eQTLの実装 (Omics)
具体的な用途としては、複数の転写産物に影響を及ぼすDNA領域を決定したり、表現型のサブクラスを見つけるために利用するらしい。一口にeQTLといっても様々な手法が存在するが、線形回帰モデルやANOVAモデルや線形混合モデルなどを利用して解析を行うのが一般的である。2012年のMatrix eQTLの原著論文では、データの次元数が増えたとしてもPlinkなどと比較してMatrix eQTLの速度はそれほど低下しない(2024年現在の状況は調べていません)。
pkgs <- c("MatrixEQTL", "tidyverse")
for (pkg in pkgs) if (!requireNamespace(pkg)) {
BiocManager::install(pkg, update = FALSE)
for (pkg in pkgs) {
library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
base.dir <- find.package("MatrixEQTL")
useModel <- modelLINEAR
SNP_file_name <- paste0(base.dir, "/data/SNP.txt")
expression_file_name <- paste0(base.dir, "/data/GE.txt")
covariates_file_name <- paste0(base.dir, "/data/Covariates.txt")
output_file_name <- tempfile()
pvOutputThreshold <- 1e-2
errorCovariance <- numeric()
snps <- SlicedData$new()
snps$fileDelimiter = "\t"
snps$fileOmitCharacters = "NA"
snps$fileSkipRows = 1
snps$fileSkipColumns = 1
snps$fileSliceSize = 2000
snps$LoadFile( SNP_file_name )
gene <- SlicedData$new()
gene$fileDelimiter = "\t"
gene$fileOmitCharacters = "NA"
gene$fileSkipRows = 1
gene$fileSkipColumns = 1
gene$fileSliceSize = 2000
gene$LoadFile( expression_file_name )
cvrt = SlicedData$new()
cvrt$fileDelimiter = "\t"
cvrt$fileOmitCharacters = "NA"
cvrt$fileSkipRows = 1
cvrt$fileSkipColumns = 1
cvrt$fileSliceSize = 2000
cvrt$LoadFile( covariates_file_name )
15サンプル、15SNPの遺伝子型情報(0, 1, 2にエンコードされている)を解析に用いる。
> snps
SlicedData object. For more information type: ?SlicedData
Number of columns: 16
Number of rows: 15
Data is stored in 1 slices
Top left corner of the first slice (up to 10x10):
Sam_01 Sam_02 Sam_03 Sam_04 Sam_05 Sam_06 Sam_07 Sam_08 Sam_09
Snp_01 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 1 1
Snp_02 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 0
Snp_03 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
Snp_04 0 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 0
Snp_05 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 0
Snp_06 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 0 2
Snp_07 1 1 2 2 0 1 1 1 1
Snp_08 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
Snp_09 2 1 2 2 0 1 1 0 2
Snp_10 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 1
Snp_01 1
Snp_02 1
Snp_03 1
Snp_04 0
Snp_05 1
Snp_06 1
Snp_07 0
Snp_08 1
Snp_09 1
Snp_10 2
> gene
SlicedData object. For more information type: ?SlicedData
Number of columns: 16
Number of rows: 10
Data is stored in 1 slices
Top left corner of the first slice (up to 10x10):
Sam_01 Sam_02 Sam_03 Sam_04 Sam_05 Sam_06 Sam_07 Sam_08 Sam_09
Gene_01 4.91 4.63 5.18 5.07 5.74 5.09 5.31 5.29 4.73
Gene_02 13.78 13.14 13.18 13.04 12.85 13.07 13.09 12.83 14.94
Gene_03 12.06 12.29 13.07 13.65 13.86 12.84 12.29 13.03 13.13
Gene_04 11.63 11.88 12.74 12.66 13.16 11.99 11.97 12.81 11.74
Gene_05 14.72 14.66 14.63 15.91 15.46 14.74 15.17 15.01 14.05
Gene_06 12.29 12.23 12.47 13.21 12.63 12.18 12.44 12.45 13.22
