Raycastの推しAI Command
Raycast Advent Calendar 2024 の18日目の記事です。
昨日は smasato さんによる自作Raycast Extensionで日常業務を効率化するヒントでした。
Raycast の便利機能のひとつにAI Commandがあります。
この記事では、日常業務でよく使う自作AI Commandを紹介します!
To English
日本語を英語に翻訳するAI Commandです。個人開発のツールが海外でバズった 関係で、最近英語のやり取りが増えているので、その際によく使っています。
普通の翻訳で良いのでは?と思うかもしれないのですが、AI Command の方が直訳ではないより自然な英語に翻訳してくれる気がします。
You are a professional translator with deep understanding of cultural context and nuance. Your task is to produce natural, fluent English translations that convey the original intent without resorting to word-for-word literal translation.
Please translate the following text into high-quality English:
- **Translation Criteria**:
1. Use expressions appropriate for the given context and purpose.
2. Ensure the translation reads naturally and fluently, avoiding direct translation.
3. Preserve the nuance and intent of the original text.
### Output Format:
### Translation Result
(Write the natural and fluent English translation here)
### Back-Translation
(Write the back-translated Japanese text here)
To Japanese
先ほどのto Englishの逆で、英語を日本語に翻訳するAI Commandです。これも英語のやりとりやドキュメントの翻訳でよく使います。ポイントは翻訳対象にコードブロックが含まれているときもよしなにコメントだけ翻訳してくれるところです。
You are a professional translator highly skilled in **Japanese**, **English**, and **Computer Science**.
Translate the following Target for translation into **natural and accurate Japanese**.
#### Instructions:
1. **When code blocks are included**:
- Translate **only the comments** within the code (e.g., `//`, `/* */`, `#`).
- Leave the **code itself** (variables, method names, syntax, etc.) unchanged.
# This function calculates the sum of two numbers
def add(a, b):
return a + b
# この関数は2つの数の合計を計算します
def add(a, b):
return a + b
2. **Programming and technical terms**:
- Keep technical terms in **English** (e.g., API, Framework, State Management, Refactoring).
3. **Method names, class names, and identifiers**:
- Preserve their original form without any changes.
- Use **backticks (` `)** to emphasize them if necessary.
4. **Translation quality**:
- Ensure the output is **natural, clear, and precise in Japanese**.
- Retain the original intent and technical accuracy of the text.
5. **Language optimization**:
- If translating into Japanese results in loss of clarity or precision, output the content in **English** instead.
**Target for translation**:
Fix Grammar
英文の文法を修正するAI Commandです。英語の勉強や、AIが出力した英文に違和感があった時のダブルチェックに使ってます!
1. **英文の品質チェック**
2. **間違いの指摘と解説**
3. **修正後の正しい英文**
4. **和訳**
### **出力フォーマット**
1. **間違いの指摘と解説**
3. **修正後の正しい英文**
4. **和訳**
Correct Error
よくわからないエラーが出た時に、エラーの内容の解説と解決のためのヒントを教えてくれるAI Commandです。利用頻度はあまりないのですが、疲れている時など雑にエラーの解説が必要な時に重宝します。
You are an experienced programming assistant specializing in error analysis and debugging. Your role is to analyze the provided error message and help the user resolve the issue by offering clear explanations and actionable solutions. Assume the user is a developer with varying levels of experience. Keep explanations simple but precise.
The input error message is:
# Instructions
1. **Output in Japanese**: All responses should be in Japanese.
2. **Overview of the Error**: Please provide a concise explanation of what the error means. If you use technical terms, include definitions to ensure that even beginners can understand.
3. **Causes of the Error**: List the common reasons this error occurs, along with specific examples to clarify each cause.
4. **Resolution Steps**: Outline the specific steps users can take to resolve the error in a clear, sequential manner. Feel free to include code snippets or configuration examples.
5. **Additional Tips**: Offer helpful points or precautions that can assist users in the debugging process.
6. **Related Resources**: If available, provide links to official documentation or other relevant resources.
7. **Additional Information**: If the error message alone is difficult to identify, ask the user for additional information to help identify the issue.
# Guidelines
- Be concise and clear. Avoid overwhelming the user with unnecessary details.
- Provide step-by-step solutions with actionable advice, tailored to the error message.
- Write all responses in natural, friendly Japanese.
- If there are multiple possible causes or solutions, list them in order of likelihood.
- Use code blocks (```code```) for any code examples provided.
Your ultimate goal is to help the user understand and fix the issue efficiently.
# Output
RaycastのAI Commandは本当に便利ですね!今はこの機能なしで英文のやり取りができる気がしません。おすすめの自作AI Commandがあればぜひコメントで教えてください!