// obj: an object
// key: an property name of object
// val: an property value of object's key
// copy
obj2 = { ...obj }; // shallow
obj2 = structuredClone(obj); // deep (func is not supported)
// merge properties
Object.assign(obj, fromObj1, ...); // destructive; same key is overwritten by right side args
obj2 = {...obj, ...fromObj1}; // non-destructive
// cast from object
ary = Object.entries(obj); // [[key1, val1], [key2, val2], ...]
ary = Object.keys(obj); // [key1, key2, ...]
ary = Object.values(obj); // [val1, val2, ...]
str = JSON.stringify(obj); // to JSON string
map = new Map(Object.entries(obj));
// cast to object
obj = Object.fromEntries(iterable); // iterable is array, hashmap, etc.
obj = JSON.parse(str); // from JSON string
// check existence
bool = Object.hasOwn(obj, key); // key
bool = Object.values(obj).includes(val); // val
num = Object.keys(obj).length; // count of keys
// get val,key from key,val
val = obj.key;
key = Object.keys(obj).find(key => obj[key] === val);
// add key
obj.newKey = foo; // add destructive
obj2 = { newKey: foo, ...obj }; // add non-destructive
// remove key
delete obj.key; // remove destructive
let { key: _, ...obj2 } = obj; // remove non-destructive (hmm... newly created "_" var)
// others
// is plain object or not
bool = (obj !== null && typeof obj === "object" && obj.constructor == Object);
// filter properties ("keys" is string[])
obj2 = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(([key]) => keys.includes(key)))
// restrict key operation (destructive)
Object.freeze(obj); // can't add/remove key and update val
Object.seal(obj); // can't add/remove key, can update val
Object.preventExtensions(obj); // can't add key, can remove and update val
// ary: an array
// idx: an index of array
// val: a value of array at idx
// x: each value of array
// initialize by same values
ary = Array(idx).fill(val); // for primitive
ary = Array(idx).fill().map(() => ({})); // for object (make instance separately)
// copy
ary2 = [ ...ary ]; // shallow
ary2 = structuredClone(ary); // deep (func is not supported)
// merge arrays
ary0 = ary.concat(ary2, ary3, ...); // non-destructive
// cast from array
str = ary.join(",");
set = new Set(ary);
// cast to array
ary = str.split(",");
ary = JSON.parse(str); // from JSON string
ary = Object.entries(obj); // [[key1, val1], [key2, val2], ...]
ary = Object.keys(obj); // [key1, key2, ...]
ary = Object.values(obj); // [val1, val2, ...]
// check existence
bool = ary.includes(val); // val
num = ary.length; // count of idx
bool = ary.some(x => x > foo); // val match the condition, at least one
bool = ary.every(x => x > foo); // all val match the condition
// get val from idx
val = ary[idx]; // 0 <= idx < ary.length; otherwise undefined
val = ary.at(idx); // -ary.length <= idx < ary.length; ary.at(-1) is end val of ary
val = ary.find(x => x > foo); // first val matching the condition
// get idx from val
idx = ary.findIndex(x => x === foo); // first index of matching the condition
// add val
ary.push(foo); // to last; destructive
ary.unshift(foo); // to first; destructive
ary.splice(idx, 0, foo); // to idx; destructive
ary2 = [...ary, foo]; // to last; non-destructive
ary2 = [foo, ...ary]; // to first; non-destructive
ary2 = ary.toSpliced(idx, 0, foo); // add to idx non-destructive
// remove val
val = ary.pop(); // from last; destructive
val = ary.shift(); // from first; destructive
val = ary.splice(idx, 1); // from idx; destructive
ary2 = ary.slice(-(ary.length-1)); // from last; non-destructive
ary2 = ary.slice(1); // from first; non-destructive
ary2 = ary.toSpliced(idx, 1); // from idx; non-destructive
// update val
ary[idx] = foo; // destructive
ary2 = ary.with(idx, foo); // non-destructive
// cleaning array (non-destructive)
ary2 = ary.filter((x,i) => x !== foo); // get vals matching the condition
ary2 = ary.map((x,i) => x<foo ? x*bar : x); // adjust vals by func
ary2 = Array.from(new Set(ary)); // remove duplicates
ary2 = ary.flat(Infinity); // flatten jag array
// reorder sequence
ary.reverse(); // reverse; destructive
ary2 = ary.toReversed(); // reverse; non-destructive
ary.sort(); // sort num ascending; destructive
ary.sort().reverse(); // sort num descending; destructive
ary.sort((x,y) => x.localeCompare(y)); // sort str ascending; destructive
ary.sort((x,y) => y.localeCompare(x)); // sort str descending; destructive
ary.sort((x,y) => x.key - y.key); // sort obj ascending; destructive
ary.sort((x,y) => y.key - x.key); // sort obj descending; destructive
ary2 = ary.toSorted(); // sort num ascending; non-destructive
// sort() of above can be replaced to toSorted() that is non-destructive
// compare
bool = ary.length === ary2.length && ary.every((x,i) => x === ary2[i]); // equivalence
ary0 = ary.filter(x => ary2.indexOf(x) < 0); // difference; only work with unique array
// others
// is array or not
bool = Array.isArray(ary);
// process by each val
ary.forEach((x,i) => func(x));
// fold each val to one value
foo = ary.reduce((acc, x) => acc+x, init);
// grouping by function
obj = Object.groupBy(objAry, x => x.id>9 ? "big" : "sml"); // {sml: [{id: 3}], big: [{id: 10},{id: 77}]}
// like zip function
ary3 = Array.from(ary.keys().filter(i => i<ary2.length).map(i => [ary[i],ary2[i]]));