
ログ-キャラクターデザインを画像生成AIでブラッシュアップする-DALLE3, Midjourney, niji-jouney



  • 新しいマンガを制作しています。

  • ネームが描けたのでペン入れをしていきたいのですが、実はキャラクターデザインが定まっていません。

  • そこで、AIにキャラクターデザインをブラッシュアップを手伝ってもらいます。

  • ここに、マンガのイメージボードがあります。
  • 今回は、AIで右下のキャラクターのデザインをブラッシュアップすることを試みます。
  • 移動中に作業したかったので、全てスマホで行いました。

キャラクター原案をChatGPT PlusでImage to Text

  • イメージボードから、キャラクターの部分をトリミングします。(色味が上記のイメージボードと異なりますが、気にしないでください。
  • これをChatGPT Plusにアップロードして、Image to Textしてもらいます。

  • ChatGPTが出力した英語による説明は下記

This image is a stylized digital drawing that resembles a frame from a graphic novel. The art style is relatively simple with a limited color palette, primarily using shades of brown, beige, and white. It features a character, appearing as a middle-aged woman, with a tired and concerned expression. She has short, straight brown hair that is parted in the middle, and her face shows signs of distress with beads of sweat and furrowed eyebrows.
The woman is wearing a white shirt with a collar and a sleeveless dress or apron on top that has two visible buttons. Her posture is slightly hunched, and she's leaning against what appears to be a window frame or a similar structure, suggesting she might be inside a room, looking out or taking a moment of rest. The background is abstract and does not provide specific details about the location. The overall mood conveyed by her expression and posture is one of worry or exhaustion.




This image is a stylized digital drawing that resembles a frame from a graphic novel. The art style is relatively simple with a limited color palette, primarily using shades of brown, beige, and white. It features a character, appearing as a middle-aged woman, with a tired and concerned expression. She has short, straight brown hair that is parted in the middle, and her face shows signs of distress with beads of sweat and furrowed eyebrows.

The woman is wearing a white shirt with a collar and a sleeveless dress or apron on top that has two visible buttons. Her posture is slightly hunched, and she's leaning against what appears to be a window frame or a similar structure, suggesting she might be inside a room, looking out or taking a moment of rest. The background is abstract and does not provide specific details about the location. The overall mood conveyed by her expression and posture is one of worry or exhaustion.
  • ChatGPT Plus(DALLE3)が出力した画像は下記

  • 元の絵は女子高生のつもりなのですが、もっと上の年齢の女性の画像が出力されてしまいました

  • 表情や姿勢(何かにもたれかかっている)などの洞察は流石のGPT-4Vです

  • ちなみに、ChatGPTが出力した英文の和訳は下記

この画像は、グラフィック ノベルのフレームに似た様式化されたデジタル描画です。 アート スタイルは比較的シンプルで、カラー パレットは限られており、主に茶色、ベージュ、白の色合いが使用されています。 疲れて心配そうな表情を浮かべた中年女性の姿をしたキャラクターが登場します。 彼女は真ん中で分けた短くてまっすぐな茶色の髪をしており、彼女の顔には玉のような汗と眉間にしわがあり苦痛の兆候が見られます。
女性は襟付きの白いシャツを着ており、その上にボタンが 2 つ見えるノースリーブのドレスまたはエプロンを着ています。 彼女の姿勢はわずかに前かがみで、窓枠または同様の構造物と思われるものに寄りかかっており、彼女が部屋の中で外を眺めているか、または休憩していることを示唆しています。 背景は抽象的であり、場所に関する具体的な詳細は示されていません。 彼女の表情や姿勢から伝わる全体的な雰囲気は、不安や疲労のようなものです。

  • この内容では、女子高生の画像を生成するのは難しそうです
  • しかし、せっかくなので、このままMidjourney V6と先日リリースされたばかりのniji-journey V6でも画像を生成してみます



  • niji-journeyにかわいいアウトプットがあるのでキープします。

ChatGPT Plus上で画像の修正を試みる

  • ChatGPTが出力した画像に対して、修正を指示します

  • 出力された画像は下記

DALLE3が出力した画像をImage to Text

  • 上記の画像をそのままChatGPTにアップロードして、Image to Textを指示します
キャラクター原案をImage to Text
  • 出力された英文は下記

The image is a digital illustration of a young high school girl depicted in an anime style. She has short, wavy hair that frames her face, with bangs that hang just above her eyes. Her expression is cheerful and lively, with her eyes wide and a slight smile on her lips.
She's dressed in a traditional Japanese high school uniform, consisting of a navy blue blazer with a badge on the left lapel, indicating her school or club affiliation. Underneath the blazer, she wears a white collared shirt with a blue and white striped tie. Her navy blue skirt is pleated, and she is wearing white socks that reach mid-calf, with brown school shoes.
Her posture is upright and full of youthful energy. The background is plain and does not distract from the character, putting all the focus on her. The illustration captures the classic look of a Japanese student and exudes a sense of innocence and the vibrancy of youth.

