MacStudio 2022 128GB M1UltraでDeepSeek-R1 671B 1.58bit IQ1_Sが動いた
MacStudio 2022 128GB M1UltraでDeepSeek-R1 671B 1.58bit IQ1_Sが動いた
--n-gpu-layers 59 では,malloc的なエラー,30にセットすると,ええ塩梅でGPUも80%ぐらいつかっている
大体速度は,0.9〜1.8 token/secというところか.全体では1.2token/secと最後にでています
DeepSeek-R1への問いと回答 日本語訳ーー
別の観点としては、感情や心理状態を研究するために、議事録やソーシャルメディアなどのテキストを分析する自然言語処理を使用するという方法もあります。 これらはすでに存在するデータなので、新たな調査は必要ありません。
学習プロセスをシミュレートする強化学習モデルも考えられます。 報酬や罰からエージェントがどのように学習するのか。 あるいは、さまざまな介入がシミュレーションされた人口にどのように作用するかを予測するような仮説シナリオをシミュレートするために生成モデルを使用する、といった方法もあります。
さまざまな応用分野をカバーする必要があります。 考えられる分野とそれぞれの例を挙げてみましょう。
- 心理的プロセスのシミュレーション:認知モデル、意思決定、記憶、学習。
- 予測モデリング:既存のデータを使用して、自殺リスクや精神疾患などの結果を予測する。
- 自然言語処理:テキストを分析して、感情、精神疾患の兆候、言語使用パターンを分析する。
- エージェントベースモデリング:社会力学、噂の広がり、集団行動のシミュレーション
- ニューラルネットワーク:脳のプロセス、おそらく精神疾患のシミュレーション
心理学におけるAIと計算シミュレーションの可能性 人間を対象とした実験や社会調査を伴わない
- 認知モデリング
- 説明:ACT-Rのような計算モデルは、記憶、注意、意思決定などの認知プロセスをシミュレートする。
- 例:ワーキングメモリの制限がシミュレーションされたタスクにおける問題解決戦略にどのように影響するかをモデリングする。
- 精神疾患のシミュレーション
- 説明:神経ネットワークまたは力学系モデルにより脳の活動を模倣し、疾患のメカニズムを解明する。
- 例:モデルにおける神経伝達物質レベルの変化が、うつ病に見られる意思決定パターンにどのように影響するかをシミュレーションする。
- エージェントベースの社会シミュレーション
- 説明:相互作用のルールに従ってプログラムされたエージェントが、社会の力学をシミュレートする。
- 例:同世代の仲間からの影響や文化的要因を考慮しながら、地域社会における健康的な行動の広がりをモデル化する。
- 自然言語処理(NLP)
- 説明:テキストデータ(ソーシャルメディア、臨床記録など)を分析して心理状態を検出する。
- 例:感情分析アルゴリズムを使用して、Twitterの投稿から自殺願望を特定する。
- 予測分析
- 説明:既存のデータセット(EHRなど)に機械学習を適用して心理学的結果を予測する。
- 例:過去の医療データとトラウマの曝露に基づいてPTSDリスクを予測する。
- 強化学習モデル
- 説明:報酬/罰のメカニズムを通じて学習プロセスをシミュレートする。
- 例:エージェントが強化を通じて薬物探索行動を学習する依存症発症のモデリング
- 計算神経心理学的シミュレーション
- 説明:脳機能をモデル化するための認知タスク(例えば、注意テスト)のシミュレーション
- 例:モデル化された神経劣化に基づく認知能力の低下の予測
- 発達プロセスのシミュレーション
- 説明:エージェントベースのモデルで、子供の成長段階(言語習得など)を模倣する。
- 例:プログラムされたエージェントの相互作用を通じて、社会性がどのように発達するかをシミュレーションする。
- グループ力学のモデリング
- 説明:エージェントベースの研究で、リーダーシップの発生や紛争解決を研究する。
- 例:コミュニケーションのルールが変化する中で、グループのコンセンサスがどのように形成されるかをシミュレーションする。
- 治療的介入のシミュレーション
- 説明:シミュレーションされた人口集団に対する介入効果のテスト。
- 例:シミュレーションされたエージェント集団における不安レベルに対するCBTの効果のモデリング。
- 仮説的シナリオの生成モデル
- 説明:AIが生成したシナリオは、仮説的条件における人間の行動を予測する。
- 例:生成AIを使用した健康キャンペーンに対する公衆の反応のシミュレーション。
- 脳の結合性のシミュレーション
- 説明:計算モデルは、さまざまな条件下における脳領域の相互作用を研究する。
- 例:統合失調症における結合性の変化を調査するために、fMRIデータをシミュレーションする。
- トラウマの影響のシミュレーション
- 説明:モデルは、トラウマの長期的な行動への影響をシミュレーションする。
- 例:トラウマが時間経過とともにリスクテイク行動にどのような影響を与えるかを明らかにするために、モデルをパラメータ化する。
- AIによる理論的探究のためのアート
- 説明:AIを使用して、理論的な心理学的探究のためのシナリオを作成する。
- 例:仮想シナリオを生成して、シミュレーションモデルにおける美的な好みを研究する。
これらのアプローチは、AIと計算シミュレーションを活用して、新たな人間による実験や調査を行うことなく心理学的現象を探究し、モデリング、既存のデータ分析、予測分析を通じて洞察を提供する。 [本文ここまで]
llama_perf_sampler_print: サンプリング時間 = 211.16 ms / 2114 回実行 (トークンあたり 0.10 ms、1 秒あたり 10011.60 トークン)
llama_perf_context_print: ロード時間 = 10767.43 ms
llama_perf_context_print: プロンプト評価時間 = 14793.10 ms / 24トークン (1トークンあたり616.38 ms、1秒あたり1.62トークン)
llama_perf_context_print: eval time = 1746664.52 ms / 2089 runs ( 836.12 ms per token, 1.20 tokens per second)
llama_perf_context_print: total time = 1761973.66 ms / 2113 tokens
ggml_metal_free: deallocating
Please show the possibilities of AI or computational simulation study in Psychology without doing human-based experiments or social surveys.<think>
Okay, so I need to think about how AI and computational simulations can be used in psychology without involving human subjects or surveys. Let me start by breaking down what I know about psychology research. Traditionally, it relies a lot on experiments with people, surveys, observations, etc. But the user wants alternatives that don't involve humans.
