
Most Essential Frontend Web Development Tools You Should Check Now


Front-end development, also referred to as client-side development, is the development of the graphical user interface through which the users can view and interact with a website. The development of the front-end involves the use of three core web technologies, namely HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The user interface or front-end of every website plays a vital role. The reason is when individuals visit the website, the user interface is the only thing that can provide a great experience for them. If your website’s user interface is not easy to use or clean, visitors are not likely to spend more time.

Therefore, front-developers need to work on various aspects of the user interface, such as ease of use, responsive design, SEO, and many others. Moreover, they need to stay updated with the state-of-art web design trends. To ease the work of front-end developers, a plethora of front-end developer tools are available.

This article will highlight some popular and must-have front-end development tools.

Top 7 Front-End Developer Tools

Before we proceed to the front-end developer tools list, we shall discuss what exactly the front-end tools are.

What are Front-End Developer Tools?

Front-end developer tools are software programs that help front developers in creating a website’s layout and user interface hassle-free. Using such tools makes it easier for front-end developers to build websites faster by automating monotonous tasks.

Developing the front-end is not a single task. It involves a lot of things, and hence, various tools are available that help developers to accomplish specific tasks. For example, there are a variety of source code editors available that help you write and edit your code. Also, a lot of testing tools are available to test the code you write.

The following is the list of some popular and widespread front-end developer tools:

  1. Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTools is a collection of various web developer tools that comes in-built with the Chrome browser. These tools enable developers to edit web pages, more specifically, HTML and CSS code, right from the Google Chrome browser. They help you to debug JavaScript code and diagnose errors. Also, these tools allow you to run JavaScript code in the console.

  1. HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Boilerplate is another popular must-have front-end development tool. It helps you create fast, responsive, and robust websites and web applications. It is an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript template for creating cross-browser compatible HTML5 websites.

Moreover, it comes with Normalize.css, a modern alternative to CSS resets, base styles, media queries, helpers, and print styles. You will find detailed documentation on extra tips and tricks to using HTML5 Boilerplate.

  1. AngularJS

AngularJS is an open-source web development framework based on JavaScript for creating single-page applications. It follows MVC (model-view-controller) and MVVM (model–view–viewmodel) architectural design patterns. In addition, this framework aimed to make the development and testing of single-page applications easier for developers.

It is one of the components of the MEAN stack. MEAN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. One of the best advantages of using AngularJS is that it allows you to extend static HTML to dynamic HTML. This makes it more convenient for you to develop dynamic web applications.

  1. JQuery

JQuery is a robust and fully-featured JavaScript library. It performs various functions, such as HTML document traversal. CSS manipulation, animation, event handling, and AJAX/JSON support. Also, it has an intuitive and easy-to-use API that allows you to work across multiple browsers.

Besides, this library has excellent community support and detailed documentation. Therefore, if you get stuck anywhere while using this library, you can expect instant help from the JQuery community.

  1. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code, also known as VS Code, is an open-source source code editor compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Using this source code editor, you can write code in a variety of languages, including JavaScript, Java, Python, Node.js, and C++.

VS Code comes with IntelliSense that provides various features, such as syntax highlighting, smart auto-completion, bracket matching, and code folding. Moreover, it also integrates a debugger that helps you debug your code.

  1. Git

Git is an open-source distributed version control system. This system helps you manage every project, whether small or large, efficiently. It helps you manage your source code, track every change made to the source code, and roll back to the previous state hassle-free. In addition, you and your team members can work on the same source code simultaneously and effortlessly.

  1. Selenium

Selenium is an open-source suite of tools and libraries that facilitates the automation of web browsers. Basically, it is a web application testing tool that lets you test websites without any hassle.

This tool consists of three components, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, and Selenium IDE.

Selenium IDE lets you write test scripts in various programming languages, including JavaScript, Groovy, Java, C#, Perl, PHP, and Python. Selenium WebDriver helps you to create browser-based regression automation suites and tests. Finally, Selenium Grid allows you to run test scripts on remote virtual or real machines.


This was our list of some significant and must-have front-end developer tools. Along with the aforementioned tools, you may also need many others. Also, there are various alternatives to the tools mentioned above. However, we have mentioned the popular ones. Finally, we recommend you choose the tools based on your project requirements.
