lando start時のエラー対応
lando start
__ __ __ __ ___ _ __ __ __ ______
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Let's get this party started! Starting app my-lando-app...
ERROR ==> connect ENOENT /var/run/docker.sock
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An error occurred while starting up your app!
Here are a few things you can try to get back into a good state:
■ Try running lando rebuild
■ Try restarting in debug mode lando restart -vvv
■ Try checking the logs with lando logs
If those fail then consult the troubleshooting materials:
■ https://docs.lando.dev/help/logs.html
■ https://docs.lando.dev/help/updating.html
Or post your issue to Slack or GitHub
■ Slack - https://launchpass.com/devwithlando
■ GitHub - https://github.com/lando/lando/issues/new/choose
ERROR ==> connect ENOENT /var/run/docker.sock
以下を実行した上で、再度lando start
sudo ln -s ~/.docker/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock