



$ git clone
$ cd social-app
$ node --version
$ yarn --version
$ yarn install
$ yarn web
yarn install v1.22.21
[1/5] 🔍  Validating package.json...
[2/5] 🔍  Resolving packages...
warning Resolution field "zeed-dom@0.10.9" is incompatible with requested version "zeed-dom@^0.9.19"
warning Resolution field "@react-native/babel-preset@0.74.1" is incompatible with requested version "@react-native/babel-preset@~0.74.83"
warning Resolution field "@react-native/babel-preset@0.74.1" is incompatible with requested version "@react-native/babel-preset@0.74.83"
warning Resolution field "expo-constants@16.0.1" is incompatible with requested version "expo-constants@^13.0.2"
warning Resolution field "expo-device@6.0.2" is incompatible with requested version "expo-device@~4.1.1"
warning Resolution field "@react-native/babel-preset@0.74.1" is incompatible with requested version "@react-native/babel-preset@^0.73.18"
[3/5] 🚚  Fetching packages...
[4/5] 🔗  Linking dependencies...
warning " > @discord/bottom-sheet@4.6.1" has unmet peer dependency "@shopify/flash-list@*".
warning " > @expo/webpack-config@19.0.0" has incorrect peer dependency "expo@^49.0.7".
warning "@segment/sovran-react-native > @react-native-async-storage/async-storage@1.19.2" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native@^0.0.0-0 || 0.60 - 0.72 || 1000.0.0".
warning " > @tanstack/react-query-persist-client@5.25.0" has incorrect peer dependency "@tanstack/react-query@^5.25.0".
warning "expo-splash-screen > @expo/prebuild-config@7.0.3" has unmet peer dependency "expo-modules-autolinking@>=0.8.1".
warning " > react-native-drawer-layout@4.0.0-alpha.3" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native@0.72.6".
warning " > react-native-drawer-layout@4.0.0-alpha.3" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native-gesture-handler@~2.12.0".
warning " > react-native-drawer-layout@4.0.0-alpha.3" has incorrect peer dependency "react-native-reanimated@~3.3.0".
warning " > react-native-web-webview@1.0.2" has unmet peer dependency "file-loader@*".
warning " > @expo/prebuild-config@6.7.0" has unmet peer dependency "expo-module-scripts@^3.3.0".
warning " > @expo/prebuild-config@6.7.0" has unmet peer dependency "expo-modules-autolinking@>=0.8.1".
warning " > eslint-plugin-ft-flow@2.0.3" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/eslint-parser@^7.12.0".
warning "react-scripts > eslint-config-react-app > eslint-plugin-flowtype@8.0.3" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/plugin-syntax-flow@^7.14.5".
warning "react-scripts > eslint-config-react-app > eslint-plugin-flowtype@8.0.3" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx@^7.14.9".
warning Workspaces can only be enabled in private projects.
[5/5] 🔨  Building fresh packages...
warning Your current version of Yarn is out of date. The latest version is "1.22.22", while you're on "1.22.21".
info To upgrade, run the following command:
$ brew upgrade yarn
$ patch-package && yarn intl:compile
patch-package 6.5.1
Applying patches...
@lingui/core@4.5.0 ✔
@mattermost/react-native-paste-input@0.7.1 ✔
@sentry/react-native@5.5.0 ✔
expo-haptics@13.0.1 ✔
expo-modules-core@1.12.11 ✔
expo-notifications@0.28.7 ✔
expo-updates@0.25.14 ✔
metro@0.80.4 ✔
metro-runtime@0.80.4 ✔
metro-transform-worker@0.80.4 ✔
react-native@0.74.1 ✔
react-native-reanimated@3.11.0 ✔
yarn run v1.22.21
$ lingui compile
Compiling message catalogs…
✨  Done in 3.83s.
$ is-ci || husky install
husky - Git hooks installed
✨  Done in 75.46s.
(base) nabeyang@nabeyang-mac social-app % yarn web          
yarn run v1.22.21
$ expo start --web
Starting project at /Users/nabeyang/src/
Starting Metro Bundler
Starting Webpack on port 19006 in development mode.
(node:37324) [DEP_WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_CONSTRUCTOR] DeprecationWarning: Using 'compiler' as the first argument is deprecated. Please use 'options' as the first argument and 'compiler' as the second argument.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:37324) [DEP_WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_LISTEN] DeprecationWarning: 'listen' is deprecated. Please use the async 'start' or 'startCallback' method.
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██▀▀▀██▄▀ ▄▀▀██  ██ ▀█▀█  ▄ ▄█ █ ▀█
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█ █▄▄▄█ █ ▀▄▄▀█▄ ▄▄▀  ▄▀█  █ ▄▀██▄█

› Metro waiting on exp+bluesky://expo-development-client/?url=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.3.2%3A8081
› Scan the QR code above to open the project in a development build. Learn more:

› Web is waiting on http://localhost:19006

› Using development build
› Press s │ switch to Expo Go

› Press a │ open Android
› Press i │ open iOS simulator
› Press w │ open web

› Press j │ open debugger
› Press r │ reload app
› Press m │ toggle menu
› Press o │ open project code in your editor

› Press ? │ show all commands

