
gosimple/slug slugに適した変換をしてくれるライブラリを紹介



RealWorld で Go の勉強をしているときにgosimplel/slugというライブラリを発見しました。



タイトルに書いた通り、文字列を slug に適した変換をしてくれます。
以下はリポジトリの go.doc の例です。


package main

import (

func main() {
	text := slug.Make("Hellö Wörld хелло ворлд")
	fmt.Println(text) // Will print: "hello-world-khello-vorld"

	someText := slug.Make("影師")
	fmt.Println(someText) // Will print: "ying-shi"

	enText := slug.MakeLang("This & that", "en")
	fmt.Println(enText) // Will print: "this-and-that"

	deText := slug.MakeLang("Diese & Dass", "de")
	fmt.Println(deText) // Will print: "diese-und-dass"

	slug.Lowercase = false // Keep uppercase characters
	deUppercaseText := slug.MakeLang("Diese & Dass", "de")
	fmt.Println(deUppercaseText) // Will print: "Diese-und-Dass"

	slug.CustomSub = map[string]string{
		"water": "sand",
	textSub := slug.Make("water is hot")
	fmt.Println(textSub) // Will print: "sand-is-hot"


また、url に使用できない文字はそれぞれ変換してくれます(スペースはハイフンに、&andに変換、etc...)。
日本語にも対応しています(たとえば、タイトルは taitoru)。

	text := slug.Make("Hellö Wörld хелло ворлд")
	fmt.Println(text) // Will print: "hello-world-khello-vorld"

	someText := slug.Make("影師")
	fmt.Println(someText) // Will print: "ying-shi"


	enText := slug.MakeLang("This & that", "en")
	fmt.Println(enText) // Will print: "this-and-that"

	deText := slug.MakeLang("Diese & Dass", "de")
	fmt.Println(deText) // Will print: "diese-und-dass"

他には slug 判定するIsSlug()が実装されています。


slug.Lowercase = falseで小文字変換を無効にしたり、slug.CustomSubで独自の変換を設定できたりします。

	slug.Lowercase = false // Keep uppercase characters
	deUppercaseText := slug.MakeLang("Diese & Dass", "de")
	fmt.Println(deUppercaseText) // Will print: "Diese-und-Dass"

	slug.CustomSub = map[string]string{
		"water": "sand",
	textSub := slug.Make("water is hot")
	fmt.Println(textSub) // Will print: "sand-is-hot"


var (
	// CustomSub stores custom substitution map
	CustomSub map[string]string
	// CustomRuneSub stores custom rune substitution map
	CustomRuneSub map[rune]string

	// MaxLength stores maximum slug length.
	// It's smart so it will cat slug after full word.
	// By default slugs aren't shortened.
	// If MaxLength is smaller than length of the first word, then returned
	// slug will contain only substring from the first word truncated
	// after MaxLength.
	MaxLength int

	// Lowercase defines if the resulting slug is transformed to lowercase.
	// Default is true.
	Lowercase = true


実際に slug.go を確認してみました。



// Make returns slug generated from provided string. Will use "en" as language
// substitution.
func Make(s string) (slug string) {
	return MakeLang(s, "en")

17 種類の言語が設定されており、どれにも該当しなかった場合自動的に英語変換になります(jaとかchとかは存在しないのでenになる)。

// MakeLang returns slug generated from provided string and will use provided
// language for chars substitution.
func MakeLang(s string, lang string) (slug string) {
	slug = strings.TrimSpace(s)

	// Custom substitutions
	// Always substitute runes first
	slug = SubstituteRune(slug, CustomRuneSub)
	slug = Substitute(slug, CustomSub)

	// Process string with selected substitution language.
	// Catch ISO 3166-1, ISO 639-1:2002 and ISO 639-3:2007.
	switch strings.ToLower(lang) {
	case "cs", "ces":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, csSub)
	case "de", "deu":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, deSub)
	case "en", "eng":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, enSub)
	case "es", "spa":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, esSub)
	case "fi", "fin":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, fiSub)
	case "fr", "fra":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, frSub)
	case "gr", "el", "ell":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, grSub)
	case "hu", "hun":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, huSub)
	case "id", "idn", "ind":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, idSub)
	case "kz", "kk", "kaz":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, kkSub)
	case "nb", "nob":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, nbSub)
	case "nl", "nld":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, nlSub)
	case "nn", "nno":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, nnSub)
	case "pl", "pol":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, plSub)
	case "sl", "slv":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, slSub)
	case "sv", "swe":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, svSub)
	case "tr", "tur":
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, trSub)
	default: // fallback to "en" if lang not found
		slug = SubstituteRune(slug, enSub)

	// Process all non ASCII symbols
	slug = unidecode.Unidecode(slug)

	if Lowercase {
		slug = strings.ToLower(slug)

	// Process all remaining symbols
	slug = regexpNonAuthorizedChars.ReplaceAllString(slug, "-")
	slug = regexpMultipleDashes.ReplaceAllString(slug, "-")
	slug = strings.Trim(slug, "-_")

	if MaxLength > 0 {
		slug = smartTruncate(slug)

	return slug

他にも、slug 判定するIsSlugは以下のように実装されていることがわかりました。

// IsSlug returns True if provided text does not contain white characters,
// punctuation, all letters are lower case and only from ASCII range.
// It could contain `-` and `_` but not at the beginning or end of the text.
// It should be in range of the MaxLength var if specified.
// All output from slug.Make(text) should pass this test.
func IsSlug(text string) bool {
	if text == "" ||
		(MaxLength > 0 && len(text) > MaxLength) ||
		text[0] == '-' || text[0] == '_' ||
		text[len(text)-1] == '-' || text[len(text)-1] == '_' {
		return false
	for _, c := range text {
		if (c < 'a' || c > 'z') && c != '-' && c != '_' && (c < '0' || c > '9') {
			return false
	return true




文字列を slug に適した変換をしてくれるgosimple/slugについて紹介しました。
slug の自動生成だけでなく脆弱性も排除されそうですので、使ってみてはどうでしょうか。
