
[CDK] -e オプションで依存関係を解消





CDK(Cloud Development Kit)は、クラウドインフラストラクチャをコードで管理するためのツール。
昨今では当たり前となってきましたが、従来はコンソール画面からリソースを手動で設定、構築していましたが、CDKを使用することで、プログラミング言語(TypeScript、Python、Java など)を使ってクラウドリソースを記述し、コードとして管理できるようになります。





コマンド 機能
cdk init 新しいCDKプロジェクトを作成
cdk synth 指定した1つ以上のスタックのCFnテンプレートを合成して印刷
cdk diff ローカルのCDKアプリケーションとデプロイされたスタックの差分を表示
cdk deploy 指定した1つ以上のスタックをデプロイ
cdk destroy 指定した1つ以上のスタックを削除
cdk list アプリ内のスタックを一覧表示
cdk bootstrap AWSアカウント内のCDKリソースをセットアップ(初回のみ実行)
  • synthは、想定通りのリソースが定義されていることを確認する際に使用します。
  • bootstrapは、デプロイのための環境を準備するプロセスであり、各環境毎(開発・検証・本番等)異なるアカウントを利用する場合、初回デプロイ前に必ず実行するコマンドとなります。




日次で動かすバッチをStep Functionsで構築し、2回目にデプロイを実行したところ、







  • スタックA(対象スタック)を初回デプロイ
  • 次にスタックBでスタックAのリソースをどれかしら使用してデプロイ → ここで依存関係が生まれる
  • 次にスタックAの仕様変更に伴い一部リソースを変更後、デプロイ → ERROR!!!!




cdk deploy -e TargetStack --profile profileName



% cdk deploy --help
cdk deploy [STACKS..]

Deploys the stack(s) named STACKS into your AWS account

  -a, --app                  REQUIRED WHEN RUNNING APP: command-line for
                             executing your app or a cloud assembly directory
                             (e.g. "node bin/my-app.js"). Can also be specified
                             in cdk.json or ~/.cdk.json                 [string]
      --build                Command-line for a pre-synth build         [string]
  -c, --context              Add contextual string parameter (KEY=VALUE) [array]
  -p, --plugin               Name or path of a node package that extend the CDK
                             features. Can be specified multiple times   [array]
      --trace                Print trace for stack warnings            [boolean]
      --strict               Do not construct stacks with warnings     [boolean]
      --lookups              Perform context lookups (synthesis fails if this is
                             disabled and context lookups need to be performed)
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
      --ignore-errors        Ignores synthesis errors, which will likely produce
                             an invalid output        [boolean] [default: false]
  -j, --json                 Use JSON output instead of YAML when templates are
                             printed to STDOUT        [boolean] [default: false]
  -v, --verbose              Show debug logs (specify multiple times to increase
                             verbosity)                 [count] [default: false]
      --debug                Enable emission of additional debugging
                             information, such as creation stack traces of
                             tokens                   [boolean] [default: false]
      --profile              Use the indicated AWS profile as the default
                             environment                                [string]
      --proxy                Use the indicated proxy. Will read from HTTPS_PROXY
                             environment variable if not specified      [string]
      --ca-bundle-path       Path to CA certificate to use when validating HTTPS
                             requests. Will read from AWS_CA_BUNDLE environment
                             variable if not specified                  [string]
  -i, --ec2creds             Force trying to fetch EC2 instance credentials.
                             Default: guess EC2 instance status        [boolean]
      --version-reporting    Include the "AWS::CDK::Metadata" resource in
                             synthesized templates (enabled by default)[boolean]
      --path-metadata        Include "aws:cdk:path" CloudFormation metadata for
                             each resource (enabled by default)        [boolean]
      --asset-metadata       Include "aws:asset:*" CloudFormation metadata for
                             resources that uses assets (enabled by default)
  -r, --role-arn             ARN of Role to use when invoking CloudFormation
      --staging              Copy assets to the output directory (use
                             --no-staging to disable the copy of assets which
                             allows local debugging via the SAM CLI to reference
                             the original source files)[boolean] [default: true]
  -o, --output               Emits the synthesized cloud assembly into a
                             directory (default: cdk.out)               [string]
      --notices              Show relevant notices                     [boolean]
      --no-color             Removes colors and other style from console output
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
      --ci                   Force CI detection. If CI=true then logs will be
                             sent to stdout instead of stderr
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
      --version              Show version number                       [boolean]
      --all                  Deploy all available stacks
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  -E, --build-exclude        Do not rebuild asset with the given ID. Can be
                             specified multiple times      [array]

[default: []]
  -e, --exclusively          Only deploy requested stacks, don't include
===================ここですね!====================                           [boolean]
      --require-approval     What security-sensitive changes need manual
                         [string] [choices: "never", "any-change", "broadening"]
      --notification-arns    ARNs of SNS topics that CloudFormation will notify
                             with stack related events                   [array]
  -t, --tags                 Tags to add to the stack (KEY=VALUE), overrides
                             tags from Cloud Assembly (deprecated)       [array]
      --execute              Whether to execute ChangeSet (--no-execute will NOT
                             execute the ChangeSet) (deprecated)
                                                          [deprecated] [boolean]
      --change-set-name      Name of the CloudFormation change set to create
                             (only if method is not direct)             [string]
  -m, --method               How to perform the deployment. Direct is a bit
                             faster but lacks progress information
                [string] [choices: "direct", "change-set", "prepare-change-set"]
  -f, --force                Always deploy stack even if templates are identical
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
      --parameters           Additional parameters passed to CloudFormation at
                             deploy time (STACK:KEY=VALUE) [array] [default: {}]
  -O, --outputs-file         Path to file where stack outputs will be written as
                             JSON                                       [string]
      --previous-parameters  Use previous values for existing parameters (you
                             must specify all parameters on every deployment if
                             this is disabled)         [boolean] [default: true]
      --toolkit-stack-name   The name of the existing CDK toolkit stack (only
                             used for app using legacy synthesis)       [string]
      --progress             Display mode for stack activity events
                                             [string] [choices: "bar", "events"]
      --rollback             Rollback stack to stable state on failure. Defaults
                             to 'true', iterate more rapidly with --no-rollback
                             or -R. Note: do **not** disable this flag for
                             deployments with resource replacements, as that
                             will always fail                          [boolean]
      --hotswap              Attempts to perform a 'hotswap' deployment, but
                             does not fall back to a full deployment if that is
                             not possible. Instead, changes to any
                             non-hotswappable properties are ignored.Do not use
                             this in production environments           [boolean]
      --hotswap-fallback     Attempts to perform a 'hotswap' deployment, which
                             skips CloudFormation and updates the resources
                             directly, and falls back to a full deployment if
                             that is not possible. Do not use this in production
                             environments                              [boolean]
      --watch                Continuously observe the project files, and deploy
                             the given stack(s) automatically when changes are
                             detected. Implies --hotswap by default    [boolean]
      --logs                 Show CloudWatch log events from all resources in
                             the selected Stacks in the terminal. 'true' by
                             default, use --no-logs to turn off. Only in effect
                             if specified alongside the '--watch' option
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
      --concurrency          Maximum number of simultaneous deployments
                             (dependency permitting) to execute.
                                                           [number] [default: 1]
      --asset-parallelism    Whether to build/publish assets in parallel
      --asset-prebuild       Whether to build all assets before deploying the
                             first stack (useful for failing Docker builds)
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
      --ignore-no-stacks     Whether to deploy if the app contains no stacks
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  -h, --help                 Show help                                 [boolean]


Only deploy requested stacks, don't include dependencies