Gene_07 12.56 12.71 12.49 13.41 13.60 12.35 12.27 13.42 14.73
Gene_08 12.27 12.58 12.61 13.02 12.86 12.32 12.30 13.19 15.21
Gene_09 9.82 9.29 8.95 8.18 8.11 9.43 9.17 9.25 10.95
Gene_10 14.24 14.52 14.62 13.65 13.46 14.04 13.97 13.73 12.29
Gene_01 5.72
Gene_02 13.86
Gene_03 14.93
Gene_04 13.29
Gene_05 14.90
Gene_06 12.70
Gene_07 15.47
Gene_08 14.60
Gene_09 9.82
Gene_10 12.01
> cvrt
SlicedData object. For more information type: ?SlicedData
Number of columns: 16
Number of rows: 2
Data is stored in 1 slices
Top left corner of the first slice (up to 10x10):
Sam_01 Sam_02 Sam_03 Sam_04 Sam_05 Sam_06 Sam_07 Sam_08 Sam_09
gender 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
age 36 40 46 65 69 43 40 54 44
gender 1
age 70
me = Matrix_eQTL_engine(
snps = snps,
gene = gene,
cvrt = cvrt,
output_file_name = output_file_name,
pvOutputThreshold = pvOutputThreshold,
useModel = useModel,
errorCovariance = errorCovariance,
verbose = TRUE,
pvalue.hist = TRUE,
min.pv.by.genesnp = FALSE,
noFDRsaveMemory = FALSE)
# Processing covariates
# Task finished in 0.02 seconds
# Processing gene expression data (imputation, residualization)
# Task finished in 0 seconds
# Creating output file(s)
# Task finished in 0.01 seconds
# Performing eQTL analysis
# 100.00% done, 5 eQTLs
# Task finished in 0 seconds
> show(me$all$eqtls)
snps gene statistic pvalue FDR beta
1 Snp_05 Gene_03 38.812160 5.515519e-14 8.273279e-12 0.4101317
2 Snp_13 Gene_09 -3.914403 2.055817e-03 1.541863e-01 -0.2978847
3 Snp_11 Gene_06 -3.221962 7.327756e-03 2.853368e-01 -0.2332470
4 Snp_04 Gene_10 3.201666 7.608981e-03 2.853368e-01 0.2321123
5 Snp_14 Gene_01 3.070005 9.716705e-03 2.915011e-01 0.2147077
cis/trans eQTL解析
その他にも、Matrix eQTLは遺伝子近傍のSNP(cis-eQTL)と、離れた領域のSNP(trans-eQTL)を区別して解析できる。これらについて解析を行いたい場合は、前述のMatrix_eQTL_engine()関数ではなくてMatrix_eQTL_main()関数を用いるとともにいくつかのパラメータを設定する必要がある。具体的には、以下の4つのパラメータを定義した際にgene-SNPのペア間の距離がcisDist以下であった場合、そのペアはcisであると判定される。
- pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0
- cisDist
- snpspos
- genepos
# source("Matrix_eQTL_R/Matrix_eQTL_engine.r");
## Location of the package with the data files.
base.dir = find.package('MatrixEQTL');
## Settings
# Linear model to use, modelANOVA, modelLINEAR, or modelLINEAR_CROSS
useModel = modelLINEAR; # modelANOVA, modelLINEAR, or modelLINEAR_CROSS
# Genotype file name
SNP_file_name = paste0(base.dir, "/data/SNP.txt");
snps_location_file_name = paste0(base.dir, "/data/snpsloc.txt");
# Gene expression file name
expression_file_name = paste0(base.dir, "/data/GE.txt");
gene_location_file_name = paste0(base.dir, "/data/geneloc.txt");
# Covariates file name
# Set to character() for no covariates
covariates_file_name = paste0(base.dir, "/data/Covariates.txt");
# Output file name
output_file_name_cis = tempfile();
output_file_name_tra = tempfile();
# Only associations significant at this level will be saved
pvOutputThreshold_cis = 2e-2;
pvOutputThreshold_tra = 1e-2;
