
Core Bluetoothパフォーマンス最適化ガイド:高速データ転送と省電力化

非公開となったWWDC17の "What's New in Core Bluetooth" セッション



・・・のように一見見えますが、実は既に一部の動画は非公開となっておりもう見ることができません。そのうちのひとつが "What's New in Core Bluetooth" です。

2024年のいま、2017年のWhat's Newなんてもう必要ないだろう、と思う人もいるかもしれません [1]

が、Core Bluetoothのようなニッチなフレームワークにとっては、昔のWWDCの発表であれ、それが唯一の一次情報だったりするので、非常に貴重です。

特に、2017年の同セッションは、これまでのWWDCにおいて唯一L2CAPについて言及しているセッションであり、またMTUやEDLにも触れつつ、Core Bluetoothの通信速度に関して事細かに説明してくれているベストプラクティスパートもあり、現在においても非常に有用なセッションです。

スライドは現在でも公開 されており、またトランスクリプトは以下リポジトリにvttファイルとして残されています:


本記事ではWWDC17の "What's New in Core Bluetooth" セッションの中でも特に重要だと感じた "Getting the Most out of Core Bluetooth"(Core Bluetoothを最大限に活用する方法)パートの内容をまとめます。


また「Best practices」パートの内容については下記記事にまとめました。



Let's walk through a scenario where we have a lot of data to send from where updating a device.


Today it takes about 3,000 seconds to transfer 1MB of data at about 2.5kbps if we use Write With Response and all defaults.
So this is obviously very slow.
What are the problems?
There's two main problems.

今日、Write With Responseとすべてのデフォルトを使用した場合、約2.5kbpsで1MBのデータを転送するのに約3,000秒かかる。




Protocol Overhead

The first is all of the protocol overhead in LE.


The Bluetooth Specification defines the LE maximum application datalink to be 27 Bytes, but we lose 7 of that because your data has to traverse from the application through GATT, through ATT and through L2CAP, so you lose about 25% of the packet, and in the end the useable data length is only 20 Bytes.


And in addition, once your data gets through the controller the hardware also adds link layer security and CRC which adds even more time to transmit a packet.
So in order to improve performance, we'll have to performance, we'll have to reduce both the software and hardware overhead.


Write with Response

The second problem is previously in GATT the only way to reliably write is to use Write With Response which take two intervals to complete, one to write and one to wait for the response.

2つ目の問題は、GATTでは以前、確実に書き込むにはWrite With Responseを使うしかなかったことであり、書き込みとレスポンスの待ち時間の2つの間隔を要することです。

So your writes are actually very sparse.
You're not fully utilizing the available bandwidth because, as you know, there's multiple opportunities to transmit per interval and we want to pack as many writes as we can into all of the connection events.


Write Without Response

So how do we do this?
As Craig mentioned, we've improved Write Without Response.

Craigが述べたように、我々はWrite Without Responseを改善した。

You can now write and continue to write into Core Bluetooth sets can send holds write without response to false, in which case then your application can wait for a delegate to signal when it's safe to resume writing.
And when you follow the APIs the write will be reliable.
And you can use the Write Without Response to make sure that Core Bluetooth is sufficiently buffered so we can sufficiently buffered so we can use all of the available connection events to send all of your application data.

また、Write Without Responseを使用することで、Core Bluetoothが十分にバッファリングされていることを確認することができ、利用可能な接続イベントをすべて使用してアプリケーションのデータをすべて送信することができます。

And in iOS 10, we also enlarged the Connection Event Length so now you have even more room to write using Write For That Response.

さらにiOS 10では、Connection Event Lengthが拡大されたため、Write Without Responseを使用して書き込む余裕がさらに増えました。

And when you pack all of the connection events in all of the interval, your throughput will improve from 2.5 to 37 kbps.



And coming back to reducing software protocol overhead, all of the discussion thus far assumes an ATT MTU of 23 Bytes, this is why there are red portion overhead in each viewer packets but we can enlarge the MTU and enlarge the writes to align to the MTU.

This will improve your throughput because L2CAP will now fragment your data for you.

ソフトウェアプロトコルのオーバーヘッドを削減することに戻ると、これまでの議論はすべて、ATT MTUを23バイトと仮定しています。これが、各ビューアパケットに赤色の部分のオーバーヘッドがある理由です。しかし、MTUを拡大し、MTUに合わせるために書き込みを拡大することができます。


You only have to pay in overhead on the first fragment of your MTU.
The rest of the fragments can be as the full 27 Bytes, so when as the full 27 Bytes, so when you do this your throughput should improve to 48 kbps.

残りのフラグメントは27バイトのフルバイトとすることができますので、27バイトのフルバイトとすると、スループットは48 kbpsに向上するはずです。

And so how do you configure MTU in Core Bluetooth?
If you're running Core Bluetooth to Core Bluetooth, there's nothing much you have to do.

Core BluetoothでMTUを設定するには?
Core Bluetooth同士であれば、特にすることはありません。

We will calculate the MTU for you based on the connection event length and other system configurations but in this example we're from we're updating an accessory.