ChatGPT PlusでText to Image

  • 上記で出力した英文で、画像生成を行います

The image is a digital illustration of a young high school girl depicted in an anime style. She has short, wavy hair that frames her face, with bangs that hang just above her eyes. Her expression is cheerful and lively, with her eyes wide and a slight smile on her lips.
She's dressed in a traditional Japanese high school uniform, consisting of a navy blue blazer with a badge on the left lapel, indicating her school or club affiliation. Underneath the blazer, she wears a white collared shirt with a blue and white striped tie. Her navy blue skirt is pleated, and she is wearing white socks that reach mid-calf, with brown school shoes.
Her posture is upright and full of youthful energy. The background is plain and does not distract from the character, putting all the focus on her. The illustration captures the classic look of a Japanese student and exudes a sense of innocence and the vibrancy of youth.
  • 出力された画像は下記

  • キャラクター原案からはかけ離れていますが、これもリファレンスとします
  • さらに、Midjourneyとniji-journeyでも生成してみます

  • キャラクター原案では、ストンとしたストレートヘアをイメージしていましたが、おでこの出た短い癖っ毛も可愛いのではないか、という着想を得ました

リファレンス画像をImage to Text

  • 最初にniji-journeyで生成した画像と、おでこ癖っ毛の画像をリファレンスとして定めます
  • これらをChatGPT PlusでImage to Textします

  • ChatGPTの出力は下記

This image is a digital illustration done in a warm, painterly style that gives the impression of soft lighting. It depicts a close-up of a young girl with a pensive or worried expression. She has short, dark hair that frames her face with a slight wave and a few strands loosely hanging over her forehead. Her eyes are large and round, gazing upwards to her left, which creates a sense of contemplation or concern.
The girl's skin is fair with a subtle blush on her cheeks, and there's a hint of a shadow under her chin, suggesting a light source above her. She is wearing a white collared shirt and a dark jumper or vest over it. The collar of the shirt is slightly rumpled, adding to the casual, realistic feel of the image.
The background is undefined with warm hues of yellow and orange, focusing the viewer's attention on the girl's face and expression. The artwork has a textured look, reminiscent of traditional media, which adds depth and emotion to the scene. The overall mood is introspective and slightly melancholic.

  • ChatGPTの出力は下記

The image is a highly detailed digital illustration of a young woman drawn in an anime style. She has large, expressive brown eyes with long lashes and a soft, friendly smile. Her skin is fair and flawless, and she has a slight blush on her cheeks.
Her hair is short and curly, framing her face with voluminous, dark curls. She has a neat, side-parted hairstyle that gives her a youthful and modern appearance.
She is wearing a traditional Japanese school uniform, which includes a dark blazer with a crest on the breast pocket, a white collared shirt, and a striped tie in shades of blue. The uniform suggests that she is a high school student.
The background is plain and light in color, which puts all the focus on her. The illustration captures the essence of a cheerful and approachable young student in a typical school setting. The artwork is clean, with smooth lines and soft coloring, creating an inviting and pleasant character portrayal.

Text to Imageしてよりイメージに近い画像を見つける

  • 上記の英文から、Mitjourney, niji-journey, PixAI(自分の絵で学習したLoRAを使用)で画像を生成します
This image is a digital illustration done in a warm, painterly style that gives the impression of soft lighting. It depicts a close-up of a young girl with a pensive or worried expression. She has short, dark hair that frames her face with a slight wave and a few strands loosely hanging over her forehead. Her eyes are large and round, gazing upwards to her left, which creates a sense of contemplation or concern.
The girl's skin is fair with a subtle blush on her cheeks, and there's a hint of a shadow under her chin, suggesting a light source above her. She is wearing a white collared shirt and a dark jumper or vest over it. The collar of the shirt is slightly rumpled, adding to the casual, realistic feel of the image.
The background is undefined with warm hues of yellow and orange, focusing the viewer's attention on the girl's face and expression. The artwork has a textured look, reminiscent of traditional media, which adds depth and emotion to the scene. The overall mood is introspective and slightly melancholic.

The image is a highly detailed digital illustration of a young woman drawn in an anime style. She has large, expressive brown eyes with long lashes and a soft, friendly smile. Her skin is fair and flawless, and she has a slight blush on her cheeks.
Her hair is short and curly, framing her face with voluminous, dark curls. She has a neat, side-parted hairstyle that gives her a youthful and modern appearance.
She is wearing a traditional Japanese school uniform, which includes a dark blazer with a crest on the breast pocket, a white collared shirt, and a striped tie in shades of blue. The uniform suggests that she is a high school student.
The background is plain and light in color, which puts all the focus on her. The illustration captures the essence of a cheerful and approachable young student in a typical school setting. The artwork is clean, with smooth lines and soft coloring, creating an inviting and pleasant character portrayal.


  • 数十枚画像を生成した中から、よりキャラクターのイメージに近いものをピックアップしてリファレンスとします

  • 癖っ毛のおでこを出したショートボブ、太い眉、大きくて少し離れた目、小さい鼻と口、厚い唇、丸顔だけど顎のラインはシャープ、などイメージが定まりました


  • 上記のイメージを抽象化してキャラクターを描きます

  • まだ少し揺れがありますが、原稿を描きながら修正していけそうです
  • 移動しながらキャラクターのデザインを定めることができて、捗りました

