SageMaker Studio:KernelGateway を停止するCLIスクリプト
Studio:KernelGateway でコストが発生してる!というアナタへ送る AWS CLI です。
起動中の SageMaker Studio のカーネルを探し、すべて停止します。
# Function to get running apps
get_running_apps() {
aws sagemaker list-apps --query "Apps[?Status=='InService']"
# Function to stop an app
stop_app() {
local domain_id=$1
local user_profile_name=$2
local app_type=$3
local app_name=$4
echo "Stopping $app_type app: $app_name"
aws sagemaker delete-app \
--domain-id "$domain_id" \
--user-profile-name "$user_profile_name" \
--app-type "$app_type" \
--app-name "$app_name"
# Main script
echo "Checking for running SageMaker Studio instances..."
if [ -z "$running_apps" ] || [ "$running_apps" == "[]" ]; then
echo "No running instances found. All instances are stopped."
echo "Found running instance(s). Stopping them..."
echo "$running_apps" | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r app; do
domain_id=$(echo $app | jq -r '.DomainId')
user_profile_name=$(echo $app | jq -r '.UserProfileName')
app_type=$(echo $app | jq -r '.AppType')
app_name=$(echo $app | jq -r '.AppName')
stop_app "$domain_id" "$user_profile_name" "$app_type" "$app_name"
echo "All instances have been requested to stop. They may take a few minutes to fully terminate."
echo "Script completed."