したがって、クライアントとサーバー間のトランザクションとしてATT MTU交換を思い出すと、提案された2つの値の最小値は、実際にはATT MTUです。

So if you recall the ATT MTU exchange as a transaction between the client and the server, so the two minimum of the -- the minimum of the two proposed value is actually the ATT MTU, so your accessory should also use a large MTU to take advantage of this more optimized behavior.
And to use a large MTU that's aligned to the -- to use a larger attribute write that is aligned to the MTU, you can use the below interfaces to look at what is the maximum write length what is the maximum write length aligned to the MTU.


So thus far we've talked about how to pack as much writes as we can into the intervals and how to utilize -- fully utilize all of the bandwidth available.
We talked about how to reduce overhead, software overhead.
But the fact that LE is 27 Bytes per packet and we have to pay the hardware overhead per packet, this really limits how much further we can improve LE performance using just software.

ここまで、書き込みをできる限り間隔に詰め込む方法と、利用可能なすべての帯域幅 をフルに活用する方法について述べてきた。

EDL (Extended Data Length)

So we've added extended data length support.
Extended data length is a 4.2 feature that increases the maximum application data length from 27 to 251.


This means that per packet now you can send 10 times the amount of data so you've eliminated all of the hardware overhead and software overhead previously and software overhead previously and we can now use more of the available time to transmit your application data.
And in fact, we can send a full -- an entire maximum GATTs write of 512 Bytes in a single interval using Extended Data Length, and this should be about 3 times the throughput of your normal performance.


Extended Data Length is the new feature in Bluetooth 4.2.
It extends the maximum application data length from 27 to 251.
It's completely transparent to your application.
If you're running Core Bluetooth to Core Bluetooth we've done everything for you.
We'll negotiate the write data length and MTU appropriate to your hardware configuration, but in this example again we're updating a firmware device so remember you have to also add support for extended data length support for extended data length in the accessory for this to work.
And it has four times the throughput in the same amount of radio time so it's also very power efficient.

拡張データ長はBluetooth 4.2の新機能である。
Core Bluetooth to Core Bluetoothを実行している場合、私たちがすべて行います。

It's now available on iPhone 7 and Apple Watch Series 2, and the newly announced iPad Pro.
So please try it out and use this as a reference to develop your new Extended Data Length Accessory.

iPhone 7とApple Watch Series 2、そして発表されたばかりのiPad Proで利用できるようになりました。

L2CAP Connection Oriented Channels

And because we're -- the example is from we're updating a device, this is a good example of where you should use L2CAP Connection Oriented Channel.


This will eliminate all of the overhead previously in GATT and ATTs, but more importantly it eliminates limitations and restriction in GATT like the maximum attribute size of 512, so we can now write much larger values and use much larger MTU.


When we do that the throughput will increase to almost 200 kbps.


This really shows how powerful Extended Data Length can be if it is not limited by software protocol.


As you know, another way to improve performance is to ask for a faster connection interval.
All of the discussion thus far assumes a connection interval of 30 ms, but in Core Bluetooth we made a change to lower the connection interval minimum for iOS to 15 ms, so when your firmware is updating your device you can ask for a parameter update request and set the interval min and max to 15 ms in which we will honor.

これまでの議論はすべて接続間隔を30ミリ秒と想定していますが、Core BluetoothではiOSの接続間隔の最小値を15ミリ秒に下げる変更を行いました。したがって、ファームウェアがデバイスを更新する際にパラメータ更新リクエストを要求し、間隔の最小値と最大値を15ミリ秒に設定することができます。

And when you do that, your throughput can double to 394, almost 400 kbps.



So this is a summary of where we So this is a summary of where we were and where we are now.


We started with Write With Response at 2.5 kbps.
Then we did Write Without Response but writing only once per interval, which only doubles the performance.
But if you packed all of the opportunities to transmit with writes your throughput can improve to 37.
And if you reduce overhead using larger MTU, your performance can go up to 48 kbps.
And we made a major leap forward with Extended Data Length and tripled that which will yield 135 kbps.
And if we eliminate the software limitations using L2CAP plus Extended Data Length, it can improve to almost 200 kbps.
And we increase the -- made the connection interval faster which allows you to transmit more often, then the throughput will improve to 400 kbps.

私たちは Write With Responseで2.5 kbpsから始めました。

次に Write Without Responseを行いましたが、これは一定間隔ごとに1回だけ書き込みを行うもので、パフォーマンスは2倍にしか向上しません。






So we started with about 3,000 So we started with about 3,000 seconds to download 1 MB of data and we end it with 20 seconds to download 1 MB of data.


So in summary, please request a shorter connection interval.
The new minimum is 15 MS on iOS if you need it.
Take advantage of all the GATT optimizations we have like Write Without Response.
Use L2CAP Channel for larger transfer.
All of this is free and all in software, and also update your hardware with the latest specification of Bluetooth Specification and Hardware for best performance and best battery life.
Thank you.


  • 接続間隔を短くするようにリクエストしてください。

    • iOS での新しい最小値は 15 ミリ秒です。
  • Write Without Response などの GATT 最適化をすべて活用してください。

  • より大きな転送には L2CAP チャンネルを使用してください。

  • これらはすべて無料でソフトウェアのみで利用でき、最高のパフォーマンスとバッテリー寿命を実現するには、Bluetooth 仕様とハードウェアの最新仕様でハードウェアを更新してください。

  1. おそらくAppleの中の人もそう判断して取り下げたのだと思われる ↩︎
