
Automating Dependabot with GitHub Actions

Automating Dependabot with GitHub Actions

Automating Dependabot with GitHub Actions


Managing pull requests generated by Dependabot can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with them every week. To streamline the process and save time, you can set certain conditions to automatically merge these pull requests. In this blog post, we will explore how to automate Dependabot using GitHub Actions.

Dependabot Configuration

Here is a sample configuration for Dependabot that many users typically utilize:

version: 2
  # docs
  - package-ecosystem: "npm" # See documentation for possible values
    directory: "/docs" # Location of package manifests
    open-pull-requests-limit: 20
      interval: "weekly"

This configuration specifies that Dependabot should check for updates weekly in the /docs directory of an npm package ecosystem. It also sets a limit of 20 open pull requests.

Using GitHub Token or GitHub App

There are two approaches you can take to automate Dependabot: using GitHub Token or using a GitHub App.

GitHub Token

Using a GitHub Token has a limitation; you cannot trigger a separate workflow on the base branch after automerging. Therefore, it is not recommended to use a Personal Access Token for this purpose.

GitHub App

Creating a GitHub App requires organizational admin permissions, so be cautious when choosing this option. However, using a GitHub App allows more flexibility, including running additional workflows on the base branch after automerging.

Enterprise Considerations

One important note is that certain features may not be available for private repositories without an Enterprise plan. If you are using a private repository and want to use these features, consider upgrading to the Enterprise plan.

Alternative Approaches

If you prefer alternative approaches or want to explore different options, below are some references you can check out:

These references provide additional insights and options for automating the merge process in GitHub.


While dealing with Dependabot pull requests every week can be time-consuming, automating the merge process can make it more efficient. By setting certain conditions and utilizing the power of GitHub Actions, you can save precious development time. Remember to choose the right approach, depending on your requirements and organization's permissions.

Nicosys Tech blog
