



デフォルト(?)でGNU ldが呼ばれると書きました。



とりあえず、clang --help | grep -E "ld|linkerで見てみる。

$ clang --help | grep -E "ld|linker"
  --emit-static-lib       Enable linker job to emit a static library.
  -faapcs-bitfield-load   Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only).
  -faapcs-bitfield-width  Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
                          Treat editor placeholders as valid source code
                          Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp
  -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
                          Time when the current build session started
                          Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Prevent optimization remarks from being output if they do not have at least this profile count. Use 'auto' to apply the threshold from profile summary
  -fembed-bitcode-marker  Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
                          Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
  -fmodule-name=<name>    Specify the name of the module to build
                          Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules
  -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
                          Specify the module user build path
                          Don't verify input files for the modules if the module has been successfully validated or loaded during this build session
                          Do not follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only).
  -fno-autolink           Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking
                          Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
                          Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
  -fno-rtlib-add-rpath    Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags
  -fno-temp-file          Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
                          Instantiate templates already while building a PCH
  -frtlib-add-rpath       Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags
                          Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
                          Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
  -fsystem-module         Build this module as a system module. Only used with -emit-module
                          Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
  -fxray-instruction-threshold= <value>
  -membedded-data         Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mextern-sdata          Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
  -mms-bitfields          Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-embedded-data      Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
  -mno-extern-sdata       Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
                          (integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
  -mno-ms-bitfields       Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
  -mno-relax              Disable linker relaxation
  -mrelax                 Enable linker relaxation
  -relocatable-pch        Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
  -T <script>             Specify <script> as linker script
  -Wl,<arg>               Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
  -Xlinker <arg>          Pass <arg> to the linker
  -z <arg>                Pass -z <arg> to the linker

念の為(?) -Xlinkerオプションを付けて実行してみる。
最近知ったのですが、-###をつけると、dry runとなります。

$ clang -### -Xlinker lld hello.c
clang version 12.0.0 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/ b978a93635b584db380274d7c8963c73989944a1)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
 "/usr/bin/ld" "-z" "relro" "--hash-style=gnu" "--eh-frame-hdr" "-m" "elf_x86_64" "-dynamic-linker" "/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" "-o" "a.out" "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o" "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crti.o" "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/crtbegin.o" "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9" "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu" "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../lib64" "-L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" "-L/lib/../lib64" "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" "-L/usr/lib/../lib64" "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/../../lib64" "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../.." "-L/home/saitoyutaka/clang/clang+llvm-12.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-20.04/bin/../lib" "-L/lib" "-L/usr/lib" "lld" "/tmp/hello-ec9dab.o" "-lgcc" "--as-needed" "-lgcc_s" "--no-as-needed" "-lc" "-lgcc" "--as-needed" "-lgcc_s" "--no-as-needed" "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/crtend.o" "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crtn.o"

GNU ldが呼ばれていました。





  // Get -fuse-ld= first to prevent -Wunused-command-line-argument. -fuse-ld= is
  // considered as the linker flavor, e.g. "bfd", "gold", or "lld".
  const Arg* A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_fuse_ld_EQ);
  StringRef UseLinker = A ? A->getValue() : CLANG_DEFAULT_LINKER;

(clang --helpでは出なかったけど)



$ cat hello.c 
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    printf("Hello world\n");
    return 0;
$ clang -### -fuse-ld=lld hello.c
clang version 12.0.0 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/ b978a93635b584db380274d7c8963c73989944a1)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
 "<省略>bin/ld.lld" "-z" "relro" "--hash-style=gnu" "--eh-frame-hdr" "-m" "elf_x86_64" "-dynamic-linker" "/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" "-o" "a.out" "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o" "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crti.o" "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/crtbegin.o" "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9" "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu" "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../lib64" "-L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" "-L/lib/../lib64" "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" "-L/usr/lib/../lib64" "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/../../lib64" "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../.." "-L/home/saitoyutaka/clang/clang+llvm-12.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-20.04/bin/../lib" "-L/lib" "-L/usr/lib" "/tmp/hello-4520a6.o" "-lgcc" "--as-needed" "-lgcc_s" "--no-as-needed" "-lc" "-lgcc" "--as-needed" "-lgcc_s" "--no-as-needed" "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/crtend.o" "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crtn.o"



$ clang -fuse-ld=lld hello.c
$ ./a.out 
Hello world




Use the bfd linker instead of the default linker.

Use the gold linker instead of the default linker.

Use the LLVM lld linker instead of the default linker.



