


二次元の箱[-b/2,b/2]^2の中で定義された二次元のスレーター関数、$exp(-a ||x||)を等間隔グリッドで刻み、離散化データを特異値分解した時の特異値の様子を見てみる。

n \times nのグリッド点を取るとし、n=64, 257, 513とする。


using LinearAlgebra
using Plots

function Gener_Slat(n1, b, alpha1)
    h1 = b / (n1 - 1)
    x = -b/2:h1:b/2
    y = -b/2:h1:b/2
    Fun1 = zeros(n1, n1)
    for i = 1:n1
        Fun1[i, :] .= exp.(-alpha1 .* sqrt.(x[i]^2 .+ y[:].^2))
    S1 = svd(Fun1).S
    sigmas = diagm(S1)
    return Fun1, sigmas, x, y

# Example 1
b = 10
alp = 1
Fun, sigmas, x, y = Gener_Slat(65, b, alp)
# Second plot
p1 = surface(x, y, Fun)
# First plot

_, sigmas_257, _, _ = Gener_Slat(257, b, alp)

_, sigmas_513, _, _ = Gener_Slat(513, b, alp)

plot_dims = plot(
    yaxis =:log10,
    #xaxis = :log,
    title ="Semilog Plot of Sigmas for Different n",
    xlabel = "Index",
    ylabel = "Sigma values",
    #markershape = :circle,
    titlefontsize = 17,
    legendfontsize = 13,
    tickfontsize = 13,
    xguidefont = 17,
    yguidefont = 17,
    #xlims = (1.0, 3.1),
    ylims = (10^(-20), 10^0),
    #yticks =([10^0, 10^1,]),
    #xticks = (collect(range(1,2*R-1, R))),
    #legend = :topleft,
    fontfamily = "Times New Roman",
    leftmargin=Plots.Measures.Length(:mm, 2.0),

plot!(plot_dims, (diag(sigmas)), label="n=65", color=:blue)
plot!(plot_dims, diag(sigmas_257), label="n=257", color=:red)
plot!(plot_dims, diag(sigmas_513), label="n=513", color=:black)


# Third plot
A1 = rand(65, 65)
S1 = svd(A1).S
#plot(semilogy(diagm(S1)), label="n=65", legend=:topleft)
A2 = rand(257, 257)
S2 = svd(A2).S
#plot!(semilogy(diagm(S1)), label="n=257", color=:red)
A3 = rand(513, 513)
S3 = svd(A3).S
#plot!(semilogy(diagm(S1)), label="n=513", color=:black)

plot_dims = plot(
    yaxis =:log10,
    #xaxis = :log,
    title ="Semilog Plot of Sigmas for Different n",
    xlabel = "Index",
    ylabel = "Sigma values",
    #markershape = :circle,
    titlefontsize = 17,
    legendfontsize = 13,
    tickfontsize = 13,
    xguidefont = 17,
    yguidefont = 17,
    #xlims = (1.0, 3.1),
    ylims = (10^(-20), 10^2),
    #yticks =([10^0, 10^1,]),
    #xticks = (collect(range(1,2*R-1, R))),
    legend = :bottomleft,
    fontfamily = "Times New Roman",
    leftmargin=Plots.Measures.Length(:mm, 2.0),

plot!(plot_dims, (S1), label="n=65", color=:blue)
plot!(plot_dims, S2, label="n=257", color=:red)
plot!(plot_dims, S3, label="n=513", color=:black)
