
UPM Release Notes - 2019.3 Changes



この記事は、 2020年版 Unity Package Manager の Release Notes 全部抜く の部分記事です。

Unity 2019.3 での Unity Package Manager に関する Changes を詳細を記しています。


PackageInfo に Git 関連情報追加

Added a new git attribute to the PackageManager.PackageInfo C# class

競合解決の情報を upm.log に記録

Added conflict resolution information logging in the upm.log during the resolve operation.

Package Manager UI に要素を追加するためのメニュー拡張を追加

Added menu extension to add new items to the Package Manager UI.

SCP を用いた Git URL をサポート

Added support for the SCP format (for example, git@github.com:user/repo.git) when using Git-based packages.


Conflicts are no longer reported as errors when the requested dependency of a package is satisfied by a greater major version.

UPM Package としての Package Manager UI の配布を廃止

Deprecated the Package Manager UI as a package.

Asset Store の My Assets は異なるページに分離してグルーピング

Grouped Assets in separate pages for the "My Assets" filter in the Package Manager UI.

エディタの LastLayout サイズを削減

Reduced the Editor's LastLayout file size.


エディタ再生中に Asset Store からダウンロードしようとすると警告を表示

Warn the user when they try to enter Play mode while downloading Assets from the AssetStore.
Warn the user when they try to start downloading a package from the AssetStore while are in Play mode.
