portion of execution time when a value is present in memory
stores dynamically allocated data
Java Heap space is used by java runtime to allocate memory to Objects and JRE classes. Whenever we create an object, it’s always created in the Heap space.
Garbage Collection runs on the heap memory to free the memory used by objects that don’t have any reference. Any object created in the heap space has global access and can be referenced from anywhere of the application.
utility to make a Java archive
JAR stands for Java ARchive. It's a file format based on the popular ZIP file format and is used for aggregating many files into one. Although JAR can be used as a general archiving tool, the primary motivation for its development was so that Java applets and their requisite components (.class files, images and sounds) can be downloaded to a browser in a single HTTP transaction, rather than opening a new connection for each piece. This greatly improves the speed with which an applet can be loaded onto a web page and begin functioning. The JAR format also supports compression, which reduces the size of the file and improves download time still further. Additionally, individual entries in a JAR file may be digitally signed by the applet author to authenticate their origin.
Upon instantiation, a range of bytes is assigned to the object
pointer arithmetic
**Using the memory address as a number **
accessing memory location of a pointer.
- https://wa3.i-3-i.info/word12818.html
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/what-does-dereferencing-a-pointer-mean-in-c-cplusplus
a piece of code runs in many instances.
A computer program or subroutine is called reentrant if multiple invocations can safely run concurrently on a single processor system, where a reentrant procedure can be interrupted in the middle of its execution and then safely be called again ("re-entered") before its previous invocations complete execution. The interruption could be caused by an internal action such as a jump or call, or by an external action such as an interrupt or signal, unlike recursion, where new invocations can only be caused by internal call.
Describes code that can be used by multiple parties simultaneously without side-effects (e.g. can be safely called by multiple threads).
- http://lucyjava.blogspot.com/2007/06/re-entrant-recursive-and-idempotent.html
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/856823/threadsafe-vs-re-entrant
An operation is “thread-safe” if it can be performed from multiple threads safely, even if the calls happen simultaneously on multiple threads.
An operation is re-entrant if it can be performed while the operation is already in progress (perhaps in another context). This is a stronger concept than thread-safety, because the second attempt to perform the operation can even come from within the same thread.
keywords to declare a package, import a package
there is always exactly one instance of it, and that belongs to the class
immutable primitive types: the value of the variable cannot be changed
initializer block
a block inside the class, runs upon instance initialisation
Initialization blocks are executed whenever the class is initialized and before constructors are invoked.