- AmplifyデプロイにplatformというUIから見えないオプションがあって、12以降はプラットフォームが
になっていないとダメ - モノレポ指定せずにPJを始めるとデフォルトで 別のものになっていたりするので注意が必要なポイント
Reverting an SSR migration
When you deploy a Next.js app, Amplify Hosting detects the settings in your app and sets the internal platform value for the app. There are three valid platform values. An SSG app is set to the platform value WEB. An SSR app using Next.js version 11 is set to the platform value WEB_DYNAMIC. A Next.js 12 or later SSR app is set to the platform value WEB_COMPUTE.
When you migrate an app using the instructions in the previous section, Amplify changes the platform value of your app from WEB_DYNAMIC to WEB_COMPUTE. After the migration to Amplify Hosting compute is complete, you can't revert the migration in the console. To revert the migration, you must use the AWS Command Line Interface to change the app's platform back to WEB_DYNAMIC. Open a terminal window and enter the following command, updating the app ID and Region with your unique information.
aws amplify update-app --app-id ここにappID --platform 'WEB_COMPUTE' --region ap-northeast-1
で、さらにブランチレベルではダッシュボードからもみえるNEXT.js - SSR
aws amplify update-branch --app-id ここにappID --branch-name main --framework 'Next.js - SSR' --region ap-northeast-1