * float) array) = 
    addBuffer <| Plots (pairs, defaultEntityAttributes)

let moveTo (x : float) (y : float) = 
    addBuffer <| MoveTo(x, y) 

let rmoveTo (dx : float) (dy : float) = 
    addBuffer <| RMoveTo(dx, dy) 

let currentX () = m_currentX 
let currentY () = m_currentY 
let lineTo (x : float) (y : float) = 
    addBuffer <| LineTo (x, y, defaultEntityAttributes)

let rlineTo (dx : float) (dy : float) = 
    addBuffer <| RLineTo (dx, dy, defaultEntityAttributes) 

let drawRect (x : float) (y : float) (w : float) (h : float) = 
    addBuffer <| DrawRect (x, y, w, h, defaultEntityAttributes)

let drawPolyLine (pairs : (float * float) array) = 
    addBuffer <| DrawPolyLine (pairs, defaultEntityAttributes)

let drawPoly (pairs : (float * float) array) = 
    addBuffer <| DrawPoly (pairs, defaultEntityAttributes)

let fillPoly (pairs : (float * float) array) = 
    addBuffer <| FillPoly (pairs, defaultEntityAttributes)

let drawCircle (x : float) (y : float) (r : float) = 
    addBuffer <| DrawCircle (x, y, r, defaultEntityAttributes)

let setLineWidth (width : int) = 
    addBuffer <| SetLineWidth (width)

let setColor (r, g, b) = 
    addBuffer <| SetColor (r, g, b)

let drawString (s : string) = 
    addBuffer <| DrawString (s, defaultEntityAttributes)

let setTextSize (size : int) = 
    addBuffer <| SetTextSize (size)

let fillRect (x : float) (y : float) (w : float) (h : float) = 
    addBuffer <| FillRect (x, y, w, h, defaultEntityAttributes)

let fillCircle (x : float) (y : float) (r : float) = 
    addBuffer <| FillCircle (x, y, r, defaultEntityAttributes)

let withId (id : string) = 
    match m_commandBuffer with 
    | [] -> ()
    | hd :: tl -> m_commandBuffer <- hd.WithId(id) :: tl 

let withClass (className : string) = 
    match m_commandBuffer with 
    | [] -> ()
    | hd :: tl -> m_commandBuffer <- hd.WithClass(className) :: tl 

let withTitle (title : string) = 
    match m_commandBuffer with 
    | [] -> ()
    | hd :: tl -> m_commandBuffer <- hd.WithTitle(title) :: tl 

let addEventListener (selector : string) (eventName : string) (callback : string) = 
    m_events <- { Selector  = selector
                  EventName = eventName 
                  Callback  = callback }
                :: m_events

let addDefaultEventListener () = 
    addEventListener ".entity" "mouseover" "element.classList.add('mouseover');"
    addEventListener ".entity" "mouseleave" "element.classList.remove('mouseover');"



#load "Graphics.fs"

open Graphics

let test () =

    let gridPoints = 
        [| for i in 0 .. 2 -> 
                for j in 0 .. 2 -> (float ((i + 1) * 100), float ((j + 1) * 100)) 
        |> Array.concat
    let gridLines = 
            (gridPoints.[0], gridPoints.[1])
            (gridPoints.[1], gridPoints.[2])
            (gridPoints.[3], gridPoints.[4])
            (gridPoints.[4], gridPoints.[5])
            (gridPoints.[6], gridPoints.[7])
            (gridPoints.[7], gridPoints.[8])
            (gridPoints.[0], gridPoints.[3])
            (gridPoints.[1], gridPoints.[4])
            (gridPoints.[2], gridPoints.[5])
            (gridPoints.[3], gridPoints.[6])
            (gridPoints.[4], gridPoints.[7])
            (gridPoints.[5], gridPoints.[8])

    setColor (200, 200, 200)
    fillPoly [| gridPoints.[0]; gridPoints.[1]; gridPoints.[4]; gridPoints.[3] |]
    withTitle "rect1"
    fillPoly [| gridPoints.[1]; gridPoints.[2]; gridPoints.[5]; gridPoints.[4] |]
    withTitle "rect2"
    setLineWidth 5

    setColor (100, 100, 100)
    |> Array.iteri (fun i ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> 
        moveTo x1 y1 
        lineTo x2 y2 
        withTitle <| sprintf "line%d" (i + 1)
    |> Array.iteri (fun i (x, y) -> 
        fillCircle x y 10.0 
        withTitle <| sprintf "point%d" (i + 1)

    saveHtml (600, 600)

let path = test()
printfn "%s" path



  • 出力がHTMLベースなのでつぶしが効いて便利。
  • Event周りは強引だが、個人的には十分使える。