First, I remember that computational models can simulate human behavior. Maybe things like neural networks or agent-based models. For example, simulating how people make decisions in a group using agents in a model. That could show how social dynamics emerge without real humans.
Then there's AI analyzing existing data. Like using machine learning to find patterns in datasets that were already collected. So maybe predicting mental health outcomes from electronic health records. But the user wants to avoid new experiments or surveys, so using existing data is key.
I should consider different areas of psychology. Cognitive psychology might use models to simulate memory or attention. Clinical psychology could simulate disorder progression. Social psychology could model crowd behavior or rumor spreading.
Another angle is using natural language processing to analyze text, like transcripts or social media, to study sentiment or mental states. That's data already out there, so no new surveys.
Maybe also reinforcement learning models to simulate learning processes. How agents learn from rewards and punishments. Or using generative models to simulate hypothetical scenarios, like how different interventions might work in a simulated population.
I need to make sure I cover various applications. Let me list possible areas and examples for each. Let's see:
- Simulating Psychological Processes: Cognitive models, decision-making, memory, learning.
- Predictive Modeling: Using existing data to predict outcomes like suicide risk or mental health disorders.
- Natural Language Processing: Analyzing text for sentiment, mental health signs, language use patterns.
- Agent-Based Modeling: Social dynamics, rumor spreading, group behavior simulations.
- Neural Networks: Simulating brain processes, maybe mental disorders.
Virtual Reality: Wait, but that might involve human participants. No, the user said without human experiments, so maybe VR is out. Or perhaps VR environments designed computationally without testing on people? Maybe generating virtual scenarios using AI to model how humans might react, but not actually testing them.
Wait, the user specified no human-based experiments or social surveys. So VR environments used to create scenarios via simulation, not testing actual humans. So that's possible. But I need to check.
Alternatively, generating data through simulations that mimic human behavior. Also, using computational models to test theories, like testing a theory of depression by creating a model that follows the theory's assumptions and seeing if it produces expected outcomes.
I need to think of specific examples for each category. For instance, simulating cognitive processes with computational models to understand decision-making under stress. Or using agent-based models to study the spread of misinformation in a community.
Another thought: computational psychiatry, which uses models to understand disorders like schizophrenia or OCD. Maybe simulating the neural circuits involved.
Also, AI can generate synthetic data to test hypotheses. For example, creating synthetic populations with certain traits and seeing how interventions might work, which could inform theories without needing real participants.
Perhaps also using AI to model developmental processes, like how a child's language acquisition progresses over time based on reinforcement learning algorithms.
I should structure these ideas into clear sections with examples. Maybe list each application area with a brief description and example. Make sure to cover cognitive, clinical, social, developmental, etc., aspects.
Wait, the user wants possibilities, so perhaps a list of different ways AI/computational simulations can be applied in psychology without human experiments. So each possibility should be a point with an explanation and example.
I need to make sure I don't include any methods that require new human data. All examples must use existing data or pure simulations.
Cognitive Modeling: Simulate how humans process information, make decisions, using computational models like ACT-R (a cognitive architecture). For example, modeling how working memory capacity affects problem-solving.
Simulating Mental Disorders: Using neural networks to model the brain activity in conditions like depression or anxiety. For instance, a model showing how altered serotonin levels affect decision-making.
Agent-Based Social Simulations: Modeling how social norms emerge in a population of agents. For example, simulating the spread of a health behavior through a community, considering factors like peer influence.
Natural Language Processing for Text Analysis: Analyzing existing text data (e.g., therapy transcripts, social media posts) to detect patterns related to psychological states, like identifying suicidal ideation from Twitter data.
Predictive Analytics: Using machine learning on existing datasets (like electronic health records) to predict which individuals are at risk for PTSD based on their medical history.
Reinforcement Learning Models: Simulating how learning occurs through rewards/punishments. For example, a model of addiction development where an agent learns to prefer a drug due to reinforcement.
