What I do
1. 公式ドキュメント通りに設定
2. 補完が効かない場合
コマンドを叩いて、insecure directories
% compinit
zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list.
Ignore insecure directories and continue [y] or abort compinit [n]?
% ompaudit
There are insecure directories:
% chmod 755 site-functions/
% chmod 755 /usr/local/share/zsh
3. 動作確認
% docker-compose
build -- Build or rebuild services
config -- Validate and view the Compose file
create -- Create services
down -- Stop and remove resources
events -- Receive real time events from containers
exec -- Execute a command in a running container
help -- Get help on a command
images -- List images
kill -- Kill containers
logs -- View output from containers
pause -- Pause services
port -- Print the public port for a port binding
ps -- List containers
pull -- Pull service images
push -- Push service images
restart -- Restart services
rm -- Remove stopped containers
run -- Run a one-off command
scale -- Set number of containers for a service
start -- Start services
stop -- Stop services
top -- Display the running processes
unpause -- Unpause services
up -- Create and start containers
version -- Show version information and quit