Gemini APIを触ってみる会
とりあえず触るためにはAPIキーが必要になるので、まずはGoogle AI Studioを開く。
つぎに左上にある「Get API key」を押す。
「キー APIキーを作成」を押すことで作成できる。
次に取得したAPI keyを使ってGeminiのAPIを使ってみます。
curl "" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"contents": [{
"parts":[{"text": "Explain how AI works"}]
"candidates": [
"content": {
"parts": [
"text": "Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad field encompassing various techniques that enable computers to mimic human intelligence. There's no single \"how it works\" answer, as different AI approaches use different methods. However, we can break down the core concepts:\n\n**1. Data is King:** AI systems learn from data. The more relevant and high-quality data you feed an AI, the better it will perform. This data can be anything from images and text to sensor readings and financial transactions.\n\n**2. Algorithms are the Recipe:** Algorithms are sets of instructions that tell the computer how to process the data. These algorithms are designed to extract patterns, make predictions, or solve problems. Different AI tasks use different algorithms.\n\n**3. Learning from Data:** A crucial aspect of many AI systems is their ability to learn from data without explicit programming. This is often achieved through several approaches:\n\n* **Machine Learning (ML):** This involves algorithms that allow the system to identify patterns and build models from data without being explicitly programmed for each specific task. Instead, they learn from examples. Common types of machine learning include:\n * **Supervised Learning:** The algorithm is trained on labeled data (data where the correct answer is already known). For example, showing an AI thousands of images of cats and dogs, each labeled accordingly, to teach it to distinguish between them.\n * **Unsupervised Learning:** The algorithm is trained on unlabeled data and tasked with finding structure or patterns within the data. For example, grouping similar customers together based on their purchasing history.\n * **Reinforcement Learning:** The algorithm learns through trial and error, receiving rewards for correct actions and penalties for incorrect ones. This is commonly used in robotics and game playing.\n\n* **Deep Learning (DL):** A subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks with multiple layers (hence \"deep\"). These networks are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain and are particularly effective at processing complex data like images, audio, and text. Deep learning powers many advanced AI applications like image recognition, natural language processing, and self-driving cars.\n\n**4. Representation and Reasoning:** AI systems need to represent knowledge and reason with it. This can involve:\n\n* **Knowledge Representation:** Storing and organizing information in a way that the computer can understand and use.\n* **Reasoning:** Using the stored knowledge to draw conclusions, solve problems, and make decisions. This can involve logical deduction, probabilistic reasoning, or other techniques.\n\n**5. Evaluation and Improvement:** AI systems are continuously evaluated to measure their performance. This allows developers to identify areas for improvement and refine the algorithms and data used.\n\n**In simpler terms:** Imagine teaching a dog a trick. You show the dog (the AI) examples (the data) of the trick, reward it when it gets it right (reinforcement learning), and correct it when it's wrong. Over time, the dog learns the trick without you explicitly explaining every step. AI works similarly, but instead of a dog, it's a computer program, and instead of tricks, it's complex tasks.\n\nIt's important to note that AI is constantly evolving, and new techniques and approaches are continuously being developed. This explanation provides a general overview, and the specifics can vary greatly depending on the particular AI system.\n"
"role": "model"
"finishReason": "STOP",
"avgLogprobs": -0.22412655432674963
"usageMetadata": {
"promptTokenCount": 4,
"candidatesTokenCount": 693,
"totalTokenCount": 697
"modelVersion": "gemini-1.5-flash"
Gemini APIのチュートリアルにはPHPはないですが、packagistで探して今回はこちらを使って触ってみます。
composer require google-gemini-php/client
Do you trust "php-http/discovery" to execute code and wish to enable it now?
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle
に作成したAPI keyを設定してください。
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';
$apiKey = 'your-api-key';
$client = Gemini::client($apiKey);
$result = $client->geminiFlash()->generateContent('なんかやる気が出る一言を言ってください');
echo $result->text() . PHP_EOL;
% php api.php
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';
$apiKey = 'your-api-key';
$client = Gemini::client($apiKey);
$chat = $client->geminiFlash()->startChat([]);
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$text = readline('You: ');
$result = $chat->sendMessage($text);
echo $result->text() . PHP_EOL;
% php chat.php
You: なんかやる気が出る一言を言ってください
You: いや、二歩くらい下がりそうだよ、困ったな
二歩下がったっていいんです。そこからまた、自分のペースで一歩ずつ、前へ進めばいい。 大切なのは、止まらないこと。どんなに小さな一歩でも構いません。 あなたは、すでに十分頑張っていますよ。
You: ありがとう、いまので三歩くらい進んだよ
素晴らしい! その調子で、自分のペースで進んでいきましょう! 応援しています!
[0] => Gemini\Data\Content Object
[parts] => Array
[0] => Gemini\Data\Part Object
[text] => なんかやる気が出る一言を言ってください
[inlineData] =>
[role] => Gemini\Enums\Role Enum:string
[name] => USER
[value] => user
[1] => Gemini\Data\Content Object
[parts] => Array
[0] => Gemini\Data\Part Object
[text] => 大丈夫、できるよ。一歩ずつ進もう。
[inlineData] =>
[role] => Gemini\Enums\Role Enum:string
[name] => MODEL
[value] => model
[2] => Gemini\Data\Content Object
[parts] => Array
[0] => Gemini\Data\Part Object
[text] => いや、二歩くらい下がりそうだよ、困ったな
[inlineData] =>
[role] => Gemini\Enums\Role Enum:string
[name] => USER
[value] => user
[3] => Gemini\Data\Content Object
[parts] => Array
[0] => Gemini\Data\Part Object
[text] => 二歩下がったっていいんです。そこからまた、自分のペースで一歩ずつ、前へ進めばいい。 大切なのは、止まらないこと。どんなに小さな一歩でも構いません。 あなたは、すでに十分頑張っていますよ。
[inlineData] =>
[role] => Gemini\Enums\Role Enum:string
[name] => MODEL
[value] => model
[4] => Gemini\Data\Content Object
[parts] => Array
[0] => Gemini\Data\Part Object
[text] => ありがとう、いまので三歩くらい進んだよ
[inlineData] =>
[role] => Gemini\Enums\Role Enum:string
[name] => USER
[value] => user
[5] => Gemini\Data\Content Object
[parts] => Array
[0] => Gemini\Data\Part Object
[text] => 素晴らしい! その調子で、自分のペースで進んでいきましょう! 応援しています!
[inlineData] =>
[role] => Gemini\Enums\Role Enum:string
[name] => MODEL
[value] => model
Gemini APIをとりあえず触ってみました。