Computational Neuropsychological Testing: Creating simulated environments to assess cognitive functions, like attention or memory, through simulated tasks, not requiring human participants.
Wait, but neuropsychological testing usually involves people. So maybe using computational models to simulate the tests and predict outcomes based on brain models.
Simulating Developmental Processes: Using models to simulate how children's social skills develop over time, based on interaction patterns programmed into agents.
Modeling Group Dynamics: Using agent-based models to study how leaders emerge in groups or how conflicts resolve, based on programmed interaction rules.
Simulating Therapeutic Interventions: Testing the effect of a therapy model on a simulated population. For example, simulating how CBT principles reduce anxiety in a group of agents.
Generative Models for Hypothetical Scenarios: Using generative AI to create hypothetical scenarios and predict human reactions, like how a population might react to a public health campaign.
Simulating Brain Connectivity: Using computational models to study how different brain regions interact under various conditions, like simulating fMRI data to understand schizophrenia.
Simulating Trauma Effects: Creating models that show how traumatic events affect long-term behavior patterns, using parameters from existing research.
AI-Generated Art for Therapy Simulations: Using AI to generate art or scenarios that could be used in therapy simulations, though maybe this is more application than research.
Wait, perhaps that's stretching it. Focus on research possibilities rather than applications.
Also, need to ensure that all examples are purely computational or AI-based, not requiring any human input beyond existing data.
I think structuring these into categories like Cognitive, Clinical, Social, Developmental, etc., with examples under each would make it organized. But the user asked for possibilities, so maybe bullet points with each possibility.
Need to check if I have covered enough areas and provided clear examples for each. Also, ensure that each example doesn't involve human subjects or new surveys.
Possibilities of AI and Computational Simulation in Psychology Without Human-Based Experiments or Social Surveys
- Cognitive Modeling
- Description: Computational models like ACT-R simulate cognitive processes such as memory, attention, and decision-making.
- Example: Modeling how working memory limitations affect problem-solving strategies in a simulated task.
- Simulating Mental Disorders
- Description: Neural networks or dynamical systems model brain activity to explore disorder mechanisms.
- Example: Simulating how altered neurotransmitter levels in a model lead to decision-making patterns seen in depression.
- Agent-Based Social Simulations
- Description: Agents programmed with interaction rules simulate social dynamics.
- Example: Modeling the spread of health behaviors in a community, considering peer influence and cultural factors.
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Description: Analyzing text data (e.g., social media, clinical notes) to detect psychological states.
- Example: Identifying suicidal ideation in Twitter posts using sentiment analysis algorithms.
- Predictive Analytics
- Description: Machine learning applied to existing datasets (e.g., EHRs) predicts psychological outcomes.
- Example: Predicting PTSD risk based on historical medical data and trauma exposure.
- Reinforcement Learning Models
- Description: Simulating learning processes through reward/punishment mechanisms.
- Example: Modeling addiction development where an agent learns drug-seeking behavior through reinforcement.
- Computational Neuropsychological Simulations
- Description: Simulating cognitive tasks (e.g., attention tests) to model brain function.
- Example: Predicting cognitive decline trajectories based on modeled neural degradation.
- Simulating Developmental Processes
- Description: Agent-based models mimic child development stages (e.g., language acquisition).
- Example: Simulating how social skills develop through programmed agent interactions.
- Modeling Group Dynamics
- Description: Agent-based studies on leadership emergence or conflict resolution.
- Example: Simulating how group consensus forms under varying communication rules.
- Simulating Therapeutic Interventions
- Description: Testing intervention efficacy on simulated populations.
- Example: Modeling CBT effects on anxiety levels in a simulated agent population.
- Generative Models for Hypothetical Scenarios
- Description: AI-generated scenarios predict human behavior under hypothetical conditions.
- Example: Simulating public reactions to a health campaign using generative AI.
- Simulating Brain Connectivity
- Description: Computational models study brain region interactions under various conditions.
- Example: Simulating fMRI data to explore altered connectivity in schizophrenia.
- Simulating Trauma Effects
- Description: Models simulate long-term behavioral impacts of trauma.
- Example: Parameterizing models to show how trauma influences risk-taking behavior over time.
- AI-Generated Art for Theoretical Exploration
- Description: Using AI to create scenarios for theoretical psychological exploration.
- Example: Generating virtual scenarios to study aesthetic preferences in a simulated model.
These approaches leverage AI and computational simulations to explore psychological phenomena without new human experiments or surveys, offering insights through modeling, existing data analysis, and predictive analytics. [end of text]
llama_perf_sampler_print: sampling time = 211.16 ms / 2114 runs ( 0.10 ms per token, 10011.60 tokens per second)
llama_perf_context_print: load time = 10767.43 ms
llama_perf_context_print: prompt eval time = 14793.10 ms / 24 tokens ( 616.38 ms per token, 1.62 tokens per second)
llama_perf_context_print: eval time = 1746664.52 ms / 2089 runs ( 836.12 ms per token, 1.20 tokens per second)
llama_perf_context_print: total time = 1761973.66 ms / 2113 tokens
ggml_metal_free: deallocating