# Error covariance matrix
# Set to numeric() for identity.
errorCovariance = numeric();
# errorCovariance = read.table("Sample_Data/errorCovariance.txt");
# Distance for local gene-SNP pairs
cisDist = 1e6;
## Load genotype data
snps = SlicedData$new();
snps$fileDelimiter = "\t"; # the TAB character
snps$fileOmitCharacters = "NA"; # denote missing values;
snps$fileSkipRows = 1; # one row of column labels
snps$fileSkipColumns = 1; # one column of row labels
snps$fileSliceSize = 2000; # read file in slices of 2,000 rows
## Load gene expression data
gene = SlicedData$new();
gene$fileDelimiter = "\t"; # the TAB character
gene$fileOmitCharacters = "NA"; # denote missing values;
gene$fileSkipRows = 1; # one row of column labels
gene$fileSkipColumns = 1; # one column of row labels
gene$fileSliceSize = 2000; # read file in slices of 2,000 rows
## Load covariates
cvrt = SlicedData$new();
cvrt$fileDelimiter = "\t"; # the TAB character
cvrt$fileOmitCharacters = "NA"; # denote missing values;
cvrt$fileSkipRows = 1; # one row of column labels
cvrt$fileSkipColumns = 1; # one column of row labels
if(length(covariates_file_name)>0) {
## Run the analysis
snpspos = read.table(snps_location_file_name, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
genepos = read.table(gene_location_file_name, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
me = Matrix_eQTL_main(
snps = snps,
gene = gene,
cvrt = cvrt,
output_file_name = output_file_name_tra,
pvOutputThreshold = pvOutputThreshold_tra,
useModel = useModel,
errorCovariance = errorCovariance,
verbose = TRUE,
output_file_name.cis = output_file_name_cis,
pvOutputThreshold.cis = pvOutputThreshold_cis,
snpspos = snpspos,
genepos = genepos,
cisDist = cisDist,
pvalue.hist = TRUE,
min.pv.by.genesnp = FALSE,
noFDRsaveMemory = FALSE);
## Results:
cat('Analysis done in: ', me$time.in.sec, ' seconds', '\n');
cat('Detected local eQTLs:', '\n');
cat('Detected distant eQTLs:', '\n');
## Make the histogram of local and distant p-values
> show(me$cis$eqtls)
snps gene statistic pvalue FDR beta
1 Snp_05 Gene_03 38.812160 5.515519e-14 5.515519e-12 0.4101317
2 Snp_04 Gene_10 3.201666 7.608981e-03 3.804491e-01 0.2321123
> show(me$trans$eqtls)
snps gene statistic pvalue FDR beta
1 Snp_13 Gene_09 -3.914403 0.002055817 0.1027908 -0.2978847
2 Snp_11 Gene_06 -3.221962 0.007327756 0.1619451 -0.2332470
3 Snp_14 Gene_01 3.070005 0.009716705 0.1619451 0.2147077
expression_file_name <- paste0(base.dir, "/data/GE.txt")
df_ge <- read.table(expression_file_name, header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
sampleids <- colnames(df_ge)
df_ge_long <- df_ge %>% mutate(geneid = rownames(.)) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = all_of(sampleids), names_to = "sample", values_to = "expression")
snp_file_name <- paste0(base.dir, "/data/SNP.txt")
df_snp <- read.table(snp_file_name, header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
df_snp_long <- df_snp %>% mutate(snp = rownames(.)) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = all_of(sampleids), names_to = "sample", values_to = "genotype")
df_gene_03 <- merge(df_ge_long, df_snp_long, by = "sample", all = F) %>%
filter(geneid == "Gene_03" & snp == "Snp_05")
df_gene_03$genotype <- as.factor(df_gene_03$genotype)
p <- ggplot(df_gene_03, aes(x = genotype, y = expression, group = genotype)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(fill = genotype)) +
geom_dotplot(binaxis = "y") +
- Matrix eQTLの各種ページへのリンク
- Matrix eQTLの原著論文
- Github - MatrixEQTL
- 遺伝統計学・夏の学校 講義実習資料 GenomeDataAnalysis2
- Introduction to eQTL analysis ←公式ドキュメントを個人で解説した資料
- A pipeline for RNA-seq based eQTL analysis with automated quality control procedures ← 本記事では触れないが、Matrix eQTLを実行する際の前処理の参考になりそうな論文